Brown Cafe, Reddit


All Trash No Trailer
Considering I'm about to "block" you for the same reason, I'd suggest you reconsider looking at the post I quoted.

Very few retired drivers from Atlanta on this forum who have an active opinion on the moderators, know what is going on, and would think they have information about the owners private life.

Cheryl didn't deserve the crap you said about her, and I'm pretty fine with removing you from the house she built.
Wasn’t me, believe what you want. I don’t care enough to discuss anybody on this form outside of this form. You all have an inflated sense of worth if you think it was me as I don’t care anything about anybody here.
Again I’m not obsessed with this forum as so many here seem to be.
But feel free to block me and you’ll probably ban as you normally do anyway so it’s not a big deal either way .
Either way have a great Sunday
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Well-Known Member
I read it as you were accusing me directly, so I responded to your accusations .
Wasn’t me. Yall want to think it was me? Fine
Enjoy yourselves
Again, I really don’t have the capacity to care either way 👍
You read it that way, but I didn’t say it? OK. Whoever said it is a turd.


Well-Known Member
I read it as you were accusing me directly, so I responded to your accusations .
Wasn’t me. Yall want to think it was me? Fine
Enjoy yourselves
Again, I really don’t have the capacity to care either way 👍
Well, I always have the capacity to defend my brother and sisters and the job they do. The rest of it is what it is.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
@IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U sent me a message about something to do with something called Reddit.
First off I had no idea what Reddit is, and secondly, I’m not obsessed enough with this form to go talk about anonymous members that I don’t even even know on some kind of weird ass forum.
There are many here whose entire lives are spent wrapped up in the Internet and this forum I’m not one of them. I would rather look at porn than talk about anyone here. The energy and time spent discussing people on this on this form I would much rather spend elsewhere. to anybody who thinks it’s me that’s funny. You have an inflated sense of worth to think I would talk about you outside of this form., and secondly I’d rather tell you directly on this forum exactly what I think. That’s why I stay banned every couple of weeks.
Yall want to think it’s me fine, I don’t I don’t care . Again I don’t have the time or energy to care what anonymous people that hide behind screen names think of me.
Do have a great Sunday!
Can you write that entire monologue in calligraphy, for us? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
When did everyone get asked to donate? I don't remember that at all. I also highly doubt the effort would only yield $21.00.

In my opinion this person sounds like someone that uses this site but doesn't want to actually say that stuff on here so he says enough to make someone think it's another poster on Reddit.


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
This place has more actual information about UPS and the IBT, if you choose to dig in. And it can be pretty funny. But on the other hand we also have like a weird amount of 8,000 page threads of the same five or ten dudes ranting their political takes and arguing in circles. The redditors are not completely off base 😂
I’ve been looking through both a lot lately. The Reddit group seems to have become what BC used to be. And BC has been reduced to what the early stages of that Reddit group looked like.

But your analysis was spot on.


When did everyone get asked to donate? I don't remember that at all. I also highly doubt the effort would only yield $21.00.

In my opinion this person sounds like someone that uses this site but doesn't want to actually say that stuff on here so he says enough to make someone think it's another poster on Reddit.
Sounds like a poosie boy to me