Chattanooga, TN Marine Shooter

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI
Expansive visa programs make it 'impossible to track them all'

Under current U.S. immigration policy, an ISIS terrorist doesn’t need to hop a fence or swim a river to reach America. He can enter the U.S. legally as a student, as a skilled guest-worker, as a refugee, as an entrepreneur, or as a tourist – and fly here in the comfort of a jumbo jet.

According to U.S. Census data, the U.S. welcomes about 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year. This represents the fastest growing segment of immigrants coming to America.

Muslims are pouring in by the thousands every year with an army of liberal media scumbags and politicians ready to pounce on anyone that challenges their evil cult beliefs. Meanwhile....that same army has their hateful radars permanently fixed on Christians and their beliefs. There is no hope for this country.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Perhaps but all I am saying was when I was in (1981-89) we only had to shoot once a year.

When I got out we were supposed to test on the M16 every two years and the M9 (I think). I was in the AF nearly a decade and INCLUDING basic training I only fired the M16 twice and never fired the M9. I'm not even sure it was the M9. Hence the "(I think)"


Legio patria nostra
1. Thank you for your service.
2. If you don't feel that reservists in our military are adequately trained to have firearms, then perhaps the answer is more training. I think that would be preferable to requiring them to be unarmed and helpless.

Maybe the USAF chooses to not let the guys that put "gas on airplanes" to handle a weapon and hurt themselves...Sort of a short bus thing ;-)


Well-Known Member
They should just secretly allow the recruitment centers to be armed with concealed weapons. Don't make any fact, have the President make a false announcement about how he never plans to arm recruitment centers.

The next towelhead to attack will receive the surprise of his life when the soldiers send him to Allah before he can do anything!
Shoot him, run to the store to grab some bacon and cover him in bacon. Bacon makes everything better.


Staff member
Or maybe he doesn't care about where their desert is located, or even if they actually come from a desert, and just wants them away from our country.
Except that in America, there is no state religion and therefore it belongs to American Muslims just as much as it belongs to the Southern Baptist redneck. Yeah. That's the Constitution for you.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Except that in America, there is no state religion and therefore it belongs to American Muslims just as much as it belongs to the Southern Baptist redneck. Yeah. That's the Constitution for you.

Islam is not a religion. It is an evil cult and should be classified as such, banned from this Country, and exterminated from the Earth.


Nine Lives
Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI
Expansive visa programs make it 'impossible to track them all'

Under current U.S. immigration policy, an ISIS terrorist doesn’t need to hop a fence or swim a river to reach America. He can enter the U.S. legally as a student, as a skilled guest-worker, as a refugee, as an entrepreneur, or as a tourist – and fly here in the comfort of a jumbo jet.

According to U.S. Census data, the U.S. welcomes about 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year. This represents the fastest growing segment of immigrants coming to America.
Legal immigrants?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The difference is that no guns have ever killed anyone. In order to operate they need to have their triggers pulled. Islam is a barbaric cult that has allot of fingers available to pull those triggers. Conservatives attack problems at the source. Liberals go after the symptoms.
So should we shoot all the Catholics in order to keep little boys from being molested?

How about shooting all the Southern Baptists because they are the ones wearing bedsheets and lynching black people?

I am by no means a fan or supporter of the Islamic faith but it is a fact that the overwhelming majority of its 1 billion+ followers worldwide are not extremists or terrorists. It is also a fact that the overwhelming majority of the victims of ISIS extremism are fellow Muslims--either Kurds, moderate Sunni's, or Shiites whom ISIS regards as apostates. It is also a fact that there are Muslim nations such as Turkey and Indonesia that are military allies of the United States.

Prejudice and ignorance are wrong, whether directed at gun owners or Muslims.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Islam is not a religion. It is an evil cult and should be classified as such, banned from this Country, and exterminated from the Earth.

Maybe we should round them all up and herd them into concentration camps and make them wear red crescent badges on their clothing. We could also tattoo ID numbers on their arms. We could work the healthy ones to death, the weak and elderly ones can go straight to the showers. It would certainly be the Christian thing to do.


Legio patria nostra
Wow, so many left wing expertise on BC these days. Never any viable solutions offered, only criticism towards those that realize that these days, there is nothing that is not possible from the muzzies. Comparing what the radical muzzies do to Southern Baptists does NOTHING to address the problem of ISIS and the bunch bringing their activities to the USA via a number of means. If someone can tell the good ones from the bad ones, stand up and tell someone how to address it then. Otherwise, I believe they are all guilty and have to proved their innocence. They are not Americans, so they don't have our rights. THERE...that's what I vote for!


Well-Known Member
If someone can tell the good ones from the bad ones, stand up and tell someone how to address it then. Otherwise, I believe they are all guilty and have to proved their innocence. They are not Americans, so they don't have our rights. THERE...that's what I vote for!

Dang straight! That's what 'Murica was founded on!

Oh wait, that's the exact opposite. Never mind.