Chattanooga, TN Marine Shooter


Legio patria nostra
I was actually talking about the "Exploding Muslim Immigrants" story that was cited earlier in this thread. Perhaps "guilty until proven innocent" confused the Libs. What I meant is trust no one entering this country from anywhere. Like it or not, these are the times we are living in.


Inordinately Right
Catholics aren't the only ones molesting little boys. Its happening in every group you can think of. Both religious and non. But nice try though.
Muslims aren't the only ones killing people. But nice try though.
Those people flip sides just as quickly as the victors change.
So would you concede that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake and a waste of American lives and money? After all, they could just flip sides and be our enemies a decade down the road.
Liberals are always quick to defend the enemy. I swear if this country were ever to face war on or own land many of these liberals (not all or even most, but many) would end up being collaborators with the enemy. And I am dead serious about that.
Yeah, that must be why all the democrats supported the wars after 9/11. Truth is, liberals are just as reactionary as conservatives. You sir, live on fantasy island, and da plane arrives 10 times a day.


Well-Known Member
I was actually talking about the "Exploding Muslim Immigrants" story that was cited earlier in this thread. Perhaps "guilty until proven innocent" confused the Libs. What I meant is trust no one entering this country from anywhere. Like it or not, these are the times we are living in.
What about these guys? Are they guilty till proven innocent?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Muslims aren't the only ones killing people. But nice try though.

I clearly stated that they are responsible for the most violence. There murders, genocide, and terror can't be matched by anyone else. But nice try though.

So would you concede that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake and a waste of American lives and money? After all, they could just flip sides and be our enemies a decade down the road.

I would concede that it was a waste of money because of HOW we fought them. Not because we fought them. And if we would have kicked the snot out of them like everyone knows we could have then our Islamic "allies" definitely wouldn't flip flop on us.

Yeah, that must be why all the democrats supported the wars after 9/11. Truth is, liberals are just as reactionary as conservatives. You sir, live on fantasy island, and da plane arrives 10 times a day.

Your second sentence only explains the first. But Republicans are more apt to controlling their emotions than liberals and can think things clearly and logically through to the end. Liberals are like chickens with their heads cut off and should never be allowed to make tough decisions while riding high on those emotions.

I live in the real world. It's liberals that live in a fantasy land. Such as the one where Islam is a peaceful religion, a human child isn't technically a child until it passes out of the birth canal, habitual government dependents are just "unfortunate" and everyone else is "fortunate" and the latter is responsible for the former's plight, and that crime will go away by banning guns, pregnancy and STDs are not preventable and are someone else's fault, that taxing 1% of the population more will offset massive government spending that is a national security hazard, that the sun and rotation of the Earth have nothing to do with climate change and that it's man's fault, etc. etc. etc......[/quote]


Legio patria nostra
What about these guys? Are they guilty till proven innocent?

Boy, this seems to be very difficult with some of you people. Do those 2 guys look like muslim immigrants that are trying to get into the US? I'll help....NO! They are already here, genius. Take a few minutes and understand what I clearly stated I was talking about. Are you really that thick? Did you vote for "change" too?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Where is the disscussion about the weapon the shooter was able to have in his possession? Who is asking the tough questions?

Where did he get it?

What kind of background check did he recieve?

Did he buy it at a GUN SHOW through the GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE provision?

Did some gun store fail to recognize that he was from the middle east and sold him the gun and ammo and clips anyways?

WHO sold him the assault weapon he used without regard for his mental capacity or troubled history of depression?

How did he manage to secure an assault weapon from his family and friends even though they knew he had mental issues, lost his job, was awaiting court and going bankrupt???

Why is the gun not an issue in this story?

All eveyone wants to know about is his religion. Thats all they care about. So far, there are NO LINKS to ISIS or any other terror group, and its looking more like another american with a gun and a ton of problems who was intent on ending his life and going out with a bang until he either killed himself or was killed by police.

Yes, he was from kuwait, yes he visited Jordan to see his grandfather, but that is looking like it has nothing to do with the shooting.

And that brings us back to another gun owner with a ton of problems using his gun to solve them all.



Legio patria nostra
Sorry the authorities are not cooperating with your expectations TOS. First things first. The fact that you don't agree and that is what is being looked at in the order of priority should tell you something.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Where is the disscussion about the weapon the shooter was able to have in his possession? Who is asking the tough questions?

Where did he get it?

What kind of background check did he recieve?

Did he buy it at a GUN SHOW through the GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE provision?

Did some gun store fail to recognize that he was from the middle east and sold him the gun and ammo and clips anyways?

WHO sold him the assault weapon he used without regard for his mental capacity or troubled history of depression?

How did he manage to secure an assault weapon from his family and friends even though they knew he had mental issues, lost his job, was awaiting court and going bankrupt???

Why is the gun not an issue in this story?

All eveyone wants to know about is his religion. Thats all they care about. So far, there are NO LINKS to ISIS or any other terror group, and its looking more like another american with a gun and a ton of problems who was intent on ending his life and going out with a bang until he either killed himself or was killed by police.

Yes, he was from kuwait, yes he visited Jordan to see his grandfather, but that is looking like it has nothing to do with the shooting.

And that brings us back to another gun owner with a ton of problems using his gun to solve them all.


There is no loophole. Gun show merchants have to run background checks and you can buy a gun from an individual without one outside of a gun show just the same as inside.


Well-Known Troll
Where is the disscussion about the weapon the shooter was able to have in his possession? Who is asking the tough questions?

TOS comes through with the tough questions.

Where did he get it? THEM, he had 3 guns. A gun store

What kind of background check did he recieve? Your standard background check

Did he buy it at a GUN SHOW through the GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE provision? He didn't, that would be too convenient for your "cause"

Did some gun store fail to recognize that he was from the middle east and sold him the gun and ammo and clips anyways? Nope, and that would be profiling. We don't do that here.

WHO sold him the assault weapon he used without regard for his mental capacity or troubled history of depression? "Sadness and bad feelings do not preclude one from getting a weapon"

How did he manage to secure an assault weapon from his family and friends even though they knew he had mental issues, lost his job, was awaiting court and going bankrupt??? He got the weapon from his friends?? Any proof? Probably not

Why is the gun not an issue in this story? Because 5 Americans are dead at the hands of yet ANOTHER muslim, guns take a back seat

All eveyone wants to know about is his religion. Thats all they care about. So far, there are NO LINKS to ISIS or any other terror group, and its looking more like another american with a gun and a ton of problems who was intent on ending his life and going out with a bang until he either killed himself or was killed by police.

He's a Muslim, that's all we need to know about him.

Yes, he was from kuwait, yes he visited Jordan to see his grandfather, but that is looking like it has nothing to do with the shooting.

How deep in the sand is your head??

And that brings us back to another gun owner with a ton of problems using his gun to solve them all.

Nope. Another muslim targeting American service men and women, because they're the "infidels"


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There is no loophole. Gun show merchants have to run background checks and you can buy a gun from an individual without one outside of a gun show just the same as inside.

Shows what YOU know about GUN SHOWS.

Everthing you said is pure B.S. and the reason BUSH started Operation Wide Reciever that continued into the Obama administration only to be called Operation Fast and Furious.

The intent was to seek out STRAW BUYERS who go to GUN SHOWS and buy guns from UNLICENSED gun sellers and then turn around and sell them to cartels and gang members.

Do you even know what the GUN SHOW loophole is??

The loophole is where many of the guns that end up in chicago come from. A straw buyer goes to Texas, New Mexico or Arizona, and buys guns from unlicensed gun seller INSIDE the Gun Show, then takes those unregistered guns to states where they bring top dollar by gang members.

Gun Show loopholes is where all the assault style weapons are getting into the hands of the worst of Americans.

But, we all know that YOU gun freaks would NOT stop these kinds of loopholes, and you would rather see schools getting shot up, workplaces getting shot up, malls getting shot up and recruiting stations getting shot up, if it meant that MORE GUNS would be allowed on the streets so you John Wayne types can have that shootout you are dreaming of.

Sorry charlie, any idiot can buy a gun at a gun show without a background check or even having to produce a drivers license.



swollen member
But, we all know that YOU gun freaks would NOT stop these kinds of loopholes, and you would rather see schools getting shot up, workplaces getting shot up, malls getting shot up and recruiting stations getting shot up, if it meant that MORE GUNS would be allowed on the streets so you John Wayne types can have that shootout you are dreaming of.

that's a nice list of "gun free" zones you put up there

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Shows what YOU know about GUN SHOWS.

Everthing you said is pure B.S. and the reason BUSH started Operation Wide Reciever that continued into the Obama administration only to be called Operation Fast and Furious.

The intent was to seek out STRAW BUYERS who go to GUN SHOWS and buy guns from UNLICENSED gun sellers and then turn around and sell them to cartels and gang members.

Do you even know what the GUN SHOW loophole is??

The loophole is where many of the guns that end up in chicago come from. A straw buyer goes to Texas, New Mexico or Arizona, and buys guns from unlicensed gun seller INSIDE the Gun Show, then takes those unregistered guns to states where they bring top dollar by gang members.

Gun Show loopholes is where all the assault style weapons are getting into the hands of the worst of Americans.

But, we all know that YOU gun freaks would NOT stop these kinds of loopholes, and you would rather see schools getting shot up, workplaces getting shot up, malls getting shot up and recruiting stations getting shot up, if it meant that MORE GUNS would be allowed on the streets so you John Wayne types can have that shootout you are dreaming of.

Sorry charlie, any idiot can buy a gun at a gun show without a background check or even having to produce a drivers license.

Again.... There is no loophole. You'd be able to comprehend that if you weren't scared to death of guns.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
From A PRIVATE seller, not a dealer.

Any idiot can buy a gun there, is that how you got your water pistol? We all know you're scared of guns

Do I have to type in slow wide spread typeface for you to understand.???

You just explained what a GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE is..... and thats EXACTLT what O.U.T. said didnt exist...

Overpaid Union Thug

"there is no loophole"....

Why do you come into a thread with your 2 cents and say the same things that I say and then think you are being different??



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All he can do is keep mindlessly repeating the liberal anti gun talking point. There is no such thing as a gun show loophole.

Of course that wouldnt be considered a LOOPHOLE in your minds. Its plenty fine for assault weapons to be sold this way to gang members and drug dealers that end up killing americans, or even mentally disturbed middle eastern men who shoot up recruiting stations.

You and the uninformed people of this board are about the only people in the country who wont recognize the gun show loophole.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Do I have to type in slow wide spread typeface for you to understand.???

You just explained what a GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE is..... and thats EXACTLT what O.U.T. said didnt exist...

Overpaid Union Thug

"there is no loophole"....

Why do you come into a thread with your 2 cents and say the same things that I say and then think you are being different??

Explain to everyone how buying a gun from an individual at a gun show instead of outside in the parking lot or in their home is a loop hole. You can't because............

There is no loop hole!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Explain to everyone how buying a gun from an individual at a gun show instead of outside in the parking lot or in their home is a loop hole. You can't because............

There is no loop hole!

DId you READ the link I provided you on GUN SHOW LOOPHOLES?

With a licensed dealer, he HAS to run a background check and photo copy a drivers license. An unlicensed gun seller at the same show, doesnt have to check an ID or run a background check.

The majority of ILLEGAL gun owners get their guns from these sellers.

STRAW buyers are buying all kinds of weapons this way and selling them all over the country. Some are selling them directly to mexican cartels for top dollars.


Private sellers SHOULD NOT be allowed at GUN SHOWS.



Well-Known Member
I don't think that I would oppose a law that said the last registered owner of a gun to at least be semi responsible for any crime committed with that gun.