Close call, What would you have done?


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am a new driver. Had an incodent that was spooky. I am sure there are much scarier situations.

What happend: I left one car length of space in front while at a 4-way stop sign behind someone. They thought I was giving them room to parrellel park. From my vantage point, this did not seam possible, and would have resulted in collision. I honked. She moved foward. Then, attempted to park a second time. This time I honked louder. An old lady waved at the driver backing in to me but she did not notice. Two hazards were approaching from north and south. Southern hazard was further, and I just wanted to make a right turn at the stop, which was facing south. I pulled out into the oncoming lane, and made the right turn around the lady backing into me and was a half a block distance from the oncoming hazard who was approaching the intersection.

Here is a diagram.

View attachment 8618

I am guessing, in the future: If there is a spot next to me, I must close the gap enough so that it is NO chance of them being able to park. My mistake was I gave her enough space that made her THINK she could park.

If I made the wrong choice let me know! ;)
Due to my chronic-smart-ass-syndrome, I must ask- how did you "honk louder" the second time? Is there a honk louder button? Lol??

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I try my best not to leave any room for someone to try and squeeze in or out that close to the truck. I try and make it clear that their isn't enough room for another vehicle to even attempt anything that would require them to drive that close to me. It's actually better to completely block someone in or out than to allow them the change to hit us.


New Member
You took the correct action. Always leave a space when stopped in traffic regardless...the error was with the driver in front of you trying to back. What the car length gave you was an escape route which allowed you to take the path of least resistance giving you space on all 4 sides always in front. The accident was avoided because of the space you initially left. Well done.