Corporate America screwing us


Well-Known Member
Radicals? Clinton? Biden? Summers? Emmanuel? Axelrod? Geithner? Gates? Huntsman? Pannetta? I'd say there's a pretty good mix of all sides there. Your assertions fail when the larger picture is viewed.

I spoke of radicals who've openly admitted to being Marxists, like Van Jones. I'd have to look up her name but there was the one who said in a speech one of the people she admired most was Mao. Tell me, why doesn't Obama allow his papers from Harvard be put out for public scrutiny? Name one other president who didn't?


Staff member
I spoke of radicals who've openly admitted to being Marxists, like Van Jones. I'd have to look up her name but there was the one who said in a speech one of the people she admired most was Mao. Tell me, why doesn't Obama allow his papers from Harvard be put out for public scrutiny? Name one other president who didn't?
The point is that Obama's administration has a cross section of the country. When you claim that he "surrounds himself with radicals" you are being hyperbolic, partisan, and less than honest with your assessment. Why would you even want to read his Harvard papers? The ACA (Obamacare) is out there to be read and you've had more than enough time to read all 2700 pages, but you really don't want to read it anyway, do you?


Well-Known Member
Now you're just being paranoid. Get past the "race card" fanaticism and answer the question. Who can or does deliver on all campaign promises? Nobody. I don't care why you don't like Obama, I just want to know why you want to hold him to a different standard. You're sharp enough to know how politics is played.

He's not delivering because he's been thwarted. You are aware of the goal of Cap-and-Trade, aren't you? Al Gore said it would create a worldwide market worth trillions. That's public record. So what? The government gives every corporation/business X amount of carbon credits. A corporation emits X amount of carbon but can't reduce it to the amount government says it's allowed. It needs more credits so it goes to the government established market to buy credits from businesses that aren't using all they were allotted. Can't find a domestic company but there's a company from Angola with just enough available. Buys their credits for millions of dollars and Voila! Is in compliance with the government. Never mind that it's carbon footprint hasn't been reduced at all thus helping to save the planet. What's important is a small company in a developing nation that produces little has received millions of dollars from a large Western corporation that doesn't need the money nearly as badly.

This is redistribution of wealth on a massive scale and is the underlying goal of the far left using global warming as justification. Imagine if you work for one of the biggest carbon emitters such as a huge overnight delivery company. The amount of credits needed to be in compliance would put an enormous strain on it. Forget about raises for the regular employees. Forget about dividends for shareholders. We'll be working to give aid where needed instead of growing our own economy. Western nations already have too much anyways. And anyone could start a company, get his credits, and sell them on the global exchange. Do some research if you don't believe me. Cloward and Piven on a global scale. And you wonder why FedEx is developing electric vans?


Well-Known Member
We are in gridlock for a reason. Party > Country. To say anything about "the president said this didn't do it", nothing is getting done right now due to leverage, due to gridlock. Both presidents prior, had years of having all branches and that is how you get things done. Any other way and the other side can shut govt down and point fingers and say "I told you so", ungenuine in full. That's what this presidency has been, as Americans we need to realize mixed branches puts us on hold, makes us look like idiots as our leaders bicker, all the while other countries and specifically China get to continue distancing themselves.


One party believes everyone should be very strong and machine like. Another believes everyone is different and provisions are needed to protect these differences, this is the natural beauty of life. Both want success. Which party lives in a natural reality and which one is forcing nature? Which one did Jesus argue against and which one did he champion? And isn't it ironic which party is the Bible thumpers? My what webs we weave. I believe this is a core difference and one that is paramount above all others. Think about it. We know we are different, we've all said it 1000's of times, embrace it and accept it because it's one thing we know is fact. You should embrace and govern knowing and celebrating that not to continue to pound round pegs into square holes in our outdated factory educational system. Aka trying to force our children into drones. We've come so far and done so litte there.


One party is much more involved with giving up American Jobs (you know giving away jobs of those they represent, for Christ sake) to other countries and most notably communist China. Where their working conditions are: Living in the factory in which they work, dorm like area's where generations of a family exist. 7 days a week labor in many parts, which in reality means eternal working with no days off, there isn't an 8th day. As low a wage possibly given which can equal slavery. "We can either feed them, which costs us X or we can just give them the same X and they can feed themselves and guess what, we can then not call it slavery now because we paid them. Brilliant! I deserve a raise now!" Yes it's a Trap. What rights do they have there? You fall into a machine and die, your lucky to get a decent funeral out of it, there is no recourse, there is no improved working conditions to make sure it doesn't happen again. Next man up, should be China's slogan! Sick. And corporations spew "Safety First". What we had was natural progression of trying to do better, trying to do the right things, then snap "House rules, ya'll".


If there is a time for American's to recall history, it's to remember the 1920's and make sure we keep what those people fought for with blood for us, in check. They fought for a reasonable wage, reasonable hours, reasonable time off, negligent protections. Because you know what? Because it is so right to do. We don't have to be born on Tera to make our lives miserable, we can be born on here to make our lives as pleasurable as we can. It should always be getting better, not working its ways back to which we escaped from. This is about satisfying more, then satisfying less imo. With a vote that can be done. Obviously we trusted our leaders (mixed parties) and bought there reasoning for things like Nafta and Free Trade across the globe. But ultimately they took advantage of them big time and sold America's Son's and Daughter's of their future and they still brainwash us into believing that it's about them. But we have results now, they aren't pretty, our sons and daughters are well on their way of making less then we do. We all lose, that is very unhealthy to a countries economy.


Our forefathers stated "A person has the right to a reasonable profit if what they contribute benefits society." I think we have long blown past "reasonable" into "obscene" and many businesses have no benefit, many even harmful to society. The good news UPS and Fedex at least have strong contributions to it.

I used to be a Republican, but I've always prided myself on being dynamic, the last administration you saw gross negligence of power. A war that benefited direct party members to the extreme with pure $$$, during that war rights were stripped in the name of "protecting us". A crash to protect banks and simply print them a trillion (wink wink) and then leave the next sap in the White House with a meltdown. Our nest eggs cut in half or worse, we sit by idling and still pouring weekly dollars into the Wall Street machine, which changed totally in the mid-80's and drove us to where we are at now.


Fedex lost their traditional pension on a law that was supposed to protect Americans. The Enron situation (Enron Smartest Man - catch the movie to see how these companies treat fellow Americans) created new laws in congress to protect you from their crocked practices. But corps read these new laws and said these are too restrictive. In Fedex's case they said "With the new regulations Fedex can no longer guarantee a fully funded traditional pension, with that we are creating a new pension that we can guarantee and the other will be retired immediately". If they were totally honest or not, you got to love how a law that was meant to protects us, then turns around and hurts us.


I was a Republican because I felt those that could make companies were in general smarter and more driven (made some sense), but in general would be fair to labor and all would thrive, everyone has their talents and their place of peace. Seemed like it was working ok. But the era of Wall Street kicked in, end of story. I am fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. It is never 100% in full agreement or against. But you know where 100% one way or the other lives? When you are Republican or Democratic, as you know, no matter what one side says "Sky is Blue" the other will argue against it, on every gosh darn Thing. It's embarrassing to be associated with that, and it's totally clear because in their world it's Party > Country as they stand in front of the US Flag again. Disgusting.


This is what we are living, we are living in GRIDLOCK and the Repubs have shut this mother down, they are even forcing it to the point of not having their corporations hire, even off of record profits to try a say "See it's those dems they kill jobs". Why aren't these companies hiring? If they hired based off their profits, then it would make the country look much better and the people would look and see a Democratic president and he/she would get credit and well, THEY CAN'T HAVE THAT! The president must go down, period.


Right now I am siding with the side that is preserving rights, as without rights we have no way of rebalancing corporate profits vs labor wages. If you don't know which side that is, you are an idiot, sorry the truth hurts. It's right there in your face. Open your eyes and open your mind. If you are making under 200K you are an average Joe, eroding anyone under you is jeopardizing your own stability. There are too many people at all the precincts around the country to cheat it, your vote counts and this shouldn't come down to Florida, we should be winning 85% to 15%, not 51% to 49%.


Our founding fathers warned us. "Do not trust someone that runs for public office". In their day you didn't run, everyone in town was a candidate, those in the town silently voted their leaders in. Who do you think got in? Those the community knew, respected and trusted. Even locally in my little town, when I see some new names not from around, I see another out of towner shipped in from the political party to come in and take control. Good thing it doesn't always work, but they do always try, they probably figure it's just a matter of time and we have that.

So we have politicians that stand in front of our flag, which our Father/Grand Fathers, Sons and Daughters have sacrificed for, sometimes rightly and sometimes foolishly directed by said politicians. They stand there touting America, when we know they are Party First. They tell us about their love for children but we can see that our children are not setup for the future well at all. People say "children these days", I say "Adults these days, they are the one's that lead us here, not our children".


My favorite people in the world are Joe's that go out and do their thing weekdays, contribute fairly to the greater good and on weekends go fishing, go to a family reunion in a local park, not at a Hyatt. Funny thing is that is almost all I see, why aren't we protecting ourselves better? Today I'm going to our little street party in a non-gated community to see good people. A lady that works as a stuirdess, what she has lost over the years... A guy that makes embroidered clothing from his garage. Another who's a concrete worker still out of a job. A guy that each morning out in his driveway preps a hot-air balloon that will give people a memorable day. A retired man, watching it all break apart. A mexican family that you can see is great, but they don't speak any english. A single man who works for a landscaping conglomerate who goes out to jobs weeks at a time not to return home. A lesbian couple. A mixed race couple. My family, two workers, one in college another going to be a soph in H.S.. All we want is to make ends meet, educate our kids, vacation somewhere nice 1 week per year, all for 40 hours per week to make this country what is should be.

Happy 4th of July from the Matrix.


Well-Known Member
The point is that Obama's administration has a cross section of the country. When you claim that he "surrounds himself with radicals" you are being hyperbolic, partisan, and less than honest with your assessment. Why would you even want to read his Harvard papers? The ACA (Obamacare) is out there to be read and you've had more than enough time to read all 2700 pages, but you really don't want to read it anyway, do you?

Anyone who is running for the most powerful position in the world needs to be properly vetted, including examining any past documents that would give insight to a person's character and motivations. You think the media didn't scrutinize everything George Bush wrote at Yale? Obama got, and gets, a free pass from an adoring liberal media. Just like you tap dancing here.


Staff member
Anyone who is running for the most powerful position in the world needs to be properly vetted, including examining any past documents that would give insight to a person's character and motivations. You think the media didn't scrutinize everything George Bush wrote at Yale? Obama got, and gets, a free pass from an adoring liberal media. Just like you tap dancing here.
What could you possibly learn from Harvard papers that you have not learned in 3 1/2 years of Obama's presidency? What would the "vetting process" have taught you that you do not know today?


Well-Known Member
OK, let's look at the party that supposedly cares about everyone more deeply than the other one. Bill Clinton received millions of dollars in donations from supposedly impoverished monks in Indonesia. So what? He shortly after declared a national monument in Utah that sat on one of two known deposits of a certain kind of coal that is highly prized for it's cleaner burning yet energy packed qualities. Where is the other deposit? You guessed it, Indonesia, controlled by a billionaire there. The people in Utah were greatly upset, meant loss of jobs.

The party that cares so much has spent trillions fighting poverty and supporting our schools. Have our schools been a huge success? Has poverty ended? Where did the money go? To prop up unions and agencies who greatly benefitted from the flow of money. And turned out the minority and union vote to prop up the Democrat Party. And that's a huge reason why we are in the mess we're in, and yet the reasoning seems to be if we can squeeze more taxes out of those who have money we'll be able to keep our sweetheart deals afloat.

The only thing that truly works is hard work. And a corporate leadership that truly rewards hard work, not hogs it all for themselves. I doubt in my lifetime I will see a Democrat Party that truly cares about the common man beyond his vote. I doubt that I'll see a Republican Party that cares more for the common man than it's corporate donors. And I doubt I'll see very many people willing to admit that the party they support is actually exploiting them. It's just too easy to wave partisan flags and demonize the opposition.


Well-Known Member
What could you possibly learn from Harvard papers that you have not learned in 3 1/2 years of Obama's presidency? What would the "vetting process" have taught you that you do not know today?

If there's nothing for him to be concerned about us knowing then why not full disclosure?


Well-Known Member
OK, let's look at the party that supposedly cares about everyone more deeply than the other one. Bill Clinton received millions

See that is it, I don't need a specific "he did this, she did that" yep you can find travesties on both side forever so obviously know one should be in power, right?

One party does give out more human rights vs the other. I think it's undebatable. We are going to need those rights to rebalance corporate profits vs labor wages, it's the only thing you got. I believed they would do the right thing for the working class about from about 1980-2000. I was wrong. They proven me wrong. I have to accept that and not be stubborn and continue to hang myself.


Well-Known Member
And if you don't let the police on your property, you must be guilty?

Again, giving him a free pass instead of properly vetting him. When McCain chose Palin an army of reporters went to Alaska to look under every rock. Why not for Obama too?


Well-Known Member
See that is it, I don't need a specific "he did this, she did that" yep you can find travesties on both side forever so obviously know one should be in power, right?

One party does give out more human rights vs the other. I think it's undebatable. We are going to need those rights to rebalance corporate profits vs labor wages, it's the only thing you got. I believed they would do the right thing for the working class about from about 1980-2000. I was wrong. They proven me wrong. I have to accept that and not be stubborn and continue to hang myself.

Just keep waving that flag. It's about the money, pure and simple. You have two major constituencies, one conservative, one liberal. And each has it's own politicians that pander to them. A big problem with our system is a third party can't seem to gain traction. And our two major parties like it that way. And are vicious in their control of the system.


Well-Known Member
Again, giving him a free pass instead of properly vetting him. When McCain chose Palin an army of reporters went to Alaska to look under every rock. Why not for Obama too?

You know all this factually how? You are getting tied up in the countless BS stories (even if true) which are smokescreens to the bigger problems we face. The problems are clear, large components known as rights. And if you do watch Fox (I used to), I can see how you conclude things, that is what they sell and you listen enough, you go right in line. Been there and done that. So I've tended to not watch much anything like that, the over health of the country can easily be seen without added biases added in. I urge you to consider dropping all those type of sources if you have them and then look and listen to the outside world. Countless warehouse long abandoned. Jobs gone. So poor we can't even remove the eye sores. Wages down, school costs up, dept up, saving down. I don't need Hanity sensationalizing a damn thing.


Well-Known Member
Just keep waving that flag. It's about the money, pure and simple. You have two major constituencies, one conservative, one liberal. And each has it's own politicians that pander to them. A big problem with our system is a third party can't seem to gain traction. And our two major parties like it that way. And are vicious in their control of the system.

It's about money and rights. You have forgotten the difference between Ancient Egyt and what you enjoy today. RIGHTS ARE OUR POWER and you miss it. That is how you balance, it regualtes how far they can take control of us. If they don't they could end up in jail, it's supposed to scare them off. Rights are being eroded. The good news is you can have both based on how driven you are, the thing I argue is not everyone can be driven and if every one was then you would have to be even more driven. The ole saying "if everyone is special no one is special". So no matter what bar that levels at, some will be under that and be the laborers, they deserve protection, especially since they are the masses. They don't deserve to be slaves and that is where Rights came in. They been protecting us for 1000's of years and you miss it.


Staff member
Again, giving him a free pass instead of properly vetting him. When McCain chose Palin an army of reporters went to Alaska to look under every rock. Why not for Obama too?

I think reporters did go after Obama and most came away without much to say. He didn't have much of a track record, remember? That's what most detractors said disqualified him. They kept going after Paliin because she kept opening her mouth and saying ridiculous things and making amazing claims. You know, like Russian foreign policy because, well you can see Russia from Alaska.


Well-Known Member
You know all this factually how? You are getting tied up in the countless BS stories (even if true) which are smokescreens to the bigger problems we face. The problems are clear, large components known as rights. And if you do watch Fox (I used to), I can see how you conclude things, that is what they sell and you listen enough, you go right in line. Been there and done that. So I've tended to not watch much anything like that, the over health of the country can easily be seen without added biases added in. I urge you to consider dropping all those type of sources if you have them and then look and listen to the outside world. Countless warehouse long abandoned. Jobs gone. So poor we can't even remove the eye sores. Wages down, school costs up, dept up, saving down. I don't need Hanity sensationalizing a damn thing.

I think knowing in a capitalist country if a presidential candidate wrote favorably about Marxism in scholarly dissertations would be important. Let's just poo-poo anything about him that could possibly affect our lives. I watch the Sunday shows on other networks, watch MSNBC and FOX, and read several major dailies. I like to know what's being said, hobby of mine. And it was widely reported about all the reporters and investigators descending on Wasilla. A lot of the townspeople thought it funny, some were very irritated. Beautiful thing about the age of the Internet, you can research this stuff if you are so inclined.


Well-Known Member
I think reporters did go after Obama and most came away without much to say. He didn't have much of a track record, remember? That's what most detractors said disqualified him. They kept going after Paliin because she kept opening her mouth and saying ridiculous things and making amazing claims. You know, like Russian foreign policy because, well you can see Russia from Alaska.

I recall something about a birth certificate as well. Talk about trying to find any loop hole to impeach a president. But all these things..... smokescreens. This is not what Americans are hiring people over. This isn't what we really even want reported. Where's the jobs in America is always #1, once the country is safe? They are in Asia. Why? ________ Well we want them back and it's our country, we never signed this over, where is national security when you need it?


Well-Known Member
It's about money and rights. You have forgotten the difference between Ancient Egyt and what you enjoy today. RIGHTS ARE OUR POWER and you miss it. That is how you balance, it regualtes how far they can take control of us. If they don't they could end up in jail, it's supposed to scare them off. Rights are being eroded. The good news is you can have both based on how driven you are, the thing I argue is not everyone can be driven and if every one was then you would have to be even more driven. The ole saying "if everyone is special no one is special". So no matter what bar that levels at, some will be under that and be the laborers, they deserve protection, especially since they are the masses. They don't deserve to be slaves and that is where Rights came in. They been protecting us for 1000's of years and you miss it.

1000's of years, really? Democracy is a fairly recent phenomenon. But I'll agree with you, they are being eroded. I now can't choose to do without healthcare without being penalized, oops, taxed. But wait, if I don't make enough I don't have to pay. Thank goodness for FedEx. My pension will be so small that I don't have to worry about paying the fine. FedEx was looking out for me all along!


Staff member
1000's of years, really? Democracy is a fairly recent phenomenon. But I'll agree with you, they are being eroded. I now can't choose to do without healthcare without being penalized, oops, taxed. But wait, if I don't make enough I don't have to pay. Thank goodness for FedEx. My pension will be so small that I don't have to worry about paying the fine. FedEx was looking out for me all along!
If I were single and decided not to have healthcare, how much would I be taxed/penalized?


Well-Known Member
I recall something about a birth certificate as well. Talk about trying to find any loop hole to impeach a president. But all these things..... smokescreens. This is not what Americans are hiring people over. This isn't what we really even want reported. Where's the jobs in America is always #1, once the country is safe? They are in Asia. Why? ________ Well we want them back and it's our country, we never signed this over, where is national security when you need it?

National security? Y'all make excuses why everything in a presidential candidate's past shouldn't be examined and you want to talk about national security? I had a Secret clearance in the Air Force, was properly vetted first. FedEx does a 10 year FBI background check on prospective employees. A candidate for the world's most powerful position refuses to disclose his university papers and that's fine by you. The press never saw those papers BBSam, although I'm sure many of them would of had a thrill run up their leg if they knew he had Marxist leanings.