Debate? .... Will he ?


Well-Known Member

Desperate times.... call for desperate measures.

That's a lot of blank tickets.

They can't even keep it together they are filing election protests against each other. SB in 100 used a name for his slate that they didn't want him to. DENIED


My Senior Picture
If you can't figure a way out....

Then, it's checkmate. :biggrin:

Tell the forum how H&H tour the country on the Union dime to various panels and local functions, under the guise of "union business", then host campaign fund raisers to further their bid for re-election.

Tell them how, whether they want to or not, most local officials are afraid to abstain for fear of reprisal.

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My Senior Picture
The op is the creep that * I love it. He's a freakShow
Besides me, you only pretend to know who each poster is here.
This constant sideshow is broke.
Nobody is intimidated and in reality, it is kind of "creepy".

Your constant "witch hunt" to reveal posters identities, undermines the TOS, and for the life of me, I don't understand why @cheryl puts up with it?
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