Die Surepost


Well-Known Member
then maybe the usps should just take these accounts and have their sales guys win the business and cut out ups or FedEx all together...

Exactly why pay salespeople to ramp up volume only to give it away. Why hire Christmas noobs that out of 20 only 2 or 3 are worth a crap. I walked into the office on friday. A supervisor hangs up the phone and says to another supervisor "This guy has been here for 2 months and is still picking up and dropping off and not hitting stop complete." Ok thats an extreme case. One of the few times I got extra work was 4 days in a row I pulled air off the same route because the Christmas noob was 20-60 min late unplanned. Are you kidding me?? A temp employee should have 0 call ins and maybe a few minutes late once or twice otherwise your useless. The most aggravating of all, a regular driver asks me if I am taking over the route next to him. He says he had to take business off the Christmas driver because he had only completed 10 stops by 12:00. I have run this route before. Its about 50 business stops done by 2:00 and off to help another driver with residential. There is no way that guy is more cost effective than someone like me even on top rate ground overtime. In pure numbers I would have to be as productive as 2.5 of these knuckleheads. The math doesn't add up or maybe it common core math I don't know. You add that to all the business and work given away via surepost. I really just don't understand it. On one hand it makes no business sense and on the other hand it doesn't make union sense.

If supply of legit labor is scarce and demand is high then you raise prices. This takes the pressure off your labor supply while still keeping your margins. If outsourcing is necessary you consolidate your resources and outsource your outlyers. Let the USPS deliver spread out rural stuff don't give them metro work.

Teamster members would be screwed if they could outsource our jobs to China. I bet there would be a lot more outrage then. I got news for you USPS=China. They just wear a different flag on their sleeve.

10 point

Well-Known Member

10 point

Well-Known Member
What I'm talking about is protecting our negotiated volume. Let it slip and see how hard it is to get back.

We should be thankful that people other than stewards care.
You're going to get on the naughty list talking like that.[/quote]
Don't care. It's just an Internet site. We're still cool in this internet make believe land.

10 point

Well-Known Member
For anyone to actually think it would be implemented right before peak is delusional. There are grievances on this and it's part of the process. Try for next peak.
Sorry you're sick. Poor timing if there is ever a good time.

We've lost a tremendous amount of proximity stops this peak. That's why we started digging on the issue.

Last year I had proximity stops out the ying yang but this year there wasn't squat and after a little research we found out why.

This problem has to be addressed with a sense of urgency. A great amount of Teamster hours of service was dropped on the post office dock this year.


Well-Known Member
If you use that logic then we would be out of business because I have heard mgt say 1000 times that we are the most expensive carrier and the only thing that ups does better is service....

Price is easily the most driving factor. Cost control is huge at UPS, it is almost everywhere else to.

UPS and Fedex are competitive with each other. There is no rule of thumb saying one is cheaper than the other. Each can discount whatever they want, sometimes a carrier losses more business then they want and they become hungry, this could be an area or the whole operation, the bottom line means deeper discounts being handed out. There is a lot that goes into pricing a customer and not all is logical. However I will say if a carrier doesn't have the business and can come in and show they can save someone 5-10%, they are listening, they are paid to save the company money.
Sorry you're sick. Poor timing if there is ever a good time.

We've lost a tremendous amount of proximity stops this peak. That's why we started digging on the issue.

Last year I had proximity stops out the ying yang but this year there wasn't squat and after a little research we found out why.

This problem has to be addressed with a sense of urgency. A great amount of Teamster hours of service was dropped on the post office dock this year.
Thanks. There's new technology coming I hear after peak. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
You're going to get on the naughty list talking like that.
Don't care. It's just an Internet site. We're still cool in this internet make believe land.[/quote]
Thanks. There's new technology coming I hear after peak. We'll see.
Is this for surepost???? Does anyone know if the teamsters intl have any idea of the amount of stops going to the po??? Is ups required to give the union the amounts of packages going to the po??

10 point

Well-Known Member
I'm good I can run that place from home with my phone. I also have a dictionary app.
Somebody needs to run the place. It sure isn't the PDS and pt time supes.

This morning the center manager told me that the PDS took off my front end country stops to help me out. Great. That was a good move...seven days late.

So I head out toward the extended other town I deliver and get a phone call that they left two of my pm rural stops in the wrong bulk pile and I need to find the other driver running my early work to retrieve them. Great. Thx again.

So I get to my first section and the pt time supe (Napoleon, Jr.) left a pkg for a bulk stop that was supposedly pulled off my truck.

Total time dispatch saved me: roughly 15 min.

Yes, someone needs to run these buildings.


My Senior Picture
Is this for surepost???? Does anyone know if the teamsters intl have any idea of the amount of stops going to the po??? Is ups required to give the union the amounts of packages going to the po??

Hopefully this new technology isn't a kin to the countermeasures in place to keep track of the 22.3 jobs we are owed.
I'm going to try to have a good thought about it.
Don't care. It's just an Internet site. We're still cool in this internet make believe land.

Is this for surepost???? Does anyone know if the teamsters intl have any idea of the amount of stops going to the po??? Is ups required to give the union the amounts of packages going to the po??[/quote]
There are new dimension scanners coming out for this I was told. January is what I heard. There are also several grivances on this across the country. We have them in my local. Anyone can file one if they have a pen a grievance form and a few minutes. Interpretation.


Well-Known Member
Is this for surepost???? Does anyone know if the teamsters intl have any idea of the amount of stops going to the po??? Is ups required to give the union the amounts of packages going to the po??
There are new dimension scanners coming out for this I was told. January is what I heard. There are also several grivances on this across the country. We have them in my local. Anyone can file one if they have a pen a grievance form and a few minutes. Interpretation.[/quote]
That's good to know
Aren't we still owed 22.3 jobs from 3 contracts ago??? Pretty sad
All the ones in my local are accounted for. They are all assigned a number. The international and ups has these numbers. Call your local and ask them to account what people have the jobs had the jobs or what ones are missing they all have a number. I have the best business agent in America and he thinks of keeping counts on these thing. Man I don't take him for granted either. Worth ever nickel and then some. Actually when I say my morning prayers I thank Jesus we have him.