Discharged in March for untimely grievance from February for attendance..


nowhere special


Active Member
They told you they intended to fire you. Why would you not file in a timely fashion?
Issued intent to discharge in February
Discharged in March
Seeking help in April
My best advice is that you pick up the pace


Got the T-Shirt
Was issued intent to discharge...failed to grieve within 10 days...
They told you they intended to fire you. Why would you not file in a timely fashion?
Unfortunately had a lot on my plate...and overlooked filing in timely manner...

That kind of goes "part and parcel".... with an attendance problem.

Grieved discharge....hearing this Friday!

Hope it works out.

Other than attendance, if you have a good work record.... you might get a "bite of the apple".

Either way, let us know what happens.

It could be a lesson, for all.



Staff member
Seen this happen a few times and it's always been open and shut, employee is gone. Hope it works out better for you.


Package Center Manager
You are done. I am not sure why they are even hearing the grievance. Made three of those calls already this year...


Gone Fish'n
They told you they intended to fire you. Why would you not file in a timely fashion?
Issued intent to discharge in February
Discharged in March
Seeking help in April
My best advice is that you pick up the pace

Because he didn't come to work to file with his steward.


Pineapple King
Seen this happen a few times and it's always been open and shut, employee is gone. Hope it works out better for you.
Seen the same thing here except the shop steward never filed the grievance given to him by the driver. Although it wasn't for attendance but something small. Driver is gone. Couple years later they canned the shop steward for something and he never came back.


Gone Fish'n
Seen the same thing here except the shop steward never filed the grievance given to him by the driver. Although it wasn't for attendance but something small. Driver is gone. Couple years later they canned the shop steward for something and he never came back.
I would suggest in such an extreme situation as a discharge greivance the employee would be a little more adamant in making sure it got signed off on with a copy for themselves at the very least.


Got the T-Shirt
Made three of those calls already this year...

Could you clarify what you mean by that ?

It gives the impression (as a "package center") manager....

You have full-time drivers being discharged, and filing un-timely grievances.

Help me out.



Pineapple King
I would suggest in such an extreme situation as a discharge greivance the employee would be a little more adamant in making sure it got signed off on with a copy for themselves at the very least.
Would've,could've,should've.....hindsight is 20/20, he handed it off to his steward and thought it would be taken care of. Oh well I hear he is much happier now,imagine that.