drain the swamp


Well-Known Member
It’s sort of ridiculous, Trump says ‘lynching’, and Lefties vomit on their Impossible Burger, but meanwhile Trump is filling the swamp with Alligators.

To be fair, I doubt Trump has any idea what’s happening, and I doubt he cares.

He’s the Republican wet-dream, a dumb as fk President willing to sign anything put in front of him.



It’s sort of ridiculous, Trump says ‘lynching’, and Lefties vomit on their Impossible Burger, but meanwhile Trump is filling the swamp with Alligators.

To be fair, I doubt Trump has any idea what’s happening, and I doubt he cares.

He’s the Republican wet-dream, a dumb as fk President willing to sign anything put in front of him.

he knows some things.
drain the swamp! drain the swamp! drain the swamp@!

Public Citizen

Oct 21
-EPA chief: Coal lobbyist -Department of Interior chief: Oil lobbyist -Department of Defense chief: Raytheon lobbyist And now the latest addition to the roster: -Pick for Energy Secretary: Auto lobbyist


All governments breed what the news and most people call corruption ... to 'drain the swamp' would require abolishing government, at least in every form familiar to us.