Heavy Package

Well-Known Member
So, I got my driver's application from UPS, and they want the requisite driving violations history.
Several decades back I had a DUI.

And you think you're going to be a Package Car driver! LMFAO!!



Well-Known Member
So, I got my driver's application from UPS, and they want the requisite driving violations history.
Several decades back I had a DUI. Does this totally preclude me from consideration?
Second question, they want to know the date of offense and conviction, and I don't know. I caĺed the court and was told that was expunged after 7 years. But... I let my license be suspended for years, the DMV report shows that.
The application requires dates for the offense and conviction, and I have only approximate dates.
Anyone with valid ideas or thoughts? My only one is to go into HR on Monday and ask them.
Please help before I do anything stupid.
Sorry. It's too late.