Everyone getting Helpers Wednesday

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Don’t tell my dad that…he’ll slap you ass silly with his walker then run your ass over with his scooter…. @Old Man Jingles style.
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eats packages

Deranged lunatic
It will probably be lots of fun starting next week when they realize both of the zip codes I deliver out of are loaded with high seniority and seasonal folks.


Big Kahuna Burger
Guy next to me has a helper. Problem is the helper needs the board to take pictures so how is he supposed to look for the next stop????


Well-Known Member
My favorite is the people that try and claim covid so they don't have to use a helper. Yet they are a foot from your face as they bitch about it.
I just say I don’t feel I can do the job safely with a stranger riding with me. They’ve never forced a helper after that.

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
I’ve put my bid for helper since I started and I never get called up. They get paid a $1 more per hour here when they’re from inside. I hate being in the hub; I miss delivering during the holiday season.