Express volume finally moving to Ground...


Well-Known Member
Sorry I guess I just lost the train of thought in the thread. So more and more zip codes/locations will have what happen? Seems like what's being said in here is that Express will eventually be next day stuff only? No p2?
Possibly. However…you may be able to do pickups that are P2, but someone else will be delivering them.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Because you’re thin-skinned and can’t stand being proven wrong
He was always too busy with his foil hat stupidity and delusions that MEM was terrified that he was going to lead this big disruptions in operations to prove anyone or anything wrong. Not really much to be proven wrong about here. I say I like Blue Bell ice cream and people who like Purity ice cream want to argue with me about it, as if there's anything to argue.


Well-Known Member
I actually saw my first "inject" package earlier this week and thought it was a glitch. Saw another one tonight and it's a pattern. Memphis P2 ursa prefix with a Ground QXXXQ station identifier. Both going from Philly to Colorado Springs 2 day.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Was told that April more and more freight will be shifted to Ground.


Well-Known Member
The question will be how much of it can Ground handle and how well will it handle it?
I think it's safe to say that quite a percentage of this week's inventory of Ground drivers are draft eligible. That percentage no doubt varies from week to week given the astounding turnover. All it takes is a NATO/ Russian skirmish or unplanned incident to set off a full blown World War III . You know, like maybe August or September?

I was talking to one of the managers at the barn I was at and we brought up this very subject. I told him that I thought his contractors should begin assembling a reserve force of non draft eligible drivers to step in if the lid blows off in Eastern Europe. If the president were to enact the emergency powers afforded him things could change overnight.

Sure, you could send as much as you want over to Ground but no telling how long it sits there until they can haul out it out of the terminals is another story altogether .


Well-Known Member
Was told that April more and more freight will be shifted to Ground.
The whole “compete collectively, operate independently” motto is going to die with Fred. When he’s gone, you’re going to see freight flow freely though all the different opcos. Shifting things back and forth as Raj sees fit. We’ll be operating collectively. Idk how they’ll pull it off legally. But they’ll find a way. They’re not exactly hiding their plans lol.


Just telling it like it is
The whole “compete collectively, operate independently” motto is going to die with Fred. When he’s gone, you’re going to see freight flow freely though all the different opcos. Shifting things back and forth as Raj sees fit. We’ll be operating collectively. Idk how they’ll pull it off legally. But they’ll find a way. They’re not exactly hiding their plans lol.
Rest assured, UPS is watching and I see this RLA crap subject to review in the courts. It’ll be funny to watch Richard and Raj talk out of their asses to try and save it.


Well-Known Member
The whole “compete collectively, operate independently” motto is going to die with Fred. When he’s gone, you’re going to see freight flow freely though all the different opcos. Shifting things back and forth as Raj sees fit. We’ll be operating collectively. Idk how they’ll pull it off legally. But they’ll find a way. They’re not exactly hiding their plans lol.
They appear to be completely confident that they can successfully ward off any legal challenges going forward. The only question will be manpower. Yes, robotic delivery mechanisms will become more numerous just as long as the road is level, dry, the destination clearly marked the device doesn't have climb steep uneven steps and the shipment is only a few pounds in weight. So what it means for the foreseeable future is that their application will be for the most part limited.


Well-Known Member
Rest assured, UPS is watching and I see this RLA crap subject to review in the courts. It’ll be funny to watch Richard and Raj talk out of their asses to try and save it.
You never know. The next chain of command might look at the upside and sacrifice the RLA. What are the odds express would unionize anyway. Pretty low honestly. They won’t combine the opcos… but Express, Ground and Freight are all going to be working together in the future. The flexibility would double the stock price. Might be worth the threat of a union.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Shifting things back and forth as Raj sees fit. We’ll be operating collectively. Idk how they’ll pull it off legally. But they’ll find a way. They’re not exactly hiding their plans lol.
There's no legal issue with doing that. I don't know why you and others keeping acting like there is.


Well-Known Member
There's no legal issue with doing that. I don't know why you and others keeping acting like there is.
The legal issue is keeping Express under the RLA. If they could combine the two and keep the RLA status, they would've done it already. The future seems wide open to unionizing with little Dickey eventually running the show

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The legal issue is keeping Express under the RLA. If they could combine the two and keep the RLA status, they would've done it already. The future seems wide open to unionizing with little Dickey eventually running the show
They don't want to combine anything, RLA or not. They want as much freight delivered by contracted third parties as possible, which has no bearing on RLA status.


Well-Known Member
The legal issue is keeping Express under the RLA. If they could combine the two and keep the RLA status, they would've done it already. The future seems wide open to unionizing with little Dickey eventually running the show
It's either they believe that they are politically insulated from Congress doing anything as well as believing that they are lawyered up well enough to fend off any future court challenges.
At the same time if you look at recent stock price activity it would appear that Wall Street is not completely sold on the notion that this cobbled together group of acquired companies will be able survive in their present configuration.