FedEx Pension lies


Yanked Out My Purple-Blood I.V. In 2000!
Other countries are closing their borders, like the good ole USA. Unless you speak their language, take a test and wait your turn, don't think about crossing the ocean.


Well-Known Member
I know of Ex patriots or "expats" what the Government refers to them that live comfortably in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Further out, Baltic countries like Latvia, Estonia, And Croatia. Courier at the station is a Polish immigrant. He loves it here, but always said that with 1000 US Dollars a month, once could live nicely in Poland. I think it is just getting over the fact that you are leaving everything you know to live in another country forever! Possibly overwhelming!


Well-Known Member
Problem with leaving the U.S. to live in another country is that unless you have family there, you are going to have to start from fresh. How many of those countries that Migrant Worker mentioned will allow you to ship your car/truck and all your belongings without huge tax hits?


Well-Known Member
Problem with leaving the U.S. to live in another country is that unless you have family there, you are going to have to start from fresh. How many of those countries that Migrant Worker mentioned will allow you to ship your car/truck and all your belongings without huge tax hits?
Quite a few actually if you qualify for their pensionado program. He mentioned places in Europe that are too expensive for many retirees and flat out too cold. What you aren't seeing is this path to various popular countries is already well paved. You aren't being a pioneer, things are in place and worked out. With modern communications you can stay in touch, have Internet, and satellite TV in many places. Yes, it's different, and yet in some places like Mexico there are so many American chains it'll feel familiar. It's not perfect, takes getting used to, some never do. But if you have an income stream that's not enough to live on without working here, but enough to be comfortable there, then you might consider joining the millions of Americans who live abroad.


Well-Known Member
I know of Ex patriots or "expats" what the Government refers to them that live comfortably in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Further out, Baltic countries like Latvia, Estonia, And Croatia. Courier at the station is a Polish immigrant. He loves it here, but always said that with 1000 US Dollars a month, once could live nicely in Poland. I think it is just getting over the fact that you are leaving everything you know to live in another country forever! Possibly overwhelming!
You do know that you don't give up your citizenship and can easily fly home like many expats do. The word is actually expatriates or expats for short. You aren't being unpatriotic to live abroad.


Well-Known Member
You do know that you don't give up your citizenship and can easily fly home like many expats do. The word is actually expatriates or expats for short. You aren't being unpatriotic to live abroad.
True. I should have been more specific. You do not have to forfeit your American passport. A nice studio or flat close to a train or bus. Or if preferred scooter or car. Internet, and somewhat modern medicine. It seems one extreme or the other in terms of climate though.


Well-Known Member
I know of Ex patriots or "expats" what the Government refers to them that live comfortably in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Further out, Baltic countries like Latvia, Estonia, And Croatia. Courier at the station is a Polish immigrant. He loves it here, but always said that with 1000 US Dollars a month, once could live nicely in Poland. I think it is just getting over the fact that you are leaving everything you know to live in another country forever! Possibly overwhelming!
Not forever, just until he dies.


Well-Known Member
True. I should have been more specific. You do not have to forfeit your American passport. A nice studio or flat close to a train or bus. Or if preferred scooter or car. Internet, and somewhat modern medicine. It seems one extreme or the other in terms of climate though.

Mexico's interior at high elevation has a spring like climate most of the year. Same for higher elevation places in Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, and others. Most beach climates are hot and humid most of the year, but are very nice in the winter months. It's natural to think it gets hotter everywhere the closer you get to the Equator but it depends on the elevation.


Well-Known Member
Too bad you guys are more interested in leaving the U.S. In order to have a comfortable retirement life, instead of fighting for a real many UPS drivers are talking about not having enough to live on in old age???


Well-Known Member
Too bad you guys are more interested in leaving the U.S. In order to have a comfortable retirement life, instead of fighting for a real many UPS drivers are talking about not having enough to live on in old age???
OK, tell us how to get around the Railroad Labor Act. Talk is easy, we need Congressional action to get a union. Not going to happen under a Republican Congress. And didn't happen under a Democrat Congress with a Democrat President to boot.


Well-Known Member
Too bad you guys are more interested in leaving the U.S. In order to have a comfortable retirement life, instead of fighting for a real many UPS drivers are talking about not having enough to live on in old age???
Excellent point, LOL!


Well-Known Member
Mexico's interior at high elevation has a spring like climate most of the year. Same for higher elevation places in Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, and others. Most beach climates are hot and humid most of the year, but are very nice in the winter months. It's natural to think it gets hotter everywhere the closer you get to the Equator but it depends on the elevation.
True. Without getting too specific I wonder if some of the more mountainous regions are more isolated than the beach and port areas? A couple of articles I read about general retirement abroad claim to forgo Costa Rica as Europeans are buying up the market and prices are soaring. Ironically enough, Socialist Governed France is claiming retirement in it's southern region will run you a fair 1,700 US dollars a month. With the closest replica of modern living compared to a southwestern Asian country.


Active Member
I've never met a courier who's made anything close to the max contribution to their 401k. I suppose it's possible for a topped out courier in the highest market levels if they can afford to put that much in their 401k. I personally haven't worked with anyone who would admit to making a 10%+ contribution. I can tell you the looks on the faces of my work group is priceless every time our SM talks about making catch-up contributions to his 401k. He is so oblivious to the fact that he can afford to fund his 401k so generously while those who are working for him are lucky if they are putting in 6%. To say he's a little out of touch with his employees financial situation would be an understatement.
El...I max out mine every pay period. I can't afford NOT to. I tell some of my co workers contribute something,even it's 2-3 %!


Active Member
Yep. Medical tourism is big, especially to India since their educational system is excellent. My whole issue with this is that it's a shame many of us can't choose to retire within our own country. This is what pisses me off the most about Fred's lies about our Traditional Pension Plan. For old timers like myself and van, that is one of the reasons we stayed. It wasn't a Teamster plan, but it was relatively decent, especially when compared to the non-plan we have now.

If I knew what was going to happen, would I have stayed? Hell, no!! But remember that back in the Federal Express days we had excellent insurance, twice yearly profit sharing, regular raises, and an actual pension. Bitter? You bet. Frederick Weasel Smith killed all of it because he could, thanks to his precious RLA, and he fact that he is an evil, lying, rat bastard without an ounce of integrity. FedEx never was in danger...Smith just saw profit he could steal from employees, and he did it. It wasn't "just business", but a calculated program to take as much as possible from hourlies. There was, and never has been, an economic or operational basis for any of it...just greed.

He screwed every single long-term hourly straight in the ass while lying that we were "struggling". I really hope someone gets him...literally. The MF has it coming.
Mr FedEx,I don't know if you still work for the company but remember when we had the tradtional pension plan ended? At the time,we had the option to stay in the traditional or go with the Portable Pension Plan and as one noted the "Porta Potty Pension Plan." The majority of us "old timers" decided to stay in the traditional and a year or so later,we got "flushed" into the Porta Potty Pension Plan,taking our decision and nullifying it. We lost on that because any time a company changes things it's not good for the employee but for the company.


Active Member
Quite a few actually if you qualify for their pensionado program. He mentioned places in Europe that are too expensive for many retirees and flat out too cold. What you aren't seeing is this path to various popular countries is already well paved. You aren't being a pioneer, things are in place and worked out. With modern communications you can stay in touch, have Internet, and satellite TV in many places. Yes, it's different, and yet in some places like Mexico there are so many American chains it'll feel familiar. It's not perfect, takes getting used to, some never do. But if you have an income stream that's not enough to live on without working here, but enough to be comfortable there, then you might consider joining the millions of Americans who live abroad.
Living in Mexico would make me nervous because what's to say the Federales won't come and kick down your door and take all your stuff??????