

Retired 23 years
Alls I am saying is that there are still people who don't do the text thing----and believe it or not there are even people who don't have a cell phone or a computer.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Alls I am saying is that there are still people who don't do the text thing----and believe it or not there are even people who don't have a cell phone or a computer.

According to PEW Research Center, as of late last year 99% of persons under 35 have a cell phone; 97% under 40 and 95% under 65. Less than 80% of those over 65 have a cell phone... and generally, the larger the number gets, the smaller the percentage with cell phones becomes. So in other words... unless you're old, you have a cell phone.

About 80% of all households own a computer; if you toss out seniors, that number climbs into the 90s. The deep South is the large exception, with only about half of all households in places like AL & MS owning a computer.