fraud !


golden ticket member
Florida Poll: 82% Support Voter ID Laws…[/h]In related news, Florida is crawling with raaaaacists!
Via CF News:


golden ticket member
I’m guessing the internal polls in Pennsylvania didn’t look so good for Obama so he called in Holder.

Via Fox News:
The Department of Justice is investigating whether Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law is discriminatory, according to a letter released Monday.

Specifically, the department is reviewing Pennsylvania Act No. 18 (2012), which establishes the requirement to show proof of identity to be able to vote, according to the document.

The Justice Department requested data on the state’s registered voters in an effort to analyze whether those who lack the proper identification are disproportionately minorities.

The move by the Justice Department could be a step toward a federal lawsuit under the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Lawsuits against several others states for voter ID laws have already been filed.

Pennsylvania is one of 11 states to pass voter ID laws since 2010.


Strength through joy
I call this obama-lite.

Gov. Deval Patrick: EBT enforcement ‘not feasible’

A defiant Gov. Deval ( D )signed a welfare reform bill into law yesterday — only to say he won’t enforce key parts of the measure, drawing the wrath of lawmakers working to crack down on widespread abuses of the system.

Patrick, in a letter to lawmakers, said it’s “not feasible” to ban EBT purchases of frills such as liquor, cigarettes, lottery tickets and tattoos — and that “this administration will not enforce what cannot be enforced with respect to the use of EBT cards.”
“He’s saying he’s not going to enforce the law. That’s a first for me,” said state Rep. Shaunna O’Connell (R-Taunton), who is leading the charge for reform.
House Speaker Robert A. Deleo gave half-hearted praise, saying Patrick was right to sign the bill but wrong to take a pass on the item ban. “We applaud the governor for signing the EBT reform legislation into law and expect him to fully enforce it,” DeLeo (D-Winthrop) said in a statement.
The new law also forbids the use of so-called Electronic Benefits Transfer cards at casinos, strip clubs, jewelry shops, nail salons, rental centers and cruise ships. The Patrick administration said it will enforce that part of the law.

Also yesterday, Patrick shot down a bill that would require proof of legal U.S. residency to register a car.
In Massachusetts anyone can register a vehicle including dead people, no proof of a valid driving permit is needed.


golden ticket member
I would think that when the store clerk says...."you can't buy that liquor with that EBT card".....enforcement is performed and fraudulent act thwarted.


golden ticket member
154 addresses used 100 x or more each, received fraudalent refunds from the IRS
23,000 refunds or more

Who's is minding the store at the IRS ???????????????

Where's that fraud Czar that Obamaloney appointed ??


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Moreluck, just who is the unemployment fraud czar? I know there is a Medicaid/Medicare Deputy Administrator for Program Integrity, who I guess is what you call a czar, but who's in charge of unemployment?

Isn't unemployment insurance handled on a state level, in most cases, with monetary help from the gov't? Just asking, because I don't know. I suppose it would be hard for the Federal gov't to oversee all of that, since spending been slashed and programs defunded since President Obama instituted austerity measures.

Would you prefer we grow the Federal Govt? It's so hard to figure out what y'all want.


golden ticket member
Moreluck, just who is the unemployment fraud czar? I know there is a Medicaid/Medicare Deputy Administrator for Program Integrity, who I guess is what you call a czar, but who's in charge of unemployment?

Isn't unemployment insurance handled on a state level, in most cases, with monetary help from the gov't? Just asking, because I don't know. I suppose it would be hard for the Federal gov't to oversee all of that, since spending been slashed and programs defunded since President Obama instituted austerity measures.

Would you prefer we grow the Federal Govt? It's so hard to figure out what y'all want.
This isn't unemployment's IRS fraud!!

Obama appointed a fraud czar to fight fraud in gov't.
No one has seen or heard from this guy since.
I watched 'O' introduce this man on TV. I can't find him. I said, he's probably dead in a coat closet somewhere in the White House.

About the IRS fraud, you'd think with the technology we have today that sending a refund over & over again to the same address would red flag or set off an alarm or something. What a waste! I assume that this has been going on forever.

Obama could've been a real hero if he had come into office and started cutting out the waste in every dept. of the goverment. He talked about waste in Medicare.....but has let it go on all the time he's been in office. That's like ignoring a plumbing doesn' get better by itself.

He should've played the part of the plumber to the rescue instead of the briefcase toting lawyer. People hate lawyers.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Congress has cut the IRS budget for the last few years.

Mr. Obama last year asked for the I.R.S. budget of $12.1 billion to be increased by more than $1 billion, to enable it to hire 5,100 employees. But Republicans, who oppose the health care program, succeeded in trimming the agency’s funds to $11.8 billion in the budget approved last month. To accommodate the cuts, the I.R.S. offered buyouts to 5,400 of its 95,000 employees.

While the report praised the I.R.S. as a generally well-run operation, it said a modest increase in funds would allow it to make substantial progress in reducing the deficit by collecting unpaid taxes. For every dollar in funds, the I.R.S. brings in $200 in revenue, the report said.


golden ticket member
Congress has cut the IRS budget for the last few years.

Mr. Obama last year asked for the I.R.S. budget of $12.1 billion to be increased by more than $1 billion, to enable it to hire 5,100 employees. But Republicans, who oppose the health care program, succeeded in trimming the agency’s funds to $11.8 billion in the budget approved last month. To accommodate the cuts, the I.R.S. offered buyouts to 5,400 of its 95,000 employees.

While the report praised the I.R.S. as a generally well-run operation, it said a modest increase in funds would allow it to make substantial progress in reducing the deficit by collecting unpaid taxes. For every dollar in funds, the I.R.S. brings in $200 in revenue, the report said.
Increase the budget??? Why, so they can send 300 more tax refunds to 333 E. Tallmadge Ave. Akron, Ohio ???


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Increase the budget??? Why, so they can send 300 more tax refunds to 333 E. Tallmadge Ave. Akron, Ohio ???

I really have a hard time believing anyone can be so dense. How would you suggest the problem be dealt with? There are not enough 'cops' to catch the 'bad guys', and you want to get rid of more 'cops'?


golden ticket member
I really have a hard time believing anyone can be so dense. How would you suggest the problem be dealt with? There are not enough 'cops' to catch the 'bad guys', and you want to get rid of more 'cops'?

Seems that they will find enough IRS muscle to collect the "TAX" from those that don't buy health ins......but they can't find the personnel to limit refunds to addresses. A computer program could detect that stuff.They don't care that money is wasted so they don't go after it.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Seems that they will find enough IRS muscle to collect the "TAX" from those that don't buy health ins......but they can't find the personnel to limit refunds to addresses. A computer program could detect that stuff.They don't care that money is wasted so they don't go after it.

And you base this on your intimate knowledge of the future?


golden ticket member
And you base this on your intimate knowledge of the future?
I base it on the fact that the Supreme Leader said the IRS will hire 14,000 (?) additional workers to enforce the TAX on those that don't buy health ins. Weren't you listening to YOUR leader when he covered all this??

You would think one of those additional workers could program the computers to stop the fraudulent refund checks.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
They have 5000 fewer workers than last year, and certainly have not started any new hiring a of yet.

IRS audits may dip this year because of staffing shifts –

Computer screening issues aren't the only IRS enforcement area that has drawn questions.

The tax agency said it blocked more than $14 billion in refunds on fraudulent tax returns, much of it related to identity theft, during 2011 tax return processing.

But J. Russell George, who heads the inspector general's office, told Emerson's panel last month that Congress should expand IRS access to wage and withholding data that the Department of Health and Human Services gets from employers for Social Security records.

That would make it easier for the IRS to spot fraudulent refund claims by checking taxpayer filings against the data, he said.
The IRS has 5,000 fewer workers this tax-filing season than in 2011, and about 60% of the cuts came in enforcement jobs, Commissioner Douglas Shulman told a congressional hearing in March. The total IRS workforce fell to 91,380 last fall, a 3.1% drop from 94,346 in 2010. The reductions can leave the IRS scrambling to deal with honest taxpayers and scammers.
Many IRS employees who currently work on identity-theft tax fraud cases are also telephone assistors trained to help taxpayers. But inspector general auditors cautioned that identity-theft cases are often complex and require skills the phone assistors lack.


golden ticket member
2500 tax refunds sent to ONE address.....................that's appalling!!

It has not been agressively pursued under Obama's watch.