Global warming


Engorged Member

But Hypocrites 24:14 says that "God wants the Earth to be warm". Or how about Professor Sneed at Hillsdale College, who says that "global warming is a Communist conspiracy". If you really want PROOF, Glenn Beck says that locusts will fill the homes of people who don't buy gold, have gun safes, or have a years supply of dehydrated food in their bomb shelter(s).


The "redoubtable Judith Curry"? LOL!

I always check the source. From the author's bio on your linked editorial:
"featured on many radio and television shows, from Rush Limbaugh to “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Well done! Keep up the good fight. :rofl:


Well-Known Member
The "redoubtable Judith Curry"? LOL!

I always check the source. From the author's bio on your linked editorial:
"featured on many radio and television shows, from Rush Limbaugh to “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Well done! Keep up the good fight. :rofl:

Yes an actual scientist, but if you are worried about the funding I already asked you to prove your position using sources that get no government funding.

Keep up with your propaganda it's very telling.


Well-Known Member
Yet, her opinions are not respected by the majority of Climatologists.

Another scientist that has taken Koch money. What does that make? 30 out of tens of thousands? :puppet:

Well as I said many times you are more than welcome to post links to scientists supporting your position that have not government connections if funding sources trump science for you.


Engorged Member
Oh you must be one of those people that think the earth is only a few hundred years old.

Carry on.

Classic deflection. Since there are no reliable records pre-1880, just toss the science.

I can hardly wait until Christian creationists discover human children kept dinosaurs as pets.