Government shut DOWN


Well-Known Member
You got everything right except the part where Obamacare is the cause. Actually it is the excuse given by corporations such as FedEx to extract more profit from its workers. Just look at the UPS plan and you will see the difference between having union representation to protect and improve benefits vs having an employer with all the power to reduce health benefits to increase profits at the employees expense. The law may not be perfect but it gives the opportunity for millions of people to be proactive about their health and out of the emergency rooms for minor illnesses and injuries. Like it or not it's what this country needs.

If Obamacare is truly looking out for the average citizen then why did it make it possible for companies like FedEx to lower their coverage? Why doesn't it mandate a much higher % of coverage instead of a minimum of 60%? It's very much like FedEx telling us the Portable Pension Plan is good for us when a quick look at the numbers says otherwise. Affordable care is a good thing for sure. But when every American adult is being forced to buy insurance or pay a penalty, and premiums for most states are being doubled, tripled, and more, and we end up with a greater % of costs being shifted onto us, it's only affordable for the wealthy. With more than 20 new taxes to boot. This thing is already growing into a bureaucratic monster that'll consume more and more. And when the country owes $17 trillion now, and 30% of our budget just pays interest on that debt, $2.7 trillion more in costs in 10 years does matter. Where's it coming from? Check out the plans being offered by the exchanges. They have 4 tiers of coverage available with each tier named after a metal. The lowest tier is the Bronze with the lowest costs but only 60% coverage. Silver is 70%, Gold is 80%, Platinum 90%. The bronze is cheapest but there are copays, etc. And many people choose to not have insurance because they can't afford it. If they don't work for an employer with the mandated minimum 60% coverage they can get a subsidy but will still have out of pocket expense and if they have a serious illness they don't get a subsidy for the 40% they are on the hook for. And why are premiums going up so much for many states? Because many states don't mandate the many things insurance must provide like a few states do. So while premiums are going down some in a few states like New York, they are skyrocketing in others. 600% in Arkansas, a much poorer state than New York but Obamacare requires that their insurance provide all the various exams, etc that richer states do. Think that's affordable for a family of four in Little Rock scraping by on $35k a year?


Well-Known Member
Obama did!! Remember, he's actually a Muslim. Hannity said it, and then O'Reilly confirmed it! Rush saw him reading a Koran and wiping his ass with the US flag while he was at a mosque in Kenya. Or was that when he was the only black guy at that Fourth Reich rally?

Actually terrorists committing mass murder did. Sure, that was a pretense to get control of the oil in Iraq, but then again, Obama had the power to pull the troops much sooner than he did. Think maybe he was privy to info we aren't? Why didn't he shut down Gitmo? Said he would. Y'all talk like you have it all figured out but as usual you just talk out of your ass.


Obama did!! Remember, he's actually a Muslim. Hannity said it, and then O'Reilly confirmed it! Rush saw him reading a Koran and wiping his ass with the US flag while he was at a mosque in Kenya. Or was that when he was the only black guy at that Fourth Reich rally?

Actually terrorists committing mass murder did. Sure, that was a pretense to get control of the oil in Iraq, but then again, Obama had the power to pull the troops much sooner than he did. Think maybe he was privy to info we aren't? Why didn't he shut down Gitmo? Said he would. Y'all talk like you have it all figured out but as usual you just talk out of your ass.
Sorry but it's the republicans that talk out of their ass. They want to disrupt and sabotage every piece of legislation this administration puts forth but has no real salutions themselves. As far as Iraq and Afghanistan, it's a lot harder to clean up a mess then to make it. You want to close Gitmo? Then offer a solution.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but it's the republicans that talk out of their ass. They want to disrupt and sabotage every piece of legislation this administration puts forth but has no real salutions themselves. As far as Iraq and Afghanistan, it's a lot harder to clean up a mess then to make it. You want to close Gitmo? Then offer a solution.

Other than Obamacare tell me what legislation? The ones that jack spending way up? Obama signs plenty of bills into law, which requires both houses to pass first. And I don't have to offer solutions. The President said he would close it, liberals were demanding it. Still open. And here's the dirty little secret about places like Afghanistan. The British couldn't straighten it out, the Russians couldn't, and we won't. It will still be a mess long after we pull out so we could leave at any time and it wouldn't make a difference. The best we can do is contain the insanity through better and more proactive intelligence. And for all the rancor here about Christians we don't hold a candle to the craziness of Islam.


Engorged Member
If Obamacare is truly looking out for the average citizen then why did it make it possible for companies like FedEx to lower their coverage? Why doesn't it mandate a much higher % of coverage instead of a minimum of 60%? It's very much like FedEx telling us the Portable Pension Plan is good for us when a quick look at the numbers says otherwise. Affordable care is a good thing for sure. But when every American adult is being forced to buy insurance or pay a penalty, and premiums for most states are being doubled, tripled, and more, and we end up with a greater % of costs being shifted onto us, it's only affordable for the wealthy. With more than 20 new taxes to boot. This thing is already growing into a bureaucratic monster that'll consume more and more. And when the country owes $17 trillion now, and 30% of our budget just pays interest on that debt, $2.7 trillion more in costs in 10 years does matter. Where's it coming from? Check out the plans being offered by the exchanges. They have 4 tiers of coverage available with each tier named after a metal. The lowest tier is the Bronze with the lowest costs but only 60% coverage. Silver is 70%, Gold is 80%, Platinum 90%. The bronze is cheapest but there are copays, etc. And many people choose to not have insurance because they can't afford it. If they don't work for an employer with the mandated minimum 60% coverage they can get a subsidy but will still have out of pocket expense and if they have a serious illness they don't get a subsidy for the 40% they are on the hook for. And why are premiums going up so much for many states? Because many states don't mandate the many things insurance must provide like a few states do. So while premiums are going down some in a few states like New York, they are skyrocketing in others. 600% in Arkansas, a much poorer state than New York but Obamacare requires that their insurance provide all the various exams, etc that richer states do. Think that's affordable for a family of four in Little Rock scraping by on $35k a year?

Please offer the Republican alternative....(sound of crickets chirping). As usual, the GOP is all up-in-arms over another Socialist travesty by Obama. But they have no alternatives but to keep things the same, which isn't working. Nobody on your side will answer my rhetorical question, which is: Why not let the ACA take effect and then pummel the Democrats with it in the next few election cycles? You "know" it will fail, so let it fail, and then reap the rewards. Your masters (FOX and Big Business) have ginned-up the usual firestorm of lies and misrepresentations about Obamacare, working all of you wingnuts into a foaming mess over it. Sorry, but the ACA will work, and the GOP will tuck it's tail between it's legs and slink away, awaiting the next controversy they can exploit.


Well-Known Member
Please offer the Republican alternative....(sound of crickets chirping). As usual, the GOP is all up-in-arms over another Socialist travesty by Obama. But they have no alternatives but to keep things the same, which isn't working. Nobody on your side will answer my rhetorical question, which is: Why not let the ACA take effect and then pummel the Democrats with it in the next few election cycles? You "know" it will fail, so let it fail, and then reap the rewards. Your masters (FOX and Big Business) have ginned-up the usual firestorm of lies and misrepresentations about Obamacare, working all of you wingnuts into a foaming mess over it. Sorry, but the ACA will work, and the GOP will tuck it's tail between it's legs and slink away, awaiting the next controversy they can exploit.

Actually I've thought many times they should just let it go forward. If it fails people will see the excessive spending of the Dems and that theories about the way things ought to be usually don't work in the real world. If it works, then great, and the Repubs lose big. But with costs already mounting, with employers pushing people into part-time to avoid the costs they'll incur if they have to provide insurance, I'm confident in the direction it'll go and the pain it will cause.

P.S. The current system works well IF you have good insurance that's reasonable. Getting to that point is problematic and there aren't any easy solutions. Shutting Republicans completely out of the process when creating Obamacare, coming up with a 2500+ page law that few knew what was in it before it passed, and already costing much more than was projected doesn't make me nearly as confident as you are in it.


Well-Known Member
Other than Obamacare tell me what legislation? The ones that jack spending way up? Obama signs plenty of bills into law, which requires both houses to pass first. And I don't have to offer solutions. The President said he would close it, liberals were demanding it. Still open. And here's the dirty little secret about places like Afghanistan. The British couldn't straighten it out, the Russians couldn't, and we won't. It will still be a mess long after we pull out so we could leave at any time and it wouldn't make a difference. The best we can do is contain the insanity through better and more proactive intelligence. And for all the rancor here about Christians we don't hold a candle to the craziness of Islam.

Look up the number of filibusters in the Senate during this and the last Congress. The Senate hasn't been allowed to vote. Look how many are for appointments. The stimulus, the auto bailout, Repeal of DADT, Wall Street Reform, Equal pay (Lily Ledbetter Act), Consumer Protection Laws, Federalization of the Student Loan is a pretty long list.

Karzai is an American stooge and exists to support our interests.


Well-Known Member
Actually I've thought many times they should just let it go forward. If it fails people will see the excessive spending of the Dems and that theories about the way things ought to be usually don't work in the real world. If it works, then great, and the Repubs lose big. But with costs already mounting, with employers pushing people into part-time to avoid the costs they'll incur if they have to provide insurance, I'm confident in the direction it'll go and the pain it will cause.

P.S. The current system works well IF you have good insurance that's reasonable. Getting to that point is problematic and there aren't any easy solutions. Shutting Republicans completely out of the process when creating Obamacare, coming up with a 2500+ page law that few knew what was in it before it passed, and already costing much more than was projected doesn't make me nearly as confident as you are in it.

The previous system was not working for 46 million Americans without healthcare. There were no protections against recission (canceling insurance for those that get sick when they need it most), women had to pay more just because of gender, children were not covered until age 26, the donut hole meant seniors sometimes had to choose between essential medications and food, and of course the insurance companies could exclude sick people.

We must also consider that we spend at least double the amount on healthcare (as a percentage of GDP) than any other nation, but we do not have outcomes that reflect that. Our infant mortality rate is appaling. IMO, there is NO reason that the wealthiest nation in the world should have uninsured citizens.


Well-Known Member
Look up the number of filibusters in the Senate during this and the last Congress. The Senate hasn't been allowed to vote. Look how many are for appointments. The stimulus, the auto bailout, Repeal of DADT, Wall Street Reform, Equal pay (Lily Ledbetter Act), Consumer Protection Laws, Federalization of the Student Loan is a pretty long list.

Karzai is an American stooge and exists to support our interests.

The Senate Democrats haven't produced a budget to vote on. And Harry Reid has always had the right to invoke the "nuclear" option, a simple majority of 51. Of those you named how many weren't voted on and passed? Does the minority in the Senate just have to rubber stamp everything the Dems want or do they have a Constitutional right to fight against what they don't believe in?


Well-Known Member
The previous system was not working for 46 million Americans without healthcare. There were no protections against recission (canceling insurance for those that get sick when they need it most), women had to pay more just because of gender, children were not covered until age 26, the donut hole meant seniors sometimes had to choose between essential medications and food, and of course the insurance companies could exclude sick people.

We must also consider that we spend at least double the amount on healthcare (as a percentage of GDP) than any other nation, but we do not have outcomes that reflect that. Our infant mortality rate is appaling. IMO, there is NO reason that the wealthiest nation in the world should have uninsured citizens.

​No doubt it had serious problems but is the ACA the answer? We'll see.


Well-Known Member
At least congress was "working" on that Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas America.

I won $50.00 at work. I bet a brother courier it was going to pass. They had the votes or it would not have been voted on.


Yanked Out My Purple-Blood I.V. In 2000!
At least congress was "working" on that Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas America.

I won $50.00 at work. I bet a brother courier it was going to pass. They had the votes or it would not have been voted on.

What is a "brother courier?" And while I'm here, didn't you say your wife had a triple-bypass operation? I would think with your BUSINESS. full-time job at Fedex, running for Mayor, providing $1 police protection, crossing guard, blood donor and all the other spectacular feats you accomplish ... you'd let the little lady at least go PART-TIME. What a man!!!


Yanked Out My Purple-Blood I.V. In 2000!
Other than Obamacare tell me what legislation? The ones that jack spending way up? Obama signs plenty of bills into law, which requires both houses to pass first. And I don't have to offer solutions. The President said he would close it, liberals were demanding it. Still open. And here's the dirty little secret about places like Afghanistan. The British couldn't straighten it out, the Russians couldn't, and we won't. It will still be a mess long after we pull out so we could leave at any time and it wouldn't make a difference. The best we can do is contain the insanity through better and more proactive intelligence. And for all the rancor here about Christians we don't hold a candle to the craziness of Islam.
I find it interesting, that you comment on all the craziness, in other countries. We have MORE craziness, right here in the grand U.S. of A. How have we contained our insanity? How have the so-called Christians done more for the poor, than the Muslims? We have the Republicans cutting off food to children and the elderly; taking away paychecks, while they cash in their $3,300 a week. Keep up Tex. Muslims are the largest, faith denomination in the world; and the USA has become their new country of choice.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting, that you comment on all the craziness, in other countries. We have MORE craziness, right here in the grand U.S. of A. How have we contained our insanity? How have the so-called Christians done more for the poor, than the Muslims? We have the Republicans cutting off food to children and the elderly; taking away paychecks, while they cash in their $3,300 a week. Keep up Tex. Muslims are the largest, faith denomination in the world; and the USA has become their new country of choice.

Maybe you should educate yourself about Sharia law. While you are at it look at all the Muslims who are blown to bits on a regular basis, pretty much daily somewhere in the world. Find out about the religious police in Saudi Arabia who drove dozens of little girls back into a burning school building where they died because they weren't completely covered head to toe while trying to escape. Speaking of women there have been women who were raped and then tried for adultery and stoned to death because they didn't have 5 male witnesses to the rape. Muslims are free to practice their faith in the U.S. as long as they aren't hurting anyone but try that in Muslim nations. In many one can be imprisoned for talking to Muslims about Christianity and Muslims who convert can be executed and have been. A well known documentary film producer, relative of Van Gogh the painter, was assassinated for making an honest film about Islam. Muslims worldwide rioted over newspaper cartoons they felt were disrespectful of Mohammed. Back in the 90's the FBI caught on tape a Muslim father in St.Louis killing his teenage daughter with a knife because she had become too Americanized. Her mother assisted. A similar case in Dallas awhile back had a father killing both his daughters. I could go on and on but I guess what really matters is that people who hate Christianity don't care about just how insane the Islamic world is because it interferes with their hatred of people who are least trying to live by a certain code. I've never understood why it is that those that don't practice Christianity can't just live and let live. You have to lash out at Christians constantly. Guess what? You're just another person who rationalizes his own shortcomings by attacking others.
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Engorged Member
Maybe you should educate yourself about Sharia law. While you are at it look at all the Muslims who are blown to bits on a regular basis, pretty much daily somewhere in the world. Find out about the religious police in Saudi Arabia who drove dozens of little girls back into a burning school building where they died because they weren't completely covered head to toe while trying to escape. Speaking of witnesses there have been women who were raped and then tried for adultery and stoned to death because they didn't have 5 male witnesses to the rape. Muslims are free to practice their faith in the U.S. as long as they aren't hurting anyone but try that in Muslim nations. In many one can be imprisoned for talking to Muslims about Christianity and Muslims who convert can be executed and have been. A well known documentary film producer, relative of Van Gogh the painter, was assassinated for making an honest film about Islam. Muslims worldwide rioted over newspaper cartoons they felt were disrespectful of Mohammed. Back in the 90's the FBI caught on tape a Muslim father in St.Louis killing his teenage daughter with a knife because she had become too Americanized. Her mother assisted. A similar case in Dallas awhile back had a father killing both his daughters. I could go on and on but I guess what really matters is that people who hate Christianity don't care about just how insane the Islamic world is because it interferes with their hatred of people who are least trying to live by a certain code. I've never understood why it is that those that don't practice Christianity can't just live and let live. You have to lash out at Christians constantly. Guess what? You're just another person who rationalizes his own shortcomings by attacking others.

Islamic law coming to US!!!...old stuff from FOX News, buddy. They've been beating this dead horse for years and they still get mileage out of it. Do you really think that our legal system has any chance at all of being changed over? LOFL!!


Well-Known Member
Islamic law coming to US!!!...old stuff from FOX News, buddy. They've been beating this dead horse for years and they still get mileage out of it. Do you really think that our legal system has any chance at all of being changed over? LOFL!!

I never once said it was. We were talking about how we'll never change the Afghans or any other Muslim culture as their mindset is so different. It's a waste of time, men, and money to attempt to do so. And for that a hater came on here and told me how Christians are so much worse. Right....

And instead of having an honest discussion you of course just look for something to twist and ridicule. Amazing too that you always bring up FOX but admit you rarely if ever watch it. Sean Hannity had a bunch of college students on last night, at least half of whom were very liberal and all very intelligent. A very lively debate for the full hour. You just don't see that kind of give and take on MSNBC and yet FOX has major liberals on all the time to state their views. Extreme liberals are exactly why FOX does so much better in the ratings.


Engorged Member
I never once said it was. We were talking about how we'll never change the Afghans or any other Muslim culture as their mindset is so different. It's a waste of time, men, and money to attempt to do so. And for that a hater came on here and told me how Christians are so much worse. Right....

And instead of having an honest discussion you of course just look for something to twist and ridicule. Amazing too that you always bring up FOX but admit you rarely if ever watch it. Sean Hannity had a bunch of college students on last night, at least half of whom were very liberal and all very intelligent. A very lively debate for the full hour. You just don't see that kind of give and take on MSNBC and yet FOX has major liberals on all the time to state their views. Extreme liberals are exactly why FOX does so much better in the ratings.

The liberals FOX hand-selects for "debates" aren't exactly kosher. And Hannity lectures, he doesn't debate.


I find it interesting, that you comment on all the craziness, in other countries. We have MORE craziness, right here in the grand U.S. of A. How have we contained our insanity? How have the so-called Christians done more for the poor, than the Muslims? We have the Republicans cutting off food to children and the elderly; taking away paychecks, while they cash in their $3,300 a week. Keep up Tex. Muslims are the largest, faith denomination in the world; and the USA has become their new country of choice.

Maybe you should educate yourself about Sharia law. While you are at it look at all the Muslims who are blown to bits on a regular basis, pretty much daily somewhere in the world. Find out about the religious police in Saudi Arabia who drove dozens of little girls back into a burning school building where they died because they weren't completely covered head to toe while trying to escape. Speaking of women there have been women who were raped and then tried for adultery and stoned to death because they didn't have 5 male witnesses to the rape. Muslims are free to practice their faith in the U.S. as long as they aren't hurting anyone but try that in Muslim nations. In many one can be imprisoned for talking to Muslims about Christianity and Muslims who convert can be executed and have been. A well known documentary film producer, relative of Van Gogh the painter, was assassinated for making an honest film about Islam. Muslims worldwide rioted over newspaper cartoons they felt were disrespectful of Mohammed. Back in the 90's the FBI caught on tape a Muslim father in St.Louis killing his teenage daughter with a knife because she had become too Americanized. Her mother assisted. A similar case in Dallas awhile back had a father killing both his daughters. I could go on and on but I guess what really matters is that people who hate Christianity don't care about just how insane the Islamic world is because it interferes with their hatred of people who are least trying to live by a certain code. I've never understood why it is that those that don't practice Christianity can't just live and let live. You have to lash out at Christians constantly. Guess what? You're just another person who rationalizes his own shortcomings by attacking others.
You should educate yourself about the history of Christianity. Just as much violence, corruption and insanity. That's the problem with with most right wing born again Christians, they can't see the problems in their own back yards but so quick to judge their neighbors.


Well-Known Member
The liberals FOX hand-selects for "debates" aren't exactly kosher. And Hannity lectures, he doesn't debate.

Name the ones who aren't kosher. Numerous Democrat Congressmen. Democratic strategists who've run presidential campaigns. Known left leaning news anchors from other networks. On and on. You try to marginalize people you haven't even seen because they happen to appear on FOX. And those college kids were saying all the things that are said on this forum and elsewhere.