

Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
Why is it that the Left praises this View attachment 376683 in one country but rebels against it in our country ?
Can she even see at all? Either way, this is praised by the left, the Right in silence, and anyone in America connected to the Military industrial complex. America shipped most its factories away to China long ago. It pretty much makes nothing anymore. It's a usury country...makes money by charging American interest. Buy one thing it does and does well is weapons and its big business. Ever wonder how the Democrats never seem to never get anything past but somehow, when it comes to sending weapons or money to other countries, (on the taxpayer's dime) they always seem to get that done without opposition? Rand, nice try. Next time you run over a pot hole, hurricane runs through your town or flood waters destroy most of everything, be happing knowing other counties are enjoying the money....billions... your government gives away. CCW should be available to all law abiding, sane citizens. Unfortunately it isn't.