Harry Reid


Well-Known Member
Everyone American Citizen has kept the Insurance Policy that they WANTED and every American has also kept THEIR same Doctor.:oops:

Talk about lies and misinformation ---the left is spinning like a top !

I guess Obama never said that --PERIOD.


Strength through joy
So when will Harry finally allow the US Senate to pass a yearly budget ( now that he has personally debunked all the obumacare stories ) ?
Really that is supposed to be his main job .


Strength through joy
If this lie is the best that harry can come with , then the dems are heading for a major defeat .
Think about it .
The facts do not support his position .
Most state exchanges have been unable to confirm any one actually paying for their new policies , let along actually signing up.
Some are realizing that their web based exchanges are bogus and must be redesigned from scratch .
In Mass. the web site is broken so badly that every application is now done by hand by a few people, who can not keep up with the incoming requests .


golden ticket member
Now, this morning, Harry says he doesn't recall (a month ago) when he said the sob stories about Obamacare were all lies of the GOP. He's totally BONKERS !! Looney !!

Thank goodness for videos.


golden ticket member


nowhere special


golden ticket member
Their evil knows no limits.

Via WaPo:
The billionaire industrialist Koch brothers, known best for shepherding big money to conservative causes and candidates, have given a $25 million grant to the United Negro College Fund, the organization announced Friday.

The money will come from Koch Industries Inc. and the Charles Koch Foundation, which are headed by the brothers. Most of the money ($18.5 million) will go toward a scholarship program. The other $6.5 million is provided for general support to historically black colleges and universities and the UNCF, with $4 million set aside for loan assistance.

The UNCF is the nation’s largest minority education group.