Healthcare next contract


KTM rider
Until we see what replaces the ACA (if anything) it is impossible to say. The only guarantee is that costs will continue to increase and the company will continue to want to pay less.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Don't forget, our union leadership was on board with this mess. More concerned with the liberal agenda than their rank and file.


Retired 23 years
No it didn't. Insurance costs have been skyrocketing for the past 10+ years. Obamacare is just what the Trump goofs like to blame.

Yes--insurance costs have been going up for years BUT my wifes just went up 62%--just like that--overnight. That is friend-ing ridiculous. That's Obama Care


Well-Known Member
No it didn't. Insurance costs have been skyrocketing for the past 10+ years. Obamacare is just what the Trump goofs like to blame.
Correct insurance costs JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE has skyrocketed over the past 10 years. What I'm going to tell you isn't my opinion it is a fact that you may or may not choose to believe. One of the foundations of the law was people with healthy premiums were gonna get a price hike to offset alllllll the people who can't afford health insurance. I realize that a lot of people believe that some people can walk on water and everything they do is for the best of everyone but, to argue that if you say anything bad about the law your a "trump goof" or I'm sure another one of your favorite titles to use is a faux news sheep. Your a :censored2:ing idiot.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
You were never going to pay a Cadillac tax.

I am not sure about the truthfulness of this statement. Care to provide some facts?

Yes--insurance costs have been going up for years BUT my wifes just went up 62%--just like that--overnight. That is friend-ing ridiculous. That's Obama Care

Sorry Rod, I respected you up until this post! You are going to have to prove this claim because if she's your wife she has Teamcare and it did not go up 62%!! So please, PLEASE provide proof of your statement....I really don't want to put you in my basket of lying POS's like Dave here!!!