Hilary Clinton

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Of all people to lose to could you imagine losing to Donald Trump!?

People laugh but Trump may have been the only candidate out there that could have beaten the historic nature of a Hillary campaign. Out of the 17 candidates in this years field, only a couple may have had a chance. Marco Rubio being the likely greatest chance.

Fact of the matter is, it has become electorally very difficult for a Republican to now win the White House. Trump won because many democrats actually voted for him. Trump isn't a typically ideologue like just about every politician is. Trump doesn't think in those terms. He thinks of issues that are out there and forms an opinion that is often populist tone to them. People were drawn to a guy wasn't necessarily a conservative or liberal.


Well-Known Member
Trump will not serve out the Presidency. His so called "anti-establishment" and draining of the swamp in Washington has already proven to be complete B.S.
"Trump’s tax plan would give 47 percent of its benefits to the richest one percent of taxpayers. Paul Ryan’s tax plan is even purer — it gives 76 percent of its cuts to the richest one percent in its first year, and by 2025 would feed 99.6 percent of its benefits to the top 1 percent."
Trump appoints all of the normal fuddy-duddy Republicans, who are for big money and then retires. Guarantee Pence becomes the POTUS within a year.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
78 is old as :censored2:

Not necessarily anymore.

For example, this is 85 year old William Shatner on his new show this year. Not sure what his secret is.


JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Trump will not serve out the Presidency. His so called "anti-establishment" and draining of the swamp in Washington has already proven to be complete B.S.
"Trump’s tax plan would give 47 percent of its benefits to the richest one percent of taxpayers. Paul Ryan’s tax plan is even purer — it gives 76 percent of its cuts to the richest one percent in its first year, and by 2025 would feed 99.6 percent of its benefits to the top 1 percent."
Trump appoints all of the normal fuddy-duddy Republicans, who are for big money and then retires. Guarantee Pence becomes the POTUS within a year.

"Trump won't win the primary". Trump can't win a general". LOL.

What does anything you said have to do with him not staying President?


Inordinately Right
Because Trump is a businessman and he knows he can make more money not being president.
I wouldn't be so sure.
I'm sure the presidency made Obama a fortune in book sales, and maybe Trump wants a piece of that. Not to mention the things he can do to cut his own taxes. He's said many times he tries to pay as little tax as possible, now he has a chance to write the laws in his favor.

Presidency might be much more profitable for Trump than his other businesses.


golden ticket member
Trump will not serve out the Presidency. His so called "anti-establishment" and draining of the swamp in Washington has already proven to be complete B.S.
"Trump’s tax plan would give 47 percent of its benefits to the richest one percent of taxpayers. Paul Ryan’s tax plan is even purer — it gives 76 percent of its cuts to the richest one percent in its first year, and by 2025 would feed 99.6 percent of its benefits to the top 1 percent."
Trump appoints all of the normal fuddy-duddy Republicans, who are for big money and then retires. Guarantee Pence becomes the POTUS within a year.
How can things be complete BS when he hasn't been sworn in yet???????????????????????????

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Because Trump is a businessman and he knows he can make more money not being president.

Um, you don't think he realized this during this whole venture into running? If all he was interested in at 70 years old was growing even more wealth, the last thing he would have done was announce as a Republican presidential candidate. He immediately started losing 100's of millions in business dealings.


Well-Known Member
Um, you don't think he realized this during this whole venture into running? If all he was interested in at 70 years old was growing even more wealth, the last thing he would have done was announce as a Republican presidential candidate. He immediately started losing 100's of millions in business dealings.
Him winning the election and now appointing who the GOP wants, will benefit him (tax wise) considerably.

Not to mention the things he can do to cut his own taxes. He's said many times he tries to pay as little tax as possible, now he has a chance to write the laws in his favor.

After he appoints his administration and gets his and Paul Ryan's tax plans in place, he retires. Pence then takes over.

We will see...

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Him winning the election and now appointing who the GOP wants, will benefit him (tax wise) considerably.

After he appoints his administration and gets his and Paul Ryan's tax plans in place, he retires. Pence then takes over.

We will see...

Do we have to come back to your posts in a few years and mock them as we are doing with the countless posts from the last 2 years mocking Trump's campaign a joke and hopeless.

This would be quite the project to save some tax money. Haha. Pretty ludicrous theory.


Well-Known Member
Trump picks are a loose loose in the eyes of critics. He picks non government outsiders then they have no experience. He picks a guy like Priebus as he did today then he's just going along with insiders and breaking his promise.

dude stop hogging all the red X's and derails. let someone else have some.