Hilary Clinton


Hilary used the word "innuendo" when telling about Trump's comments that Anthony Weiner sent pictures of his weiner via internet.
Someone give that lady a dictionary so she can look up the difference between innuendo and FACT !!

She's a lawyer. That's a lawyer word. To be fair, these were her exact words, according to your link:

'He's great at innuendo and conspiracy theories and really defaming people. That's not what I want to do in my campaign, and that's not how I'm going to conduct myself.'

There was nothing about the former congresscritter in her remark. That was a clickbait headline without substance.

She's not going to be POTUS. Get ready for 'Never A Dull Moment Joe ©'


golden ticket member
He was referring to Huma and reminding us that she is married to Anthony....nevermind,you'll never be able to follow it anyway, troll!


golden ticket member
At a campaign stop in Iowa, Hillary Clinton said her decision to use a private email server was "not the best choice". Finally! The perfect Hillary 2016 slogan.
~Fred Thompson~


golden ticket member