How can thousands of children cross the border.....


Engorged Member
He wears the glasses only when he wants to appear intelligent but we all know that it takes more then a pair of glasses to look or be intelligent.... at least in his case....................

In Perry's case he seems to be missing the needed grey matter between the ears that normal people have...........

I was thinking the same thing about the glasses...probably a calculated move by his handlers to make him appear smarter. Good luck with that, because he is a maroon. This "heroic maneuver" to protect our borders seems equally calculated to appeal to the low information/low IQ Tea Party crowd that loves nice-looking but empty-headed politicos like Perry. Think "Anchorman", but half as intelligent. Plus, he is wasting taxpayer dollars by sending the National Guard to the border...that's un-American.

NRA Jesus would waste all of these immigrants at the border and then appoint Perry leader of the world. What a scary bunch.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Well-Known Member
So you think that they come here to work ?
Well let me take a look inside a Mc Donalds, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell or look at a manicured lawn, a clean house, a 5 star restaurant in New York and the parking lots of Lowe's and Home Depot. Let me do that and I tell you if I think they come here to work.


Bad Moon Risen'
Why is a Cuban National welcomed with open arms when they make it to our shores but anyone else from south of the border looked upon as illegal?
Was not too long ago that the right was up in arms when someone named Elian Gonzalez was sent back to Cuba to be with his father.


Bad Moon Risen'
I deliver to rural America with many large "family" dairy farms. Very conservative area of my state. Most if not all of these businesses employ undocumented workers. They would most likely not be in business if not for the cheap labor but continue to support the candidates that want to close the border. Hypocrasy?


Well-Known Member
Hypocrisy works both ways..........think about abortion..........You against it now?
I'd be against it if the people who are for it now would file to pay extra Taxes so the unwanted babies could be taken care of. You want it born, then you pay for it. Then I'll be on board against abortion.


nowhere special
I agree but if that person wants to get rid of it but the GOP wants her to have it then let the GOP pay for it.

Incorrect. The GOP had nothing to do with that person's decision to make a baby. That is an issue of personal responsibility. People should learn there are consequences of actions so don't expect others to pay for their personal irresponsibility. Once that person creates a baby then they should not expect others to pay for them to end a life.