How I would fix all the current problems in this Country.


Well-Known Member
I have no desire to be in charge, just pointing out that the so called 'Fair Tax' is not fair.


If you are not part of the solution --you are part of the problem.

Love the people that cry that everything is unfair --the system is against me, the Company is against me , the Union did a lousy job with negotiations ---In all cases --what would you have done ??--NO CLUE !!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, "Imagine." So if there was no religion or wars, we wouldn't even been police officers? There'd be perfect peace on earth?

Hardly. It's be better but hardly peaceful. Sadly.


"Imagine" was a nice song sung by John Lennon - turned out not true for JL nor the world. Some people deal with life --just Dreaming .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

If you are not part of the solution --you are part of the problem.

Love the people that cry that everything is unfair --the system is against me, the Company is against me , the Union did a lousy job with negotiations ---In all cases --what would you have done ??--NO CLUE !!

Island, I am smart enough to know that there is no one line answer to the tax problem. You are once again accusing me of saying something that I didn't say at all. That is definitely part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
:happy-very:You need to chill out

Thank you for the bad reputation comment ------many many many years a vocal and participating member --and you threw the FIRST bad rep -----says ALOT about you


Nine Lives
:happy-very:You need to chill out

Thank you for the bad reputation comment ------many many many years a vocal and participating member --and you threw the FIRST bad rep -----says ALOT about you

Why don't you all band together and bad rep him and then when his rep points get to zero he will not be able to rep anyone.


Well-Known Member
Trust me, the first one hurts, but you get used to it after awhile.:wink2:

Didn't hurt it all. I found it funny and even more so when I read a post by the same individual complaining about the "rep" system as they accuse others here of conspiracy in negative rep'ing them. After reading Hoax response of what we should do, maybe there are some legs to the conspiracy claim and maybe Hoax is one of the ring leaders. His post was to try and gain more members to his cause. I could see Hoax doing that for kicks.


Nine Lives
Didn't hurt it all. I found it funny and even more so when I read a post by the same individual complaining about the "rep" system as they accuse others here of conspiracy in negative rep'ing them. After reading Hoax response of what we should do, maybe there are some legs to the conspiracy claim and maybe Hoax is one of the ring leaders. His post was to try and gain more members to his cause. I could see Hoax doing that for kicks.

Just planting seeds of discourse and watching discourse is fun! :funny:


Well-Known Member
I realize that for most of us we are just having fun right now.:happy-very:

But believe me when I say that I agree 100% with wkmac on this one. I like to debate issues and ideas and realize that the other side does have views, perceptions and beliefs(I am not speaking about TOS)

Upstate I know you are just joshing but the first , second or however many bad reps I will receive --make me laugh and ---although I should not say this ---I feel a sense of pity for a person --rather than debate the issue in the open ---like a child throwing a tantrum --throws a negative rep.:wink2: I will never bad Rep anyone !!! Sorry Hoax !:grouphug:

I will drop this subject --I am giving it way too much attention ---:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
If you were given 4 years of supreme authority to totally revamp this
country, what would you do?

WKMAC has shared his loss of hope in our elected officials.

Texan wants term limits and a flat tax, and the IRS to go away.

TOS has shared how FOX News, Rush Limbaugh need to be silenced.

If you were given total power to reshape this country, how would you fix all the corruption
and problems we face? Economic, Elections, Government.

Then after 4 years, what then? Who or what system would be in place so it does not go back
to the same cycle?

First off... the old saying of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely I believe is true. So I wouldn't want anyone with that kind of power, including myself.

However, for fun, this is what I would put in place.

Congress: - 3 large items to change:
1. Term Limits enacted. Probably somewhere around 12 total years. (This includes everything, representative, senator, president). So a person couldn't be a rep for 6 terms then a senator for 2 terms then a president for 2 terms. He\she could do a max of either 2 senate terms or 6 rep terms or some combination.
2. After a person left the government, they would not be allowed to do anything to do with government (work as a lobbyist, work as a VP of company dealing with govt policies, be appointed as an ambassador etc.
3. All laws that are passed they would be subject to, no exclusions for them (or for that matter anyone).

Judicial: I believe the judges should interpret the laws not make new laws or add to existing laws. For example, the ADA was greatly expanded by the judicial branch. In my opinion the laws should be written much more rigid without loopholes for interpretation and the judges should indicate, this was not a provision in the law and send the law back to congress to amend the law to include a new provision or congress can choose not to.

Constitution: I believe the constitution as written gave very limited powers to the federal govt but they were expanded due to commerce clause way too much. I don't disagree with all the laws written for example, having a law regarding the FAA is very important. But if congress gets new powers, it should do so by constitution amendment not by carte blance using commerce clause or the taxing power amendment.

Federal Taxes: The tax code is waaaaaay too complicated, too many loopholes, too many deductions, too many exemptions all due to lobbyist. It should be completely rewritten and completely simplified. For individuals, there should be a standard deduction per person in a family up to 4. If you want you can have more children, but you won't get more of a tax break after four. The deduction per person should be similar to what we have now. A large break for the first person, a similar for spouse\domestic partner, and a reduced amount for each child (up to 2 children). In this way a family of four will pay no federal taxes for what would be necessary to live (housing\food etc).

No deduction for state taxes, states like NH\TX who have no income taxes pay more federal taxes due to high tax states like CA and MA.

Two tax brackets after that. 1st at 15% up to 100K, 2nd at 25% above 100K (after deductions).
Capital gains\dividends pay the same tax rate for individuals as earned income

Corporate taxes also greatly simplified. Companies that are based in another country pay equivalent of "sales tax" here based on total sales in US (not profit). Makes it more of an incentive to be based in the US. If it's a global conglomerate like Toyota that builds cars here. Then they pay minimum of profit based tax rate or a slightly lower "sales tax %" the higher of the two. Again, make for incentive of companies to be based in US, if they want to do business in US.

Social Security\Medicare: Tax rate is OK, but people live longer and healthier now. Social security should start at least 5 years later (67 for early retirement, 72 for normal retirement).

Other taxes: Such as gas tax should be set at rate where all money goes back to what it was intended for for example the roads\bridges to repair\maintain and build new. At same time, we need to watch the boondoggle like the Big Dig. That was way overbudget, largely because local politicians were using federal tax dollars with no penalties.

Welfare\Unemployment: I'm all for helping those who can't help themselves, the truly disabled, (esp those who became disabled in the military). We should help and support them any way we can. However, welfare\unemployment is supposed to be temporary for those who can work. I am against giving people more money because they had their umpteenth child, I'm against generation after generation being on welfare. That has to stop.

Civil Servants: People should be held accountable on jobs and fired\laid off as needed. Lifetime employment should not be a given.

Budgets etc: Governements budget should be similar to how they hold accountable companies. For example a CEO would be in huge trouble if they had unfunded liabilities like we have for social security etc. They should run by same laws they enforce on companies.

Administration: Goverments should assist businesses to set up fair playing rules, keep people safe etc, keep the land\air\water clean. But with balance. They shouldn't subsidize certain industries over others.

If govt wants to support clean energy for example, they should do it so they give money to colleges\universities\financial aid grants for students going for STEM or a particular field. It's good for our kids, and good long term for the country.

Immigration: No amnesty. It's been done before and before that. Make it so there is no work for illegal immigrants. Make companies pay if they hire illegal immigrants. With no work, there is less desire to come here. Enforce the border, send illegals back to their home country. People need to get in line to legally immigrate. No social welfare for immigrants for at least first 5 years.



Well-Known Member
First off... the old saying of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely I believe is true. So I wouldn't want anyone with that kind of power, including myself.

However, for fun, this is what I would put in place.

Congress: - 3 large items to change:
1. Term Limits enacted. Probably somewhere around 12 total years. (This includes everything, representative, senator, president). So a person couldn't be a rep for 6 terms then a senator for 2 terms then a president for 2 terms. He\she could do a max of either 2 senate terms or 6 rep terms or some combination.
2. After a person left the government, they would not be allowed to do anything to do with government (work as a lobbyist, work as a VP of company dealing with govt policies, be appointed as an ambassador etc.
3. All laws that are passed they would be subject to, no exclusions for them (or for that matter anyone).

Judicial: I believe the judges should interpret the laws not make new laws or add to existing laws. For example, the ADA was greatly expanded by the judicial branch. In my opinion the laws should be written much more rigid without loopholes for interpretation and the judges should indicate, this was not a provision in the law and send the law back to congress to amend the law to include a new provision or congress can choose not to.

Constitution: I believe the constitution as written gave very limited powers to the federal govt but they were expanded due to commerce clause way too much. I don't disagree with all the laws written for example, having a law regarding the FAA is very important. But if congress gets new powers, it should do so by constitution amendment not by carte blance using commerce clause or the taxing power amendment.

Federal Taxes: The tax code is waaaaaay too complicated, too many loopholes, too many deductions, too many exemptions all due to lobbyist. It should be completely rewritten and completely simplified. For individuals, there should be a standard deduction per person in a family up to 4. If you want you can have more children, but you won't get more of a tax break after four. The deduction per person should be similar to what we have now. A large break for the first person, a similar for spouse\domestic partner, and a reduced amount for each child (up to 2 children). In this way a family of four will pay no federal taxes for what would be necessary to live (housing\food etc).

No deduction for state taxes, states like NH\TX who have no income taxes pay more federal taxes due to high tax states like CA and MA.

Two tax brackets after that. 1st at 15% up to 100K, 2nd at 25% above 100K (after deductions).
Capital gains\dividends pay the same tax rate for individuals as earned income

Corporate taxes also greatly simplified. Companies that are based in another country pay equivalent of "sales tax" here based on total sales in US (not profit). Makes it more of an incentive to be based in the US. If it's a global conglomerate like Toyota that builds cars here. Then they pay minimum of profit based tax rate or a slightly lower "sales tax %" the higher of the two. Again, make for incentive of companies to be based in US, if they want to do business in US.

Social Security\Medicare: Tax rate is OK, but people live longer and healthier now. Social security should start at least 5 years later (67 for early retirement, 72 for normal retirement).

Other taxes: Such as gas tax should be set at rate where all money goes back to what it was intended for for example the roads\bridges to repair\maintain and build new. At same time, we need to watch the boondoggle like the Big Dig. That was way overbudget, largely because local politicians were using federal tax dollars with no penalties.

Welfare\Unemployment: I'm all for helping those who can't help themselves, the truly disabled, (esp those who became disabled in the military). We should help and support them any way we can. However, welfare\unemployment is supposed to be temporary for those who can work. I am against giving people more money because they had their umpteenth child, I'm against generation after generation being on welfare. That has to stop.

Civil Servants: People should be held accountable on jobs and fired\laid off as needed. Lifetime employment should not be a given.

Budgets etc: Governements budget should be similar to how they hold accountable companies. For example a CEO would be in huge trouble if they had unfunded liabilities like we have for social security etc. They should run by same laws they enforce on companies.

Administration: Goverments should assist businesses to set up fair playing rules, keep people safe etc, keep the land\air\water clean. But with balance. They shouldn't subsidize certain industries over others.

If govt wants to support clean energy for example, they should do it so they give money to colleges\universities\financial aid grants for students going for STEM or a particular field. It's good for our kids, and good long term for the country.

Immigration: No amnesty. It's been done before and before that. Make it so there is no work for illegal immigrants. Make companies pay if they hire illegal immigrants. With no work, there is less desire to come here. Enforce the border, send illegals back to their home country. People need to get in line to legally immigrate. No social welfare for immigrants for at least first 5 years.

Very well though out and I agree with many points.


Well-Known Member
Dig up this thread and go back to a basic--EDUCATION.

Not very successful in my State nor the rest of the country.
Left Politicians scream for higher taxes and more money to throw at a failing system to satisfy teacher unions.

Right politicians scream for more tests to hold teachers accountable .

Neither is working and an uneducated society is dragging us down .

Solution: American's are free to send their children to private schools -where the school and parent set the rules and the parents pay --only stipulation --government demands -no dropouts under the age of 18 .

Public funded schools : Not corporal punishment -but a progressive disciplinary system developed and put in place. Disrespecting teachers, disrupting the classrooms so that no learning can occur will not be tolerated. If any "child" does not take school seriously --and the parents have or have not been involved --THE STATE will not allow under 18 year olds to "drop out" --live a life of crime and welfare wreaking havoc on society.
Instead of "Charter Schools" State reformatories will teach skills such as computer programming, electrical, automotive etc--skills to enable one to contribute to society.

Until "control" is taken --generation after generation will waste education opportunities, drop out, commit crime and burden society :dissapointed: