How long does it take to get your own route at your hub?


takes about 7 years + at my hub (Mississauga, Ontario hub) started out as a walker for nearly 3 years, got my top rate and started driving. only been driving for a month and a half and realize swinging is going to suck for 7 years. 10 years ago they were creating runs at my hub, so all the new drivers got runs. i was wondering if there are hubs like that in canada.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Difficult question to answer here (Midwestern USA). We have 3 centers consisting of about 350 FT drivers in our building. We experienced a huge boom in the late 1990s/early 2000s, then our local economy tanked. Thus, between (circa) 2002-2010, they did not add any FT drivers (about 30 have been added in the past three years). Right now the least senior drivers with their own route have close to 22 FT years in, with few exceptions (routes with late UPS Store pick-ups & heavy industry have went to less senior guys). I'm certain that will change as we experience mass retirements in the coming years.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
I could have had one in a little over two years, but I took an article 22.3 bid and went inside for 5 years. When I went back on the road, i got a route the next time bids come up.

It's possible after 2 or so years to get one if center is large enough (mine has 60-70 drivers, ~54 routes), but the route you'd get may not be ideal.


Well-Known Member
I had the choice of picking my route three bids ago, and it was almost immediately cut.

Last bid, not enough routes, as we had a portion of our routes move to a more southern building. Well, they came back, and this year I had the option to bid on a route if I chose to do so.

I chose not, as none of the routes were appealing, or enjoyable. Swinging isn't that bad, and I haven't had a problem doing it for 8 years.

There's almost all routes where there's just that ONE person you don't get along with... and I would hate to see that person every mon-friday for the next two years. I went unassigned again this year.

I like it a lot.


KTM rider
I have been a swing driver for 11 years now. Do not see any bids coming up for a route that I would bid on any time soon either.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I had my own route for a year or so. Nice rural route. Got bumped. Now I'm one of the highest cover drivers in the center (7 years). There are a few guys under me with routes. Nothing I would want to do every day that's for sure. Between retirements and new routes that must be bid we will have 5-6 go up in the next 6 months or so. I might bid on 1-2 of them.

There are upsides to both cover driving and having your own route.


Well-Known Member
when i do bid a route it is going to be a rural route 70-80 stops/day, 170 miles or so, with a few on area pickups. So by the time i do finally get a route like this i'll have a year or 2 until i retire ha. I'm all set doing a bull-run/idustrial route 5 days a week for years on end. i'd rather wait.

Buck Fifty

Well-Known Member
The last few bids we had, there were a couple that had to be assigned to the low men on the totem pole. In our building you can get on a ball buster route pretty darn quick. It took me about a year to figure out I didn't want to cover drive, so I bid a ball buster and made it manageable by working the methods. Needless to say, somebody bumped me the next bid. It took the guy 3 months and it was back to being a ball buster. Live and Learn.


Well-Known Member
The last few bids we had, there were a couple that had to be assigned to the low men on the totem pole. In our building you can get on a ball buster route pretty darn quick. It took me about a year to figure out I didn't want to cover drive, so I bid a ball buster and made it manageable by working the methods. Needless to say, somebody bumped me the next bid. It took the guy 3 months and it was back to being a ball buster. Live and Learn.

This is the problem I have. Several drivers above me bid a new route every year. They get on a route, run and gun and turn an OK trip into a crap show, then bid off.