How's the view???........


Box Monkey
This was waiting for me tonight after I got out of the shower. My 1rst grade aged daughter did it.


How sweet. <3
Tell her to get you a Coney Island Root Beer next time. Much smoother.


Well-Known Member
LOL...Your :censored2:baggery knows no bounds.

Perhaps you can snap a pic of your cold, dark, empty condo? Or would that be your soul?

Did no one ever teach you in elementary school that if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing? It's okay to say nothing sometimes. You should try it.

Has anyone considered that Dave seems to thrive on human contact of this nature?

It may have been the only form of human interaction he had during his formative years?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Did no one ever teach you in elementary school that if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing? It's okay to say nothing sometimes. You should try it.
Has anyone considered that Dave seems to thrive on human contact of this nature?

It may have been the only form of human interaction he had during his formative years?
Negative attention is better than no attention.

Yeah..... It's a mystery why such a guy is divorced and living alone in a condo with a cat with nothing to do but being a pompous :censored2:bag on a forum.