Just called an A-hole today for first time.


They wanted my "Avatar" pic.
I was in the middle of a busy downtown square this evening around 730 and some lady in front of me is driving reeeeaaaalllly slow to find that "premo" spot. Just as they pass someone who is backing up they deiced to back up so they can get it.

Well, that's where we got a problem. Because I don't back in the middle of downtown traffic.

First she wanted me to go around her into oncoming traffic, I just shook my head no. As she started to slowly back within inches I could tell she wanted me to back up. As I look in my side mirror, I got about 10 cars behind me and others honking at intersections backed up behind, because this lady NEEDS this spot. At this point at I put her in park and shut it down.

Long story , but not really short, the guy backing out of the spot managed to 5 point turn it out of there, as I pass the lady she yells, ":censored2:!".

I couldn't help to drive away with a wicked :censored2: eatting grin on my face.


Well-Known Member
I lost count of how many of the 10 points in the driver commentary you violated.

This was entirely your fault for failure to establish sufficient eye lead time and maintain proper following distance.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
While its frowned upon and would Def get you fired, my first thought would have been to flag her down, take off my shoe and beat her with it. Watch what you say to certain people, you never know how screwed up in the head they are.


Pineapple King