Laid off driver working as PT supervisor

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
to the OP:

I'm not sure that this question has been answered. So this employee has been driving since April of last year? Now besides April, May, and half of September this is all free period. If they're basically saying he's going to become an on road supervisor then it sounds like they sent him driving to promote him, not to give him a ft driver bid, but the issue I see is that he started driving in APRIL which is not part of the free period, correct? Now a grievance could be filed on his behalf if I'm not wrong because they sent him driving when it wasn't the free period. You union guys would know more about it than I would.

Most pt sups that go driving are doing it for the promotion, because the company makes it very difficult and usually makes you wait a ridiculous amount of time if you're attempting to go back into the union as a ft driver. I know my division manager is dead set against letting pt supervisors get back into the union, ever.


Nine Lives
It would become the union members business when the driver went back to the sup position. The driver does have the choice of layoff or displacing 2 part timers. The driver doesn't have to work 2 shifts. One shift would keep his/her benefits active. If the driver comes off the road after accepting a full time driver position he stay hourly even in the building. If he is promoted to oncar sup then that opens that route for bid. He/she has to be replaced with the 1 for 6 hires. The full time driver cant come off the road to an inside part time sup position. He/she either takes the layoff or displaces 2 part time positions. That's were the contract violation comes in to play.

I agree if he leaves UPS or goes to a Full-Time Supervisor position, the "new" position goes back into the normal 6 - 1 ratio.

I have not seen it in the contract anywhere or ever heard of "The full time driver cant come off the road to an inside part time sup position." I simply don't see a contract violation and I've seen this done before but as always it depends on the local I guess.

We can agree to disagree.

Well @Bagels keep us updated on the real decision on this.


Well-Known Member
Hey hoaxster I have just always been told once you go full time and qualify full time their is no going back to part time. I guess your right it must depend on the local. Agreeing to disagree is a wonderful thing. Means you still have freedom.


Staff member
I had also always heard that you could never go back to PT, but I have seen it done once and came to the conclusion that it's really up to the company. I personally would never grieve a FT employee being allowed to back to PT, as it's a precedent that might work in your favor someday.