lay offs


New Member
been at UPS for over a year and am told to call in everyday, and no work. How do I make sure no one with lower seniority then me is working? My full time sup has been known to that. Thanks


Well-Known Member
been at UPS for over a year and am told to call in everyday, and no work. How do I make sure no one with lower seniority then me is working? My full time sup has been known to that. Thanks

Pay attention to the posted schedule.

You only have one year in at this point. Consider that a blessing and move on and do something else.
Define "move on and do something else" are you saying UPSchick should leave UPS after a year invested?

Guessing and possibly being optimistic, I'll assume UPSchick will get more hours as it warms up and employees with more seniority take vacation time.


Well-Known Member
been at UPS for over a year and am told to call in everyday, and no work. How do I make sure no one with lower seniority then me is working? My full time sup has been known to that. Thanks
You are not required to call in. Find out what start time is, go to work, and if you see someone working that is lower than you and if you are told to go home because they don't have any work for you then file.



promoted to mediocrity
@UPSchick001, if you are not scheduled to work, that should be considered a 'layoff'. File for unemployment compensation. (That might motivate management to ask for volunteers who might like to take some unpaid days off).
Congratulations on making it 1+ year to start getting benefits, check your contract & supplement for the # of hours you need to work to 'earn' them (paid vacation, pension credits, etc).

You only have one year in at this point. Consider that a blessing and move on and do something else.
@Whats 9.5? , I disagree with your recommendation. After 1 year part time, fringe benefits kick in.


Retired 23 years
Don't anyone make friends anymore? Why not have senior"friend" call you if they see someone under you working? If you are a UPS Chick you have friends


promoted to mediocrity
Don't anyone make friends anymore? Why not have senior"friend" call you if they see someone under you working?
While I understand and appreciate your sentiment; remember, hubs are different than the smaller centers. In a hub there is likely to be at least 100 part timers on any shift. Combine that with the huge turnover rate, and it becomes nearly impossible for the typical low seniority part timer to know if their seniority is being violated.


Retired 23 years
While I understand and appreciate your sentiment; remember, hubs are different than the smaller centers. In a hub there is likely to be at least 100 part timers on any shift. Combine that with the huge turnover rate, and it becomes nearly impossible for the typical low seniority part timer to know if their seniority is being violated.

Come to think of it my response was stupid. I was speaking as someone who worked at a small center. Thanks for calling me out on that and setting me straight.


Well-Known Member
Talk to a shop steward. In my local it is managements responsibility to call us every day if we are not required. You can also check the SOR to see if lower employees are working.


promoted to mediocrity
What difference does it make who calls who?
I would think it would be to management's benefit to initiate the calls.

Say there are 10 people 'on call', and they end up needing 2 to come in. What's more expeditious, only making enough phone calls to cover the staffing, or taking 10 phone calls?

From the employee's standpoint; would you rather set your alarm clock (2 or 3 AM for a preloader) to wake up and call in (interrupting what might be a rare full night's sleep), or just get a phone call with 100% chance of working if you want to?

Just a couple thoughts that came to me.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what area you are in but here if you are PT and layed off for a week or more then you can bump any junior part timer on any other sort in the building. I'm in Central. They should have a schedule up for you though. When I was new and layed off my name was on the schedule but it had l/o each day instead of the start time. That is how they should do it.