Liberal / Conservative

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I guess this "directive" was so important that President Bill Clinton signed an "EXECUTIVE ORDER" on who can or cannot carry.

Feel real good --you managed to pull me to the "LA-LA LAND" -past --where you are stuck --Lets not look at what Obama wants to do TODAY !!
A national gun registry that will solve all the gun murder problems ?? What a joke.

What is the only purpose for a National gun Registry ??
To eventually confiscate guns from all the legal gun owners !!

Of course all the gang bangers will register their guns ?

Where is your head ?:happy-very:

Gang members registering guns isnt the focus, island. YOU registering guns is the focus. This way, a guy like you, couldnt stockpile guns then SELL them to gang members without a trace and then be used in murders.

Where do you think gang members get guns from?

You think they have special Gang Member Gun Stores specifically catering to gang members?

Of course not. They simply buy guns from the gun toting average old guy with a crap load of guns in his home off the internet or street sale.

The registry would track all weapons purchased by guys like you, and then that registry would PREVENT you from illegally selling it to anyone that may or may not get that gun into the hands of a criminal.

Your complaint is that you just dont want the gun traced back to you. You would prefer to be able to sell your gun to anyone, then have that gun resold at no concern to yourself and then end up in a homocide.

What do YOU have to hide?

If you are buying guns for personal protection, and dont intend on selling them, then you shouldnt have any problems registering them.

If you are "scared" about registering them, then you are part of the problem in this country.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I guess this "directive" was so important that President Bill Clinton signed an "EXECUTIVE ORDER" on who can or cannot carry.

Feel real good --you managed to pull me to the "LA-LA LAND" -past --where you are stuck --Lets not look at what Obama wants to do TODAY !!
A national gun registry that will solve all the gun murder problems ?? What a joke.

What is the only purpose for a National gun Registry ??
To eventually confiscate guns from all the legal gun owners !!

Of course all the gang bangers will register their guns ?

Where is your head ?:happy-very:

Island, I'm all for ALL of the Amendments. I also believe that they ALL have limitations. When your 'rights' interfere with my freedoms, I have a problem.

Bill Clinton's EO had nothing to do with weapons on a Naval base, but you already knew that.

You can't stop crazy, but with proper treatment, you can minimize the effects on society.


golden ticket member


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
What would you call today's Republican Party?

They are a minority party controlled by extremists, who threaten to destroy the government if they can't impose their minority views on the entire country. Reminds me of the Taliban.


golden ticket member
What would you call today's Republican Party?

They are a minority party controlled by extremists, who threaten to destroy the government if they can't impose their minority views on the entire country. Reminds me of the Taliban.
You ask a question to me and then you answer it remind me of the "one man band" back in the day.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
No, I said what they remind ME of. What would you call them? They are a minority party controlled by a smaller minority of extremists. What do you call that?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Part of the system of checks and balances.....
Not as the Founding Fathers envisioned. A small minority of extreists should not be allowed to hold the government hostage. This has NEVER happened in the history of the USA. Afghanistan, yes, America, no.


golden ticket member
Not as the Founding Fathers envisioned. A small minority of extreists should not be allowed to hold the government hostage. This has NEVER happened in the history of the USA. Afghanistan, yes, America, no.
Let's see, a Dem. president and a Dem. senate........what are they, milktoast?....they are the majority !! Bunch of wimps with no leadership!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
You forgot leaderless, obstructionist, Congress.

Love the name calling. I think you meant milquetoast, btw. Or maybe not, hard to tell with you.


golden ticket member
You forgot leaderless, obstructionist, Congress.

Love the name calling. I think you meant milquetoast, btw. Or maybe not, hard to tell with you.
They say you learn something's your chance...(from


easily dominated; extremely mild; ineffectual; namby-pamby; wishy-washy


nowhere special
Liberal Posting Guide:

1. Make up a convenient "fact"
2. Post that made up "fact". Also post an insult, of an individual or conservatives in general. This makes the made up "fact" more believable.
3. Never EVER post support for the made up "fact" (Not hard since you made it up anyway).

1. Read the post thoroughly, with understanding
2. If the post includes a fact, ignore it.
3. If the post does not include a fact - ignore all that is posted. Either:
a) Post an deflection - ensure that it has nothing to do with the original post. The more absurd the more effective;
b) Post a triviality. The longer ago, and the less important, the more effective;
c) Post an insult. Again, the less relevant, the more effective;
d) Call the poster a racist or a hater. The content of the post and the reputation of the poster is of no matter;
e) When all else fails, call on the original poster to post sources. If they did post sources, call the poster a liar


golden ticket member
The Perfect Home for Liberals.........PRISONS !!

- everyone is treated equally.
- free food.
- free medical / healthcare.
- only police and guards have guns.


Well-Known Member
The only thing you will find under the work boots of this Obama supporter are the paychecks of an $80K job.


Now you know what a MINORITY feels like. The uninformed voters and the freebies or --takers --swept Obama in office----Hard working American's knew that Romney knew how to handle and make money ----It was always clear that Obama knows how to take and spend your money.