Lugnuts falling off the package car


Retired 23 years
I am about .30 to .75 under allowed every day.

I predict your numbers will be changed soon. If you can consistantly run under that sends up just as big flag as consistantly running over. UPS likes to move that carrot on the stick.:happy2:


No It's not green grocer!
I predict your numbers will be changed soon. If you can consistantly run under that sends up just as big flag as consistantly running over. UPS likes to move that carrot on the stick.:happy2:

It has changed 3 or 4 times, I started this route 8 years ago and made about 2hrs bonus a day, Then the package allowance changed and I was over allowed by a half hour a day. Then we had a building wide human time study and I was anywhere from .3 to .75 over a day and soon after that a virtual time study was done and I gained about an hour a day maybe more. I could care less what that number is at the end of the day I get paid by the hour. It is nothing but a meaningless number, no one in my center is harassed about over allowed as we put a stop to it a long time ago, if a sup want to ask a question or two about the prior days work that is fine and I encourage my drivers to answer to the best of their ability, if it gets to be more than that a steward gets involved and the conversation will generally end very soon after.
great job on your pre-trip! the question that the company should ask is who were the last drivers who drove these cars, and why did they not do a post-trip.
if they had done a post-trip & wrote this problem in the dvir book it could have been taken care of my the shop. that is how it should work.


great job on your pre-trip! the question that the company should ask is who were the last drivers who drove these cars, and why did they not do a post-trip.
if they had done a post-trip & wrote this problem in the dvir book it could have been taken care of my the shop. that is how it should work.

You are right, that is how it SHOULD work. However, that is not how it DOES work. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten into a truck that should have been written up the night before. Most of the drivers pay little attention to the trucks they drive. I've caught and written up motor mounts that have been broken, 2 trucks in the last 2 years. I don't drive the same truck every day but I pay attention.
yes dilligaf you have it right. it is a broken system. the system has two parts pre-trip & post-trip . the company only wants the driver to do a pre-trip, the driver is told that there job is to deliver brown boxs, not to to any thing elese. i dont want to put all of the problem on the drivers, it is the company that is the problem most of the time.