Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I like rereading these threads once I realize that liberals have derailed them or turned them into sour grapes. Why? Because it just reaffirms just how much liberalism is a mental disorder. Sometimes I think they should all be rounded up and as they are being deported I get to piss on the smoldering heap that used to be their passports. :funny:

the nazi party had the same beliefs, maybe you should see a pysch?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why are liberals so obsessed with NAZIs? Wait....don't answer that.

because guys like you keep touting the same ideology that the nazis promote. "gathering people up, kicking them out and burning their passports"...

I think the jews know something about that, but you dont. You seem to think your an "original" thinker.

A country cannot exist with ONE single thought process, even though in your mind, you believe it to be possible. If this country was completely right wing, you would kill each other in no time because all you understand is violence and hate.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
because guys like you keep touting the same ideology that the nazis promote. "gathering people up, kicking them out and burning their passports"...

I think the jews know something about that, but you dont. You seem to think your an "original" thinker.

A country cannot exist with ONE single thought process, even though in your mind, you believe it to be possible. If this country was completely right wing, you would kill each other in no time because all you understand is violence and hate.

Wow. Is it that easy for you to write such a damning post and not even have one shred of truth in it? LOL! That's right....not one thing in it was true. And that is another reason I enjoy these. Sometimes.....

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It only took 4 posts before this became another thread about Obama. In fact the 11th post was yours, and guess what, it was about Obama. Who did the derailing again? Sour grapes indeed.

Man did you not thing things through before you posted this? You answered your question before you even asked it! If I was the 11 post and the fourth was about Obama then it CLEARLY wasn't me that "derailed" the thread. And seeing how this is an international incident and that the reaction of POTUS is always regarded as something of importance I'd have to say that anyone mentioning Obama was right on. Mentioning Obama didn't derail anything. He is an embarrassment as a leader. The sooner everyone can acknowledge that the sooner they can move on.


golden ticket member
Obama said something almost right was the dumbest thing I've ever heard.....even beats TOS's statements.
(see post #7)


golden ticket member
Post 7 was not anyone's opinion, but the words right out of the dummy's mouth. Apparently he didn't have Valerie Jarret proofread THAT statement. Big mistake!!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Are you suggesting that President Obama should have waited four days before making a statement? It hasn't been four days yet.
Who are you kidding? Four days, four months or four years can pass because Obama just isn't capable of being a great leader.


Staff member
I think Obama actually shot the plane down himself. I'd be willing to bet he was there moving bodies around while disturbing and removing evidence.

It's so much like something he would do, I'm sure it's him.
Now he's probably building a mosque there to mark the site of his great victory..