Marriage Equality act is passed,Republicans literally cry


Well-Known Member
How many times have you been attacked for being a Christian? Has your church been burned? Have people beaten you? Has someone shot at your church? What other challenges and attacks have you faced?

Because in my 50+ years of being a Christian the worst I've gotten is some light trouble from my Jewish groomsmen who didn't understand the whole standup-sitdown-kneel-stand-kneel etc rotation at my wedding that included a Catholic mass.

The fact that other Christians feel oppressed in America blows my Christian mind.
So the constant drip of anti-Christian rhetoric, suppressing Christian customs in public, are of no concern to you? Good to know.


All Trash No Trailer
So the constant drip of anti-Christian rhetoric, suppressing Christian customs in public, are of no concern to you? Good to know.

It didn't, but that's not the point of this anti religion act. You just have to look at the Republican amendments that Democrats rejected to see what it's actually about.


Well-Known Member
The court is garbage and I couldn’t care less what kind of perversion they proclaim is right. The people know it’s wrong. And God will destroy a nation that turns its back on him because it’s been done in the past. In fact he has started to do just that


Well-Known Member
People are born with their sexual preferences. you cant Pray the Gay Away.
I am an athiest but to you religious folks I'd dare say they are as your God created them.
Again this our country,not your church
I’m don’t practice religion anymore. But I’m certainly not Athiest. How terrible to go thru life with zero faith? Homosexual behavior is deviant and counter productive to humanity. Your girl had too many hard seltzers in college and went down on her bff? Cool. As long as she grew up and married a man and had kids.


Well-Known Member
That would be fine as long as the government doesn’t treat couples differently.
As in how does the government decide divorce law for who exactly is the husband in the homo marriage? So he or she can be divorce raped fairly like hetero ppl?


Inordinately Right
The Nazi's and Slave traders were both very much in favor of separating families. This sex trafficking idea is absurd
Nazis have nothing to do with this.

The comparison to what the Jews suffered could be called antisemitic by some.

The comparison to what African American slaves suffered could be called racist by some.

I suggest you you take your own advice and:
Educate yourself


Well-Known Member
The Supreme court ruled it's completely legal in Obergefell vs Hodges in 2015. It's a crying shame it had to be codified in 2022.
again the constitution does not define or protect gay marriage. Todays supreme court would recognize that and push it back to the states to decide as they did Roe vs Wade.
at that point it would either be a state by state issue or it would have to be codified by congress.
Its not a shame that it has to be codified its constitutionally the correct answer for congress to legislate law to protect rights not defined by the constitution that over time the majority decides should be granted.
This supreme court is forcing Congress to do their job.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why should the government enforce your marriage contract you and your spouse made with god?
Why doesn’t god come down here and enforce it?
He wants to wait and torch the homos and their marriages all at the same time.
The Sodom and Gomorrah effect is easier than hand picking each one.


Inordinately Right
Why should the government enforce your marriage contract you and your spouse made with god?
Why doesn’t god come down here and enforce it?
Because the government is in the business of policing marriage, and enforcing contracts is part of that.

I'm willing to get the government out of the business of marriage if you are. But that's not what the gays want, they want their beliefs pushed on everyone else using the hand of government.

El Correcto

god is dead
Because the government is in the business of policing marriage, and enforcing contracts is part of that.

I'm willing to get the government out of the business of marriage if you are. But that's not what the gays want, they want their beliefs pushed on everyone else using the hand of government.
How is allowing gay people to enter into the same legally binding contract heterosexuals are “pushing their beliefs on everyone else using the hand of government”?