missing Iphone6


Well-Known Member
Hello there,

ok so far im on my day 22 and have been scratching for the last 9 days.

today after the pcm i was pulled apart and taken into a room with 2 guys from the investigation dept. they asked me if i remember friday and i told them yes, then they ask me where i live, with who i share my apartment, what was my previous job if i like iphone (wich i really dont) and then they told me on friday the loaded a package into my car and it was not delivered.
they gave me the address and i told to one of them i used the diad to report 2 missing (not found) pkgs from my car and it was one of them. the he quickly show me some papker with the tracking record and told me like " not you didnt, because the last time the tracking# was scanned it was at 815am before it was put into your package car" then i told him that my SUP has just gave me a paper where it shows i reported the 2 not found pakgs. then they make me step out for a min and called me back in and asked me if i remember who loaded my truck of if i have any bulk stops and i said no, then they told me if i remember anything to let them know.

anyways my question am I on trouble??

what i do every day is after my last commercial stop, i take 30 minutes lunch to sort my load usually around 1230-1300.

also the second not found pkg was today on my load and my diad. but not the iphone.


KTM rider
They suspect you of something for whatever reason. In the future, be sure to have your shop steward with you.

A guy in my building had the same issues and said that during the time from when the packages were planted and when he got to his car, a PTer could have found the package and got them to the right car.

Not sure how all that turned out, the guy is still with the company.
[quote="Siveriano, post: 1411890, member: 548222]oh ok cool. i though this my get me disqualify. but like i said every time i sort my truck i count my stops and pkg and report any missing ones[/quote]
LP,loves to shake people down. they get off on It.


Well-Known Member
They suspect you of something for whatever reason. In the future, be sure to have your shop steward with you.

A guy in my building had the same issues and said that during the time from when the packages were planted and when he got to his car, a PTer could have found the package and got them to the right car.

Not sure how all that turned out, the guy is still with the company.

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/community/threads/missing-iphone6.358303/#ixzz3E5sUrFKV

the "investigation team" start asking me questions without performing a full research, i mean the investigation team didnt knew i reported the not found package.
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Well-Known Member
So the phone got stolen between the time that it was scanned to the time you left the building. They are just trying to figure out who it could be. If you didn't steal it, don't worry about it. It will probably not be found either. I've heard of a butt load of these new iphones coming up missing too. I don't know why they would go straight to the driver first though? Driver makes too much money to be stealing something that they can buy with just half a weeks pay.


Well-Known Member
what LP???

UPS life is a life of acronyms.

"LP" is UPSspeak for Loss Prevention Department. Some of them apparently aspire to be like detectives they see on TV. Makes sense they should talk to you but also your Preloader the preload belt Supe everyone on the belt from the point of the 0815 scan (prob the person doing the SPAing).

Sounds like they were using the last scan report as a feeble attempt to "trip you up" but they instead showed an unfortunate lack of knowledge about our job. How does the last scan at 0815 show you did not report the missing package to the center? Hilarious.

Don't worry about a Dumb and Dummer unless they can show spycam video of you stuffing it in your bag which they can't. Keep calm and drive on!


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the responses.

i think who ever that took the phone knew what he was doing to get it blamed it on me as it was a apt building where i had to drop another 21 pkgs on friday.


Well-Known Member
what my load looks like 6/5 days


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