Moving up will I have to drug test?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I wont even go into how I hate the entitlement programs, but I would be the perfect person to show how to improve them.
Yes for the needy, with a time limit, no for generations. The food card should only be used for food, with maybe a 10 dollar limit per month on soda, and candy.
All receiving them should take a class in cooking. Having grown up in a poor household who never received any aid, I can show you a million ways to use ground beef. A meatloaf so full of filler you didnt know whether to use ketchup, or milk...sugar or salt, and I survived.
Today it is top of the line meats and frozen foods, bullcrap. Give them less, show them how to make more of it, and make them want to find a better way. Mollycoddling all the way. It is crap.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame we have generation after generation of people who don't know how to earn a living. I saw my parents work and they taught me that if I want something I have to work for it. "No free lunches" was said many times.

How the heck is a kid supposed to learn any kind of responsibility when they don't see it from their parents? Or grandparents? They are raised in chaos and are, unfortunately, comfortable with that.

A system for helping the down-and-out is great, we might all need it someday. However, like others have said, the free handout system isn't working. Education and responsibility are key but it will take generations of practice for it to become lifestyle.

I sure get disgusted when I see cartloads of seafood and good cuts of meat in the store. Mine has chicken, burger and generic products. We eat well because, as tooner said, I cook instead of chowing on convenience foods all the time.

Damned shame the sense of pride most of us take in ourselves has been taken from people by handing them those free lunches. Not defending the lazies, just trying to understand both sides of a situation.

And still feel we should be able to smoke a joint after a hard days work, in our own homes, in front of the tube. Then munch out on some cheap baked chicken and potatoes!


When I worked FT at a customer counter several years ago in the greater Boston area, it was always eyebrow raising to see someone from the housing projects closeby come driving up in a brand spanking new Lexus SUV with the shiny rims and wood grain interior, dressed in the most fashionable clothing that I could never afford, while I am working driving a mediocre at best vehicle wearing brown rags.


bella amicizia
When I worked FT at a customer counter several years ago in the greater Boston area, it was always eyebrow raising to see someone from the housing projects closeby come driving up in a brand spanking new Lexus SUV with the shiny rims and wood grain interior, dressed in the most fashionable clothing that I could never afford, while I am working driving a mediocre at best vehicle wearing brown rags.

If, only, the police were that observant!


Well-Known Member
Only the airline employees have to take random drug tests.

I hope you're just referring to the p/t employees. Cuz, we, under DOT regs (feeder drivers), were under constant random scrutiny.

Sometimes, they would be there 2-3 days in a row taking "random" tests. And, no, we didn't have the luxury of grabbing a kit and running to the nearest clinic, we had to take the test NOW, whether you could "produce a speciman" or not.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, forgot about feeder drivers. Random drug tests are for pilots, aircfaft mechanics, anyone that signs the weight and balance paperwork for the airplane and feeder drivers. Everyone else can smoke their brains out.


Browncafe Steward
I didnt read all the threads here, but if your looking to move up at UPS and in life than quitting smoking pot is in your best interest. I have seen several people lose their jobs beause they got hign on the weeken and got tested after an accident at work or came in to work looking rough.

There comes a point in one's life, what is more important, smoking pot or providing yourself with a better life. Your call.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I didnt read all the threads here, but if your looking to move up at UPS and in life than quitting smoking pot is in your best interest. I have seen several people lose their jobs beause they got hign on the weeken and got tested after an accident at work or came in to work looking rough.

There comes a point in one's life, what is more important, smoking pot or providing yourself with a better life. Your call.
You make a good point it is about choices. It has been my observation tho, that pot stays in the system alot longer than alcohol, yet a hungover person, is alot more affected the next day, than the guy who got high the night before. The guy who got high is much more alert and not sick, than the hungover guy. JMHO and no I dont. IONS ago maybe, but it made me hungry and tired. I need no help with either these days.


golden ticket member
You make a good point it is about choices. It has been my observation tho, that pot stays in the system alot longer than alcohol, yet a hungover person, is alot more affected the next day, than the guy who got high the night before. The guy who got high is much more alert and not sick, than the hungover guy. JMHO and no I dont. IONS ago maybe, but it made me hungry and tired. I need no help with either these days.

I don't care what anyone says, I still think it destroys brain cells and lots of people on here are evidence of, I'm not naming names!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I don't care what anyone says, I still think it destroys brain cells and lots of people on here are evidence of, I'm not naming names!

I doubt you can blame all that on pot. There are many other stresses in life that destroy brain cells, including stress. Anxiety, loss of loved ones, sick family members, mounting debt from an illness, divorce. . Sometimes can make someone seem to have lost it. I dont know if the jury is in, I have read on both sides, for and against. The montra seems to be, yes it destroys brain cells, they also say it is not addictive, but I believe it can be a dependency. I dont know if it destroys brain cells permanently or not. But Im not really involved in it or the issues, just what I remember.


Well-Known Member
You make a good point it is about choices. It has been my observation tho, that pot stays in the system alot longer than alcohol, yet a hungover person, is alot more affected the next day, than the guy who got high the night before. The guy who got high is much more alert and not sick, than the hungover guy. JMHO and no I dont. IONS ago maybe, but it made me hungry and tired. I need no help with either these days.

You got that right tooner!


golden ticket member
In one of the 'answer bags' on a site where the question was asked.....does smoking marijuana kill brain cells? Someone answered.
"I don't think it does because I don't feel any dummer." I had to stop searching because I was laughing too hard.

Dude, you answered my question !!!


Well-Known Member
In one of the 'answer bags' on a site where the question was asked.....does smoking marijuana kill brain cells? Someone answered.
"I don't think it does because I don't feel any dummer." I had to stop searching because I was laughing too hard.

Dude, you answered my question !!!

The same could be said of alcohol yet the same stigma isn't attached. Just seems ignorant to make fun of pot yet ignore alcohol which is worse for you in every way.