New York Legalizes Same Sex Marriage


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the replies I have gotten, and I do enjoy a vigorous discussion and healthy exchange in the marketplace of ideas. Thank you Upstate and Cachsux. I must reply back…

I can respect both the rule of law and Voltaire when he said “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it.” I also can respect the idea that there is a time for civil disobedience in response to a bad law.

Traditional according to what nearly every society (of any religion) over the entire course of human history has believed.

I also would provide service as a UPSer in all three situations described above. My only aim was to give food for thought. I can’t say I agree with your conclusion that we go overboard in this country to accommodate the consciences of others. I am glad the military has made exceptions for conscientious objectors in times when there was a draft. As another example, on the subject of abortion, I would hate to see the government mandate that all pharmacies carry the morning after pill, even if the pharmacy owner (say a mom and pop operation) did not want to.

My argument is based on what most people call “natural law.” In the case of a heterosexual inter-racial or inter-faith relationship, there is no objection to be made from a natural law standpoint.

Even if a condition could not be cured, that does not mean that it is normal and not disordered. Anorexia isn’t caused by a virus and there isn’t a there does not appear to be an “alcoholism gene” even if the condition does sometimes run in families and appears to have some genetic influence. While they are a minority, there are many who have left the homosexual lifestyle and some of them have even been able to marry, have children, and remain faithful to their opposite sex spouses. The man who led the way (Spitzer is the name) in seeing homosexuality delisted as a psychological disorder in the 1970s, being the curious scientist that he is, became interested in the claims of people who said they had changed their orientation. When he announced that he concluded that certain people had indeed changed, those people who I believe are more interested in an agenda instead of the truth of things got very upset with him. Exodus International is an organization that helps people, who want to, leave the homosexual lifestyle. I have heard a Joseph Nicolosi, who heads NARTH (National Association for the Repair and Therapy of Homosexuality) interviewed on the radio. In short, to me his theories and explanations sounded as if they had a lot of merit. Nicolosi has also appeared on the Dr. Phil Show (as an authority on a particular perspective, not to get help for himself).

I too am glad the moderators left your comments in and I appreciate your thoughts. I see some of my remarks need clarification. There are many different species of bacteria. Some make us sick, others do not. Our bodies even need certain bacteria. This is pushing up to the edge of my expertise but I don’t believe we have fecal choliform (sp?) bacteria in our mouths. They are quite pathogenic and I know for sure that sanitation, sewers, waste treatment, and clean waterways are important to public health. The point of my comment was to bring up a health issue. I am aware that some heterosexuals have engaged in behaviors typically associated with homosexuality. I have never meant to imply that such a behavior when done with a person of the opposite gender is a sign that someone is gay. And yes, if a gay couple refrains from such behaviors, then that removes one health concern from the table, but I firmly stand by my original comment that ” Even the simple minded among us can understand what parts are naturally designed to be brought together.”

According to the census bureau, people living alone is the fastest growing segment of the population. I wouldn’t equate living alone with solitary confinement or cruelty. Anyway, I believe living alone is better than living in a disordered relationship in general.

Deeply held feeling, in and of themselves, neither make a factual type (eg. Jesus rose bodily from the dead) statement true nor false. Attempts to look at the Bible objectively have led me to the conclusion that it is true. It is silly to conclude that anything is true simply because you believe it.

Thank you for sharing these thoughts. It would be wrong and silly for you to try and deny that your one child has Downs. My only concern (and I don’t have a perfect answer) is whether the t-shirts you describe put too much of a label on him. Actions speak louder than words. When people see your family loving your son, that may say all that should be said.

Thought it may interest you to know that the Greek language is far better than the English in describing love. There is “agape” love to describe the kind of love that should exist between a parent and a child. The same word is used in the Bible to describe God’s love for people. Then there is “fileo” or brotherly love, “eros” or erotic love, and finally “storge” love, which would describe love for some favorite thing or hobby.

I have no trouble saying that all ideologies are not equally good. While I don’t seek to have a theocracy established, it is encouraging to see government, in various ways promote acts of charity with the mindset that it is indeed “better to give than it is to receive” as opposed to promoting the idea that “the one with the most toys at the end of the day wins.”

I pray very sincerely every Sunday for “those bearing the responsibility of government” when as a whole church we ask God “so to direct and dispose the hearts off all in authority, that they may govern, legislate and administer justice with honesty and integrity according to Your Holy Word.”

My point in the original comment is that some adoption agencies who believe that the traditional family unit is the best environment in which to raise a child are now being legally forced to consider placing children in a situation they consider unsuitable or get out of the adoption business. Even if all else is equal, the agency cannot give preference to a heterosexual couple. Of the forty some agencies involved with adoption, only three do not wish to consider homosexual couples. They are now under fire.

I realize some children come from horrific situations. I just don’t think we should settle for what I believe to be the proverbial “lesser of two evils.” Please see more below…

I am encouraged by the recognition that there is such a thing as a “father unit” and that it is somehow separate and different from a “mother unit.” Tell me more about these units. I have a hard time picturing how the “father unit” of which you speak can rightly be a woman…I must say woman as “father unit” (a given in the case of a lesbian couple) just seems messed up to me...

My mind is drawn to an old Warner Bros. cartoon. An egg is placed under Fog Horn Leg Horn by the dog, and FHLH comes to think he’s laid an egg, and when the egg hatches he’s become a mother. The dog tells the little chick he’s ugly, and FHLH…I…I say FHLH feels “his family’s honor has been insulted and he demands satisfaction.” He and the dog will duke it out and FHLH tells his boy chick were “going to see who the better man is around here: that dog or your mother.” It was hillarious…

Men and women can parent equally well. What I am saying is that the man tends to offer something different to the child and the overall family unit than the woman does. That of course does not mean that a father cannot love or that a mother cannot discipline.

It not too controversial to say that the primary role model for a child is the parent of the same gender. But go on to say that a child will miss out on something when raised with a same sex couple, and that statement suddenly becomes very controversial.

The example I gave in my original comment and all the examples you gave are behaviors and skills and interests I have absolutely no problem with. Since we’re both are males and UPSers, I’ll say that one thing I just enjoy about UPS is that I feel guys tend to act like guys there. In certain places, there is a tendency for many of the men to be quite effeminate, some flamboyantly so. I am especially encouraged by you speaking of “a PINCH of femininity in my sons to round off the edges and a PINCH of masculinity in my daughter to sharpen hers.” Your words imply that there IS a masculine and a feminine and I believe that it is good that it’s a pinch and not all out everything stereotypically associated with the opposite gender. Perhaps there is still hope for some common ground between us…

I trust that you will agree with me on this one and your username “cachsux” gives me hope. It sounds like you feel there are some things at CACH that are not quite the way you believe they ought to be. I have been with UPS long enough to be confident you are right, but, the point is you ARE making a judgment on something as well.


Well-Known Member
Interesting read in light of the subject matter.

"Think Twice Before You Advocate Biblical Marriage"

Actually our monogamous traditions may have more to do with pre-Roman pagan European folkways and custom than the manner of Bedouin shepherds of the bronze age. These bronze age practices didn't become undercut until a primitive highland culture of Canaanites around 600 BC became the conquered of Mesopotamian empires and became influenced by their (Assyria, Babylonian and Persian) social and customary structures of which they were now exposed too. It so influenced them that these displaced Canaanite writers (now called by a much different national name) went back in their ancient texts and began inserting these customs as if they were their own but not always hiding the older ways either. Also using linguistics and the understanding of their language and grammar, some referring in this case to what is called the documentary hypothesis, makes reading the ancient Canaanite holy books a much more understandable experience but also more telling of the truth.



golden ticket member
Since polygamy was mentioned...... Warren Jeff's trial is on now. He is representing himself now and said, "God would visit sickness and death on those involved if his trial weren't stopped." Have you seen this man? Skinny little freak!

He said "there is sacred trust given to religious leaders not to be touched by gov't agencies." Loosely translated, that means don't look at my computers and ignore the child porn sites on them!!

I'll bet the people of San Angelo are really shaking with fear now.

Traditional according to what you believe.

Traditional according to what nearly every society (of any religion) over the entire course of human history has believed.
Traditional to what SOME MEMBERS of nearly every society believe,not the entire population.

I can’t say I agree with your conclusion that we go overboard in this country to accommodate the consciences of others.

I am sure we do. All you have to do is look to the "We have to do it to protection the children" cry that goes up for even the dumbest reasons and brings about changes to everyones lives as opposed to actually being responsible for ones own kids first and foremost.

As another example, on the subject of abortion, I would hate to see the government mandate that all pharmacies carry the morning after pill, even if the pharmacy owner (say a mom and pop operation) did not want to.

Why? The morning after pill is not the abortion pill. It is only an extra strength dosage of the normal birth control drug and only prevents pregnancy. If one takes it too late it, and the fertilized cell has implanted into the uterus wall, then it is completely ineffective and you are still preggers. That being said if there was such a mandate treat it like the previously mentioned gay marriage paperwork and treat it like the LEGAL item it is. So religious it threatens your beliefs? Then have your coworker reach over and scan the item and toss it in the bag for you. Conscience clear. By the way, will Mom and Pop still sell those death causing cancer sticks up front in the store? Funny how precious life is until it pops out of the mother and then its on its own.

In my mind I separate homosexual desires from the person who has them. Some will say that is impossible and many supposed experts would share that view. I disagree and know that the experts have been wrong in the past. (In recent years some "experts" have thought there was no limit to the housing boom.)
That homosexuality is disordered, I believe should be obvious to everyone.

You mean GAY can be cured? HooRay! As long as the shot isn`t given in the butt. That would be gay. Seriously, please inform us of the gay gene or virus that has been found that we should see to be so obvious.

I have heard a Joseph Nicolosi, who heads NARTH (National Association for the Repair and Therapy of Homosexuality) interviewed on the radio. In short, to me his theories and explanations sounded as if they had a lot of merit. Nicolosi has also appeared on the Dr. Phil Show (as an authority on a particular perspective, not to get help for himself).

I`m pretty sure anyone "cured" of homosexuality was never really a homosexual to start with. As for Dr.Phil, if he is the authority you`re going to turn to as an expert in this situation then the debate has been lost on your part already.

I am aware that some heterosexuals have engaged in behaviors typically associated with homosexuality.

What exactly are those? It`s my wifes birthday and I want to make sure I don`t do anything inappropriate.

According to the census bureau, people living alone is the fastest growing segment of the population. I wouldn’t equate living alone with solitary confinement or cruelty. Anyway, I believe living alone is better than living in a disordered relationship in general.

But your not the one living alone now are you?

If someone is in a homosexual relationship and wants certain legal protections, he can have drafted powers of attorney for healthcare and property, and a will.
Many do. Thankfully now under LAW they may be afforded all the same as a loving non-gay couple.

Why should we not, so long as there is understanding and agreement among all the people involved, allow a man to have two wives and afford the same to this loving trio.

First homosexuals living alone and now having men live with two wives. Cruelty, pure cruelty.
(I am being a wise guy)

They`re the same feeling heterosexuals in unhealthy relations ships have only for the same sex. Destructive relationships happen for all.
I am glad that we can agree that there ARE such things as destructive relationships. That’s good!

Do you campiagn as vigorusly on the abused women forums on websites or since they meet the criteria for heterosexuality do you just mind your own business?

Take toddlers from every possible combination and place them in a room. Some will fight,some will show affection but NONE will be because of what the other child is. God makes children perfect. Man friend`s them up.
I acknowledge that no analogy is perfect. I question some of your other statements here. You do recognize that some children will fight.
But not out of hate. One baby has a toy. The other wants it. They may fight over it. But it`s not because the other baby is gay,black,muslim,etc. It has also been scientifcally proven that it is as natural an instinct to care for another as well. It has been observed if one child crys others will come and naturally try and comfort it. Once again not because of what the other child is.

You don’t need to teach a kid to lie. He figures it out easily enough on his own, without any man’s help.
I still atribute it to parenting or lack there of.

I realize some children come from horrific situations. I just don’t think we should settle for what I believe to be the proverbial “lesser of two evils.” Please see more below…

Life in an orphanage,foster home (not always as loving as you might think), or a loving home of adoption (gay or straight). I bet the kids who are actually in those situations don`t have the same opinion of the lesser of two evils as you.

I am encouraged by the recognition that there is such a thing as a “father unit” and that it is somehow separate and different from a “mother unit.” Tell me more about these units. I have a hard time picturing how the “father unit” of which you speak can rightly be a woman…
There`s lots of single moms, some on BC, that can educate you otherwise. Plus, to help settle this part or make it worse (ha ha), you could give the specifics of what you mean as the definition of each unit? My wife and I have been parents for 17 1/2 years and I don`t recall either of us acting as a defined "unit" like I am interpreting from your statements. It`s always been as a team or sometimes "good cop/bad cop". Do you mean this as the specific unit dealing with children of that units sex, such as education of ones similar body? We`ve always discussed it equally in our household so I guess I`m a bit lost as to your meaning.
I must say woman as “father unit” (a given in the case of a lesbian couple) just seems messed up to me...
Once again in this discusion, TO YOU. The rest of us have no problem grasping the idea.

My mind is drawn to an old Warner Bros. cartoon. An egg is placed under Fog Horn Leg Horn by the dog, and FHLH comes to think he’s laid an egg, and when the egg hatches he’s become a mother. The dog tells the little chick he’s ugly, and FHLH…I…I say FHLH feels “his family’s honor has been insulted and he demands satisfaction.” He and the dog will duke it out and FHLH tells his boy chick were “going to see who the better man is around here: that dog or your mother.” It was hillarious…
Once again not exactly the bedrock solid foundation for ones beliefs. What did Dr. Phil and Oprah have to say about this?

Men and women can parent equally well. What I am saying is that the man tends to offer something different to the child and the overall family unit than the woman does. That of course does not mean that a father cannot love or that a mother cannot discipline.
It not too controversial to say that the primary role model for a child is the parent of the same gender.

I disagree on your percieved "controversy". There are countless children who are raised by a single parent of the opposite sex. Does that mean that they are the ones at greatest risk of becoming gay? The best role model is a good parent leading by example, as a good human being, regardless of what sex the parent is.

But go on to say that a child will miss out on something when raised with a same sex couple, and that statement suddenly becomes very controversial.
It is good when that single mom can find a man who can be a father figure to her son. The boy can use that.
Once again, why? Does mom have to go out and find a man to teach her son how to pee standing up?
What are those specific things on a man,or woman,can teach?

This is barely scratching the surface: According to research cited by Nicolosi mentioned above, 75% of boys who have a melancholic temperament, a highly protective or domineering mother AND an absent, uninvolved, or rejecting father end up having issues with homosexuality.
OMG! I`m gay! Or am I just one of the lucky 25%? Now I`m confused.

One one particular edition, Dr Phil was addressing wayward going male teens. The two young men who came in were flunking school, doing drugs, and driving drunk. Dr Phil wisely sent them to a prison to meet with men who had reformed but were still needing to finish their sentences. Those prisoners, I believe, in part because of their age and gender, were able to make an impression on (at least one) of those teens that the middle age, predominantly female audience in the Dr Phil studio shaking their heads going tisk, tisk, could not. Sometimes something needs to be conveyed by a very particular kind of person.
Once again,Dr Phil. You do know he lost his licsense to practice psycology for inappropriate practices as a Dr?
Your response both encourages me and challenges me here because masculinity and femininity are hard for me to define.
Maybe that`s the real problem here. Would you like to lay down on the couch and tell us what troubles you in your life? Mom and Dad issues? While none of us are as expierianced as Dr.Phil some of us have stayed in a Holiday Inn Express recently so that`s as almost as good.

It’s almost like the Supreme Court judge who, speaking of pornography, said he knew it when he saw it… The example I gave in my original comment and all the examples you gave are behaviors and skills and interests I have absolutely no problem with. Since we’re both are males and UPSers, I’ll say that one thing I just enjoy about UPS is that I feel guys tend to act like guys there.
What do my female coworkers do? They`re dressed esentially the same as the men, do the same work as the men,tell the same jokes and share comraderie as the men. Does this mean they`re all lesbians? Cool!
In certain places, there is a tendency for many of the men to be quite effeminate, some flamboyantly so.

I am especially encouraged by you speaking of “a PINCH of femininity in my sons to round off the edges and a PINCH of masculinity in my daughter to sharpen hers.” Your words imply that there IS a masculine and a feminine and I believe that it is good that it’s a pinch and not all out everything stereotypically associated with the opposite gender. Perhaps there is still hope for some common ground between us…

My point was my sons have kindness in their hearts and are not afraid to show physical love to people without having someone question their masculinity. My daugther,equally as loving, is also not one to try and bully or treat as a lesser gender or you`ll face the very real risk of having her show you just how weak she isn`t. Lay a hand on her and draw back a stump. All while her retaining her feminiity.
Steriotypes are in the eye of the beholder.

Tell us one thing, just one, that shows how a homosexual relationship anywhere around you is going to adversly affect your life.
You still haven`t given a specific affect on your life. Only interpretations and perceptions.

I hope that above I have given reasons for my objections to homosexuality as a behavior and especially to certain laws being passed.
I understand, there YOUR objections. But not necisarily all of ours. I don`t think anyone here doesn`t respect your right to them. No one is saying "You must like gays. You must agree with the laws. Etc" However there are lots of folks who share your views who do go out and tell folks "You must not like gays. Etc,etc" I was watching the news and they had on coverage from NewYork of protests against the gay marraige law by a collective group of blacks and hispanics. (Nice how they can find similar ground isn`t it? Maybe homosexuality is Gods way of uniting us all in solidarity? Unless you`re gay I guess.) Anway, these people were very vocal to the point that one could feel the hate and anger. The black pastor (I thought God was love?) was spewing the most vile statements in his speach at the top of his lungs, even using the words "fa**ots and queers". And you know what came into my head as I watched this eminating from two minoritys that have cryed for equality in the past? I`m wondering how they would feel if they KKK showed up and said since this is a day for us to protest how about we get out our own soapbox and put on the sheets and hoods and pointed out all their percieved faults in "Ni**ers and smilecs"? I bet the anti-gay group would certainly start crying out loud over that, wouldn`t they?

I trust that you will agree with me on this one and your username “cachsux” gives me hope. It sounds like you feel there are some things at CACH that are not quite the way you believe they ought to be. I have been with UPS long enough to be confident you are right, but, the point is you ARE making a judgment on something as well.

Not a judgement but rather a statement at the time for what was wrong with the place and what went on at the time. If you like when I sign up on the gay discussions website I`ll make my username "AntigayperceptionsSux"

I certainly believe in God’s capability, but I also believe that Christian vocation is not a life of passivity. The faithful are God’s agents and do his redemptive work…whether that means meeting people’s physical needs or seeking to be a prophetic voice on a vexing issue in one’s day.

This is why of all the people in the world I fear the overly religious the most. It`s not that they have religion. It`s that they are bound and determined to make sure you do also. And it has to be the same as theirs. Or else. How many wars have been in the name of religion, crusades to convert the heathens?
Feel free to tell me of your belief. I will tell you mine. But thats it, end of discussion. You have no further reason to try and make me holy any more than I should try and make you sin.
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Well-Known Member
Cachsux, I must again reply back to your words...

For those following our discussion:
My original comments
Cachsux response
My reply to Cachsux
Cachsux back to me
Me back to Cachsux

Traditional according to what you believe.
Traditional according to what nearly every society (of any religion) over the entire course of human history has believed.
Traditional to what SOME MEMBERS of nearly every society believe,not the entire population.
Males marrying females is traditional according to what the overwhelming general consensus has been of nearly every society...

I can’t say I agree with your conclusion that we go overboard in this country to accommodate the consciences of others.
As another example, on the subject of abortion, I would hate to see the government mandate that all pharmacies carry the morning after pill, even if the pharmacy owner (say a mom and pop operation) did not want to.

Why? The morning after pill is not the abortion pill. It is only an extra strength dosage of the normal birth control drug and only prevents pregnancy. If one takes it too late it, and the fertilized cell has implanted into the uterus wall, then it is completely ineffective and you are still preggers. That being said if there was such a mandate treat it like the previously mentioned gay marriage paperwork and treat it like the LEGAL item it is. So religious it threatens your beliefs? Then have your coworker reach over and scan the item and toss it in the bag for you. Conscience clear. By the way, will Mom and Pop still sell those death causing cancer sticks up front in the store? Funny how precious life is until it pops out of the mother and then its on its own.
Bottom line, I believe each company should be free to not carry a particular item if for whatever reason they choose not to, some people have a problem with that, which I find troubling.
I`m pretty sure anyone "cured" of homosexuality was never really a homosexual to start with. As for Dr.Phil, if he is the authority you`re going to turn to as an expert in this situation then the debate has been lost on your part already.
I have tried to educate myself some on this topic since it has been in the news so much, but I am not an "expert" and I doubt you are either. However, when the person (Spitzer), a liberal, Jewish, atheist, who led the effort to delist homosexuality as a disorder (no fundamentalist preacher), takes the politically incorrect position to say, that while he doesn't particuarly recommend doing so, based on his investigation, he has found homosexuals who have changed their orientation, and are pleased with the result, I am led to believe there is credibility to the idea that, at least some homosexuals who wish to, can change, and people should know, that is an option. (the wishes of the patient are very important in health care in general)

Why should we not, so long as there is understanding and agreement among all the people involved, allow a man to have two wives and afford the same to this loving trio.
First homosexuals living alone and now having men live with two wives. Cruelty, pure cruelty. (I am being a wise guy)
I don't get your sarcasm. Bottom line, where does all this lead and ultimately stop? I see this as a crucial point and question. Based on your ideology, where same sex couples are on the same level as heterosexual couples, who are you to say that a family of a mom and dad and three kids (5 people) is better than a family of a man with two wives and two children, one from each wife? Why can't the latter 5 be on the comapny insurance plan like the former 5. The rallying cry of many is equality, not just for gays, but the whole LGBT community.Think about it, bisexuals must, by definition, be polygamists. Some people love their pets better than some others (sadly) love their children. The pets are their "babies." Why shouldn't they be allowed to claim the pets as dependents on their tax returns, take at least some couterpart to a child tax credit, and get the animals on their health insurance plan from work also?
Do you campiagn as vigorusly on the abused women forums on websites or since they meet the criteria for heterosexuality do you just mind your own business?
Lots of straw here...look at my other posts on BC. I think about and show interest in other things. As for the abused women forums...we can't all be everywhere. Most people are more outraged by cruelty to a child than cruelty to an animal. Does that mean that the person who works full time at an abused animal shelter has her priorites mixed up? Of course not.

I am encouraged by the recognition that there is such a thing as a “father unit” and that it is somehow separate and different from a “mother unit.” Tell me more about these units. I have a hard time picturing how the “father unit” of which you speak can rightly be a woman…
There`s lots of single moms, some on BC, that can educate you otherwise. Plus, to help settle this part or make it worse (ha ha), you could give the specifics of what you mean as the definition of each unit? My wife and I have been parents for 17 1/2 years and I don`t recall either of us acting as a defined "unit" like I am interpreting from your statements. It`s always been as a team or sometimes "good cop/bad cop". Do you mean this as the specific unit dealing with children of that units sex, such as education of ones similar body? We`ve always discussed it equally in our household so I guess I`m a bit lost as to your meaning.
I think we're both a bit lost here... YOU originally used the phrase "father unit." It sounded like something I would agree with and wanted to learn more. I also concluded there must be a "mother unit" counterpart.
My mind is drawn to an old Warner Bros. cartoon. An egg is placed under Fog Horn Leg Horn by the dog, and FHLH comes to think he’s laid an egg, and when the egg hatches he’s become a mother. The dog tells the little chick he’s ugly, and FHLH…I…I say FHLH feels “his family’s honor has been insulted and he demands satisfaction.” He and the dog will duke it out and FHLH tells his boy chick were “going to see who the better man is around here: that dog or your mother.” It was hillarious…
Once again not exactly the bedrock solid foundation for ones beliefs. What did Dr. Phil and Oprah have to say about this?
Granted Warner Bros. is not a scholarly work in psychology, but that does not mean powerful truths or great ideas cannot be communicated. "The Places You'll Go" by Dr Seuss speaks of the adventures of life. It was written for small children, but I have heard it presented powerfully at a high school graduation.

Men and women can parent equally well. What I am saying is that the man tends to offer something different to the child and the overall family unit than the woman does. That of course does not mean that a father cannot love or that a mother cannot discipline.
It not too controversial to say that the primary role model for a child is the parent of the same gender.

I disagree on your percieved "controversy". There are countless children who are raised by a single parent of the opposite sex. Does that mean that they are the ones at greatest risk of becoming gay? The best role model is a good parent leading by example, as a good human being, regardless of what sex the parent is.

But go on to say that a child will miss out on something when raised with a same sex couple, and that statement suddenly becomes very controversial.
It is good when that single mom can find a man who can be a father figure to her son. The boy can use that.
Once again, why? Does mom have to go out and find a man to teach her son how to pee standing up?
What are those specific things on a man,or woman,can teach?

This is barely scratching the surface: According to research cited by Nicolosi mentioned above, 75% of boys who have a melancholic temperament, a highly protective or domineering mother AND an absent, uninvolved, or rejecting father end up having issues with homosexuality.
OMG! I`m gay! Or am I just one of the lucky 25%? Now I`m confused.
None of us had a perfect childhood, perfect parents, or a perfect home. We can overcome things. Yes a mom can teach her son to pee standing up just as well as dad...but I think that would be one example of something that, if possible, would be good for dad to teach. There is something different about the relationship between a mother and a son, a father and a son, a mother and a daugther, and a father and a daughter...its far deeper than just teaching the child specific X Y or Z skill like peeing standing up. I think the vast majority of people would agree with that statement...I gotta think about this more...I don't disagree The best role model is a good parent leading by example, as a good human being, regardless of what sex the parent is. but I think that is simplistic and imcomplete. See below
One one particular edition, Dr Phil was addressing wayward going male teens. The two young men who came in were flunking school, doing drugs, and driving drunk. Dr Phil wisely sent them to a prison to meet with men who had reformed but were still needing to finish their sentences. Those prisoners, I believe, in part because of their age and gender, were able to make an impression on (at least one) of those teens that the middle age, predominantly female audience in the Dr Phil studio shaking their heads going tisk, tisk, could not. Sometimes something needs to be conveyed by a very particular kind of person.
Once again,Dr Phil. You do know he lost his licsense to practice psycology for inappropriate practices as a Dr?
I don't care if Dr. Phil had never had a license, I believe he handled those two young men well for the reasons I described. I wish you would put your biases aside and consider what I am trying to say.
Your response both encourages me and challenges me here because masculinity and femininity are hard for me to define. It’s almost like the Supreme Court judge who, speaking of pornography, said he knew it when he saw it…
Maybe that`s the real problem here.
Coming from me this may surpise you. One example of a person who, in may ways, does not present herself wellas a woman is Sarah Palin. The title of her book "Going Rogue" I'm not retreating, just reloading; and "Moma Grizzly" image I view very unfavorably. In addition my belief that we need someone to bring together, not further divide our broken and polarized Union, such comments coming from a woman, I find especially repugnant.

My point was my sons have kindness in their hearts and are not afraid to show physical love to people without having someone question their masculinity. My daugther,equally as loving, is also not one to try and bully or treat as a lesser gender or you`ll face the very real risk of having her show you just how weak she isn`t. Lay a hand on her and draw back a stump. All while her retaining her feminiity. Steriotypes are in the eye of the beholder.
Your words above are so encouraging, especially where you expicitly said your daugter, even though she is of hardy stock, RETAINS her femininity.
Tell us one thing, just one, that shows how a homosexual relationship anywhere around you is going to adversly affect your life.
You still haven`t given a specific affect on your life. Only interpretations and perceptions.
In general, we all benefit from a stable and rightly ordered society, and are hurt by a chaotic one, directly or indirectly. No, we should not be busy bodies, but I do think it is good to think and care about more than just ourselves. 90 year olds concerned about the national debt and money owed to China is a virtuous thing.

I have a problem with laws that give recognition to relationships that are inherently disordered. I am also concerned about where all this will lead to and stop. (see above) As I grown man, I don't have to worry about being parented by two moms, but, I have my concerns for those who are in that situation and, even more so, issues with elected officials who are alowing such things. I am also troubled by schools who poison children with notions such as "one should not assume one is heterosexual to quickly." At certain seasons of life boys and girls to prefer companions of the same sex. That is normal and the last thing they need is someone troubling and confusing them.

I was watching the news and they had on coverage from NewYork of protests against the gay marraige law...Anway, these people were very vocal to the point that one could feel the hate and anger. The black pastor (I thought God was love?) was spewing the most vile statements in his speach at the top of his lungs, even using the words "fa**ots and queers". That is very wrong in my mind. I hope you don't feel I am being hateful, and I don't think you should.
I understand, there YOUR objections. But not necisarily all of ours. I don`t think anyone here doesn`t respect your right to them. No one is saying "You must like gays. You must agree with the laws. Etc" However there are lots of folks who share your views who do go out and tell folks "You must not like gays. Etc,etc"
This is why of all the people in the world I fear the overly religious the most. It`s not that they have religion. It`s that they are bound and determined to make sure you do also. And it has to be the same as theirs. Or else.
Feel free to tell me of your belief. I will tell you mine. But thats it, end of discussion. You have no further reason to try and make me holy any more than I should try and make you sin.
I feel we are having this discussion as equals. I have never felt all the wisdom of the world resided in my cranium. The exchange of ideas between people is a good thing. I do not feel you have to think as I do, but certainly, if you changed your mind as a result of something I wrote, I would not be disappointed, and I am sure you the same way about me. There have been many times where I have changed or at least fine tuned my beliefs. Barack Obama, in speaking on the issue of religion and public life acknowledged how many great social justice movements historically were led by people who had deep religious convictions. He said people should feel free to let religious convictions shape their views on laws and public policy, but that, in order to have credibility, one should seek to articulate ones views in such a way that those who do not share your faith, can see the value of your viewpoint. That is what I have sought to do here.

old levi's

blank space
Chaz is now legally a man (per state of CA.) . So as a man (legally), He can marry his girlfriend and it's a regular marriage (man&woman). However, Chaz doesn't have a penis and doesn't plan on getting one. This is some big gray area to me. Not a made up "what if". If you really want to be a man, then just do it!! And, how can the state decide you are now a man??

Because it's California! Duh...............


Für Meno :)
That's why I don't like Fox news ! Someone posts a thread on facebook about some stupid idea, and it makes news on Fox !


golden ticket member
That's why I don't like Fox news ! Someone posts a thread on facebook about some stupid idea, and it makes news on Fox !

If someone is proposing something stupid like this, I want to know about it......just like discussions in the works to re-make Dirty Dancing! That's like trying to re-make The Godfather. Hollywood can't come up with new ideas, so they want to ruin our classic movies.


Für Meno :)
If someone is proposing something stupid like this, I want to know about it......just like discussions in the works to re-make Dirty Dancing! That's like trying to re-make The Godfather. Hollywood can't come up with new ideas, so they want to ruin our classic movies.

I got no time for those groups that still think the earth is flat, or that Dinosaurs are still living among us, nor the Toothfary believers.
Not even those that believe in Adam & Eve and the apple story.
(You would think we wouldn't be eating apples today if that was true, and either would Christians, but because we sinned once, it's ok to do it over and over, again ?) - I suppose that's how mass murderers think LOL


golden ticket member
So now Christians and mass murderers think alike?? Are you leaving your brain to science?

And the way I understand it with "the apple story", Adam & Eve were forbidden to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge. Not just any tree, but one specific tree. Since we don't have a tree of knowledge today, we can eat any fruit we want.

Your BFF calls all the members dumb and you follow it up by disrespecting any Christians on the site. You don't need to put out another's light to let your own shine.
And don't worry, atheists have their feast day too.....April 1st !


Für Meno :)
No, it's actually Good Friday, when we cook up roasts and steaks, and Apple pie for dessert :)

OH, and btw, I haven't seen a steakhouse close on Good Friday, yet, nor a Mac Donalds, BK, Wendys, or any other meat serving restaurant.
That's why I don't like Fox news ! Someone posts a thread on facebook about some stupid idea, and it makes news on Fox !
It may not be important to you and your manfriend, but if there is a large push to turn Bert & Ernie into a gay couple it is important to many real people.
That kind of thing has no place in children's TV programing...period.


Für Meno :)
It may not be important to you and your manfriend, but if there is a large push to turn Bert & Ernie into a gay couple it is important to many real people.
That kind of thing has no place in children's TV programing...period.

Yup, 900 people.... to about a Trillion worldwide !
Got to love the fear, don't ya ?