News From Florida..... Start SAVING your MONEY!!! 03-22-13


Well-Known Member
no...there's no excuse for busting up someones property that they've worked their ass off for in my book.

It's a pretty common thing when talking about old school union areas.

You are fair game if you cross a picket line.

Don't like it? Don't cross it.

I know that seems like ape behavior but we ain't all as civilized as yous guys in orange county.

I doubt you'll have to worry about Vinny, Gino and Pauly messing up your bodacious ride, broski.


Well-Known Member
It's a pretty common thing when talking about old school union areas.

You are fair game if you cross a picket line.

Don't like it? Don't cross it.

I know that seems like ape behavior but we ain't all as civilized as yous guys in orange county.

I doubt you'll have to worry about Vinny, Gino and Pauly messing up your bodacious ride, broski.

i think hitting my car with a bat might actually make it run better. all kidding aside i never planned on crossing should it come to that. just an observation...


Well-Known Member
A strike is exactly what ups top brass wants. Somebody posted on a different thread that ups top execs were selling their stock, so they can buy more back later when the price is lower.


Well-Known Member
Real mature.

Mr. Orange County.... I come from a very strong Union area in Ohio. I would never expect a young individual like yourself to understand the seriousness of someone crossing a picket line. There is no room for your definition of "maturity" in the heat of a strike. Spend some time in the real world and then come back and preach to me about "maturity".

We're not playing.. "Red Rover.... Red Rover....let Orange County Come OVER"

Maybe this is more to your "Orange County" liking..



There's a low-rent scab that lives up the street from me that bought his house by working double shifts in the early 2000's. He also brags about how he doesn't pay union dues and encourages other folks to do the same "because you get the same benefits!"

If we strike and he crosses, there's already a contingency plan in place. Spoiler Alert: it involves human waste.


Bad Moon Risen'
There's a low-rent scab that lives up the street from me that bought his house by working double shifts in the early 2000's. He also brags about how he doesn't pay union dues and encourages other folks to do the same "because you get the same benefits!"

If we strike and he crosses, there's already a contingency plan in place. Spoiler Alert: it involves human waste.
After a trip to Taco Bell, I will be more than happy to donate to the cause.


Active Member
I wonder if in the case UPS Freight accepts the contract and package does not, will the International have Freight strike also? and vise versa?


Bad Moon Risen'
Can't wait till they come begging for donations to United Way this fall.
Nope, not this year. Must pay for my health benefits. Move along.


I wonder if in the case UPS Freight accepts the contract and package does not, will the International have Freight strike also? and vise versa?

Both contracts expire July 31st for this reason. If this was not the case, they could probably re-direct at least some volume via UPS freight.


Well-Known Member
my wife asked if there is a strike would I work anyways or strike. I told her there is NO choice , she said "of course there is you choose to make money for the family". For better or worse I am a teamster if we strike we strike! How could you work in a area with the same people knowing you betrayed the ones who stand up for the benefits you will receive? I know I couldn't do it and would not respect anyone else who would. I know a couple of sups that don't like scabs for the reason of respect, "there is no loyalty so how can you respect that" and I agree . So know your place and take a stand man up.


Well-Known Member
Both contracts expire July 31st for this reason. If this was not the case, they could probably re-direct at least some volume via UPS freight.

PiedmontSteward....not sure how this works in RTW, but here in Ohio our contract states that we can honor picket lines of other companies without any repercussions. I believe it may be possible for example; if UPS Freight passes their contract and UPS Package division does not, they could honor our pickets and not move our UPS volume. They could still maintain their jobs but support us in our efforts.....or vice versa.

From the UPS website : UPS: Terms and Conditions of Ground Service

Interruption of Service
UPS shall not be liable for any interruption of delivery service due to a cause beyond its control, including but not limited to, the absence of a person o the refusal of such person of accepting the delivery of the shipment, demure due to the consignee, force majure, action of the public authorities con real or apparent authority over the facilities, action or omissions of the public customs authorities or the like, riots, strikes, or other labor disputes, public disturbances, factors that disrupts the air and ground transportation systems such as weather conditions and natural disasters, and an act of God.....

UPS Guaranteed Ground

The guarantee does not apply to shipments which are delayed due to causes beyond UPS’s control including, but not limited to, the following: The unavailability or refusal of a person to accept delivery of the shipment, acts of God, public authorities acting with actual or apparent authority on the premises, riots, strikes or other labor disputes, civil commotions, disruptions in air or ground transportation networks, such as weather phenomena, and natural disasters.



Well-Known Member
I brought this up earlier in a similar thread---I don't think anyone has thought forward to the point of how this could/would impact UW donations.

UpstateNYUPSer..... A concessionary contract of significant proportions will have far reaching effects that go beyond United Way donations. Depending on the healthcare issue, I believe you will see a mass exodus of quality part-time employees followed by an influx of far less desirable workers who do not value productivity, safety (workers comp claims will skyrocket), and integrity (theft claims will also dramatically increase).....

Productivity within the full-time ranks will also decrease. While a concessionary contract may seem like a short term victory to the company, it will actually be a long term loss in many ways yet to be discovered.

Scott Davis is no hero or "brain child" for making the profits he has for our company during his tenure as CEO. ANYONE of US could have done the same thing.......such as.... eliminating driver routes, eliminating 22.3 jobs, eliminating the daily washing of package cars, keeping part-time wages to near minimum wage levels, no healthcare benefits for 18 months, increasing full-time driver progression rates, dropping the heat in our building to near freezing (here in the North), reducing management benefits and incentives, giving our end delivery service to the Post Office (SurePost), not going the EXTRA MILE to make sure Next Day Air Packages are delivered ON TIME..... (If you only knew how many missorted NDA packages we have had sit in our building that belong to our neighboring the past....we would have a NDA part-timer take them to the correct center)....etc..etc...

In other words........

Scott Davis SIMPLY reduced the QUALITY and PRIDE ERA of UPS to the CORPORATE GREED ERA of Wall Street and "Friends".
You don't need an accounting degree or education from the Wharton School of Business to do what Scott Davis has "accomplished".sarcasm.jpg


and people wonder why unions are losing support.

Teamsters were fighting cops with pipes in the streets of Minneapolis in 1934 during a general strike - in the decades to follow, organized labor reached a density level of ~35%.

Unions are losing support because they only represent ~11% of the work force now and they've been systemically weakened via Taft-Hartley, outsourcing, right wing propaganda, and the rise of corporate influence in politics. It's not because of a few busted windows or a picture of a slashed tire.


Staff member
Punishment for being a scab can be a lot worse than a busted car. If a busted car is the only consequence you recieve for being a scab, then consider yourself lucky!
I would never wish harm on anyone, even a scab. I think the worst thing about being a scab is the lack of respect you'll get. Everyone knows you have no pride and self respect. No respect from your brothers. And YOU know what a POC you are. Must suck to have to live like that.