No Work For Driver Helpers???


Well-Known Member
Scratch said:
They only paid the $100 bonus for one year in my building, and that was years ago. If I have a Helper that shows up on time everyday and we can walk at a brisk pace, then I will tip them with a hundred dollar bill out of mu pocket on Christmas Eve.

MassWineGuy said:
Scratch, that's one of the nicest gestures I've ever heard of. And well deserved if the helper works like crazy and actually helps you. Now that UPS is doing so well, and the economy is so poor, there's no incentive to pay that bonus.

I'll second what Mass said. Scratch, that is not just a nice gesture, it's an amazing gesture to someone that is making nothing. To me, it's not about the money you gave, it shows how much you really appreciated that person and their help.

Last year my driver told me that I was the best helper he ever had and his easiest peak. He said if I helped him every year until he retired (5 years) he would be very happy man. That comment alone was enough to make me feel good. With that being said, he would often tell me it was "my day" to buy him lunch, etc. I would also frequently bring him a Starbucks hot chocolate. I figured if his hands were busy holding a nice warm cup, I could sort in the back and not worry about his hand accidentally touching my rear end.

For all those drivers that do something nice for your helpers at the end, kudos


nowhere special
If I had a good helper I would give them a tip of about $100 for Christmas but sadly the vast majority I got stuck with were a waste of the air they breathed. I can only remember 1 or 2 years I had the same helper through peak. Most years I had several because the helpers worked a couple of days and never show up again. And the good helpers would get switched to another driver. I felt like I was doing nothing but training helpers for other people. I would get them up to speed then lose them. Or have helpers so bad I said I would work by myself before I would have them as a helper again.


That’s Craptacular
No, boxer briefs, but thanks for asking.


Retired 23 years
You know what else is fun? Unloading trailers...and loading package's a real hoot! In fact, I help people move on the weekends cause I just can't get

The secret to getting out of helping others move is to break things. (unintentional by the way). After losing an upright piano out of the back of a pickup in the middle of the busiest intersection in town and also walking right through the sliding patio screen door of the new house ----people don't ask me to help them move anymore. P.S. I never realized there were so many pieces in a piano.
Day 4 No Work yet for new Driver Helper

OK. Is it normal to NOT be put on a truck to shadow or assist a driver during first week of hire as seasonal helper. It's early in season (I get it) but I would still think that some "shadowing" might be in order to learn how to use the DIAD or other procedures. Every morning I get my BROWNS on. Every day I call in and talk with center and ask where to meet driver. A very nice young lady tells me they have not added any routes in my area. Hmm. I see the BIG BROWN TRUCK every day in my area... every day. Can I ASK for a ride along? How does this work? Thanks.


That’s Craptacular
Re: Day 4 No Work yet for new Driver Helper

You call the center everyday. They will tell you whether you are working or not. No, you can't ask a driver for a ride along.....drivers can be fired for having unauthorized passengers in their trucks. Waiting is all you can do.
Re: Day 4 No Work yet for new Driver Helper

You call the center everyday. They will tell you whether you are working or not. No, you can't ask a driver for a ride along.....drivers can be fired for having unauthorized passengers in their trucks. Waiting is all you can do.

​Then I guess I am doing it right. Well alllllllllllllllllllllllrighty then. Thx.


Well-Known Member
Re: Day 4 No Work yet for new Driver Helper

I see the BIG BROWN TRUCK every day in my area... every day. Can I ASK for a ride along? How does this work? Thanks.
I know you're being serious, but this just comes across as cute to me. It puts a big ol' smile on my face. Good luck and hopefully they'll call you soon.


That’s Craptacular
The secret to getting out of helping others move is to break things. (unintentional by the way). After losing an upright piano out of the back of a pickup in the middle of the busiest intersection in town and also walking right through the sliding patio screen door of the new house ----people don't ask me to help them move anymore. P.S. I never realized there were so many pieces in a piano.
Anytime a friend of mine is moving....I swear I think I'm the first person they Man, I lift heavy crap all week...I'm out lol.


We are ALL being WATCHED!
Same here. Because I am in shape I guess. They always call me and ask me to help them move.

One way out? Tell them...

"Ya' know, I would, but I'm catching this flu thingy. Really bad. Coughing, fever, very sore throat. It's usually catchy when a fever is present."

They leave me alone after that.
Am I being Stonewalled? No work fore two weeks?

Seems strange to me. I signed on two weeks ago as a Driver Helper, got my uniform, took the intro class, yadda yadda. I have called in every day (M-friend) since then and have been told no work. Doesn't seem right. I live between two centers, several good sized cities around me and see trucks up and down streets, delivering to malls, and driving down highways. What I don't get is that I was asked to keep myself open and available. That means I stopped looking for work and was content for the next few weeks to focus my time on UPS. But still not enough work to put on a Driver's Helper? Does this happen just before the holidays? Seems WAY too calm to me. HR should not have "oversold" the idea of steady work starting day one. Just my opinion.
Scratch, that's one of the nicest gestures I've ever heard of. And well deserved if the helper works like crazy and actually helps you. Now that UPS is doing so well, and the economy is so poor, there's no incentive to pay that bonus.

To the O.P., definitely speak to someone at the unemployment office. Tell them exactly what's going on. I'm in a similar situation waiting to work as a seasonal driver. I have not been called in because volume has been light. Or so I'm told. When I was a driver helper last yeat I was already working a lot the week before Thanksgiving. Don't get discouraged. Even though the money's awful, it can be a lot of fun. And it's only for a short time. As long as they know you're very interested in working, they'll probably call you. I always kept my phone by my bed so I wouldn't miss any early morning calls, but after about 9 am if you havent heard form them, you probably won't work that day.

"Mass"..good advice. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Every HR department in every company oversells the job, there selling the company as much as you are selling yourself in the interview.

Don't want to dampen your spirits, but we have helpers turn in their uniforms before they even work a day because they are tired of waiting. I can't imagine it being too much longer, but UPS has no idea what volume will be in the next few weeks, if they did then they would have planned better. Was told just yesterday that the expected volume projections were being cut by 4%, so that translates into a 1-6% increase over last year.

Good luck and hope you get on car soon.
Every HR department in every company oversells the job, there selling the company as much as you are selling yourself in the interview.

Don't want to dampen your spirits, but we have helpers turn in their uniforms before they even work a day because they are tired of waiting. I can't imagine it being too much longer, but UPS has no idea what volume will be in the next few weeks, if they did then they would have planned better. Was told just yesterday that the expected volume projections were being cut by 4%, so that translates into a 1-6% increase over last year.

Good luck and hope you get on car soon.

Thanks. I am just bewildered. Used to running at full tilt boogie. Standing still is not something I am used to. Sincerely, thanks.


That’s Craptacular
They definitely oversell and overhire. I was in the office today after we wrapped, and could overhear the helper coordinator on the phone calling helpers to go meet up with drivers for 2 or 3 hours of work. At 8 bucks an hour....that sucks!