not taking lunch and getting paid


Well-Known Member
Where I am at we only get docked for the time spent on our lunch. So if you take 10 minutes lunch you only get 10 minutes taken out.


Where I am at we only get docked for the time spent on our lunch. So if you take 10 minutes lunch you only get 10 minutes taken out.
That is the way it should be,but always be exact in the diad,be honest and like tooner said,you can explain to them that it took 12 minutes to take 15 boxes up 2 flights of stairs and in her case,deaking out murderers.


Well-Known Member
Bonus Center here... I guess this is a rare thing, but we have a center full of drivers that run under daily...The fastest guy, who also has the best time study had over 4 hrs of bonus one day... he had a plan of 12.25 or something and did it in 8hrs...that's an extreme example, but he gets a 8.5 = 10 hr plan daily, and he's done by 3:00 almost every day..


for you folks that have bonus centers, do you think its because the routes are set up well with good allowance, or do you have runners??


Pees in the brown Koolaid
for you folks that have bonus centers, do you think its because the routes are set up well with good allowance, or do you have runners??
A Bonus center is sort of like a carnival midway. The games are all rigged, and most are impossible to win; but every once in awhile some lucky stiff has to get a big stuffed rabbit so that the carnies can hoot and holler and point out the "big winner" to everyone. That way, the suckers will think they can win too, and will keep playing.
Bonus centers have a handful of "bonus" routes with good allowances. Management uses these "bonus" drivers as an example to new drivers of what is possible if they, too, just work hard enough. Unfortunately, most routes wind up being just like the carnival games; the allowances are rigged to be at least an hour or two behind reality, and are thus dispatched so heavily that the driver must run and skip lunch and breaks simply in order to "make standard". Its all part of UPS's plan to maximize productivity while minimizing paid hours. Just a scam, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Bonus Center here... I guess this is a rare thing, but we have a center full of drivers that run under daily...The fastest guy, who also has the best time study had over 4 hrs of bonus one day... he had a plan of 12.25 or something and did it in 8hrs...that's an extreme example, but he gets a 8.5 = 10 hr plan daily, and he's done by 3:00 almost every day..


And why would the company pay all this bonus money (at time and a half I assume)? Why wouldn't they get rid of bonus to save a ton of money? If someone makes 3 hours a day, that's 15 hours at OT pay. That's like what $600 a week for this guy? Seems like somethings going to change when someone in i.e. takes notice, don't you think? The only reason I can see them staying with the bonus is if it's in the local contract.


Well-Known Member
I am still a little unclear on how this "bonus" system works. In your example you cited one driver who has a 8.5-10 hr planned day that is normally finished by 1500. How does the pay work? Is he Code 5 for his actual hours worked and then paid straight time for the time that he is paid under until he gets his 8 hours and then paid time and one half for the remainder of his paid under time? If he is Code 5, I assume that he is not entering lunch and/or break times in his DIAD. I would agree with the previous poster that this bonus system may be on borrowed time, especially the way the company is cutting costs. Didn't they used to call this bonus system the California dispatch, where the drivers were paid for their dispatch time as opposed to actual hours worked which, of course, would benefit the runners and gunners, penalize the b.s.ers, and push the customers even further on the back burner.


Well-Known Member
Isn't the bonus a dishonest system? Say you pick up 4000 smalls the OR may show you 4 hrs under when it actually only takes you 30min. to pick it up.


Man of Great Wisdom
For the last time, BONUS IS TIME AND A HALF. Upstate, you get paid just like if you worked a 10 hour day. 8 at straight and 2 at time and a half. It's basically pay by the load.
As far as I know the only mention of the bonus system in the contract is that the system is upon the mutual agreement of the rank-in-file and the company on a center by center basis. It takes a majority vote by the drivers AND an OK from the company (center) for the system to be used. Either party cna cancel the system at anytime. Bonus time is straight time, NOT time+half, paid at regular rate.
Let's say that you have a dispatch of 11 hours. If you clock out at 9 hours, that gives you eight hours straight time, one hour overtime at time+half time and 2 hours bonus at straight time(with one hour meal time deducted). In our center the only time we can use code 5 for actual hours worked are when you are going to be under "D"ed, so I have no idea how putting code 5 would effect the bonus.


Well-Known Member
Isn't the bonus a dishonest system? Say you pick up 4000 smalls the OR may show you 4 hrs under when it actually only takes you 30min. to pick it up.

No, if those smalls fit in 20 totes, you are to record 20 pickup pkgs. for that shipper.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
And why would the company pay all this bonus money (at time and a half I assume)? Why wouldn't they get rid of bonus to save a ton of money? If someone makes 3 hours a day, that's 15 hours at OT pay. That's like what $600 a week for this guy? Seems like somethings going to change when someone in i.e. takes notice, don't you think? The only reason I can see them staying with the bonus is if it's in the local contract.
Bonus pays straight time only, not time and a half. Bonus hours do not count towards accrual of sick pay, vacations or pension contributions. Bonus is most certainly NOT in any contract, in fact it is nothing more than a cash bribe that the company pays the driver to falsify his time card by indicating that he took a lunch when in fact he worked off of the clock. The profit motive for UPS is obvious; if 9 drivers skip their lunch, that is one less route that is less package car to maintain and less full time driver to provide a benefit package for. I.E is more than happy to see drivers making lots of "bonus".


Well-Known Member
Where I'm at, bonus is paid time and a half and I will make any bet you want to on that! I have the proof if you want to give me your wager. You ever think that the world may be different than in your corner? Just because you have things a certain way in your center doesn't make it the rule for the rest of the world.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Bonus pays straight time only, not time and a half. Bonus hours do not count towards accrual of sick pay, vacations or pension contributions. Bonus is most certainly NOT in any contract, in fact it is nothing more than a cash bribe that the company pays the driver to falsify his time card by indicating that he took a lunch when in fact he worked off of the clock. The profit motive for UPS is obvious; if 9 drivers skip their lunch, that is one less route that is less package car to maintain and less full time driver to provide a benefit package for. I.E is more than happy to see drivers making lots of "bonus".

We have plenty of routes where you can walk and take a full hour of lunch and still make bonus. I do it just about every day. I'm usually somewhere between "-10 and -45 but have gone allot higher and definately allot lower. The drivers that you mentioned that are working off the clock are the ones that are ruining it for the rest of us. Bonus is a good thing if it is actually bonus. It's not bonus though when someone works an hour for free just to make an hour of bonus. That is just getting back the hour the driver screwed themselves out of. And if they don't run at least an hour under then they are really screwing themselves. Regardless....either way it screws the poor guys/gals that have to run those routes later.


Man of Great Wisdom
Bonus is time and a half. Only people that think it's not don't make bonus. Why would I work harder for straight time when I could work longer for time and a half. I would post my pay stub on here but I do not know how.


Runnin on Empty
Bonus is time and a half. Only people that think it's not don't make bonus. Why would I work harder for straight time when I could work longer for time and a half. I would post my pay stub on here but I do not know how.
I guess different areas of the country have different agreements about bonus. Here in Fla. bonus is paid as straight time. I try not to get any, I prefer overtime:surprised:
Bonus is time and a half. Only people that think it's not don't make bonus. Why would I work harder for straight time when I could work longer for time and a half. I would post my pay stub on here but I do not know how.
I believe you do get paid time and a half for bonus, where ever you are BrnMnstr. But I know for a fact that I do not.

The encouragement to run bonus (even at straight time) is that time is paid to you as you drive home from work. For some that isn't encouragement enough. I personally do not care if I get bonus, all I care about is getting paid for the time I put in and getting home to my Baby.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this applies to everyone but if you are a bonus center and you are code 05, I don't think you would get paid a bonus if you ran under. If you code 05 and don't record a lunch you would only be paid for hour worked, I think that is the way they do it. The way my trip works I run about 145 to 200 clicks under each day with working thru my lunch. I take a little break to eat, but I can't sit for a full hour. I have done it and I cant get remotivated. I know it is probably not the right thing to do, but it works for me.


Man of Great Wisdom
Longlunchguy, you said you don't make bonus, therefore you think it's straight time. Pick up the pace, make an hour bonus then look at your stub. It's not really a bonus anyway. You're not getting paid extra, just getting paid for the load but doing it in a shorter time span.