Oil reaching the Gulf Coast


golden ticket member
Obama is going to fight the only way he knows how.......gonna send suits & briefcases to handle the spill. Lawsuits....that's all the lawyers know. Bunch of idiots !


golden ticket member
Everybody is all over BP about not having an emergency plan for this accident that happened. Do any of the oil drillers in the ocean have a back up plan?? If they do, why haven't they come forward with ideas?? OR, are they just lucky that this accident hasn't happened to them?


Well-Known Member
I think the important new of the day is the split of Al and Tipper. Probably why most liberals have been absent today.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Everybody is all over BP about not having an emergency plan for this accident that happened. Do any of the oil drillers in the ocean have a back up plan?? If they do, why haven't they come forward with ideas?? OR, are they just lucky that this accident hasn't happened to them?

Maybe they need to take a page from the UPS Safety Committee handbook. Thye could plug the leak with 50 million pieces of paper that have the Eight Point Oil Spill Prevention Commentary written on them.


Strength through joy
What about Nigeria's oil spills?

By Steve Hynd
The Guardian's John Vidal wonders why there's so little notice taken in the West of Nigeria's oil spill disasters, which dwarf the Gulf leak in magnitude.
One report, compiled by WWF UK, the World Conservation Union and representatives from the Nigerian federal government and the Nigerian Conservation Foundation, calculated in 2006 that up to 1.5m tons of oil – 50 times the pollution unleashed in the Exxon Valdez tanker disaster in Alaska – has been spilled in the delta over the past half century.


Für Meno :)
The best bluppers of this thread. :

You are being just a bit of a drama queen don't ya think? I think Chernobyl would qualify as much worse on the environment. That enviornment may never be inhabited again. Also there are still buildings closed due to the Anthrax attack on the postal system a few years back and they may never reopen. It's possible some of these buildings may never be useful again either. If you are one to believe the global warming hype then ever time a rocket is launched into space would be worse. This may not even end up not even being the largest oil spill ever.
Still have that same opinion ?

Klein, again your numbers are off. The Exxon Valdez spilled 250,000 barrels of oil. We are spewing out 5,000 barrels a day. So it will take 50 days to equal the Valdez.
Hmmmm, think you were a bit off, too ???!!!!!

It may take more than 200 days. (to equal the Valdez).

source: London Times 4/26/2010
I think that proved to be wrong, too !

Uh,hate to break it to you Einstein, but hurricane season doesn`t occur till late summer or fall. Probably why Katrina didn`t ruin Memorial day for N.O.,huh.
My favorite one ! Hurricane season started officially June 1st (yesterday) !!!

Sure is funny, when you go back, ain`t it ....:funny:


golden ticket member
Obama wants to call James Cameron to take care of the Gulf Spill ?? He says he shot film underwater with Titanic and he thinks out of the box. OMG!

Why doesn't he just call Oprah to sit on it!


Well-Known Member
:biting:Does anyone believe the most powerful man in the world is doing everything he can do to deal with this problem ?
I would have immediately called in ALL of the oil company CEO'S. I would have informed them that it would be in their best interests to gather all of the world's experts to come up with a solution to this problem. Future oil drilling sites and who would get them would depend on what private company came up with the solution. Instead of doing something Odrama goes to a BBQ memorial day weekend in Chicago and tell us how angry he is ??? He is totally incompetant ----no LEADERSHIP ability whatsoever !!!!!
In UPS he would not even be able to handle a part time supervisors job !!! Even many Democrats are starting to see this lack of ability very clearly ---aka Carville, Maureen Dowd , Gregory etc !!!


Für Meno :)
Obama wants to call James Cameron to take care of the Gulf Spill ?? He says he shot film underwater with Titanic and he thinks out of the box. OMG!

Why doesn't he just call Oprah to sit on it!

:funny: LMAO, that comment deserves to go on a news or newspaper website !


Well-Known Member
Obama wants to call James Cameron to take care of the Gulf Spill ?? He says he shot film underwater with Titanic and he thinks out of the box. OMG!

Why doesn't he just call Oprah to sit on it!

We need more pictures...If oprah could operate a camera maybe he would send her.


And I just seen on my news here, that other countries that have offshore drilling, actually have regulated safety messures and valves etc, in place, to prevent that (leaks and spills) from ever happening.
But, in the US those safety standards are not a requirement.

Let's see how you Canadians handle BP. It looks like they are already destroying your environment as well except you are applauding their efforts.
