our so-called "safety committees"


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Dannyboy and Esty,
If you use Mozilla Firefox as your browser, it has a Spell Check built into it. Thats what catches most of my many mistakes. For everyone using Internet Explorer 7, there is a free spell-check program you can download at www.iespell.com . It will probably be found under "Tools"after it gets installed


From the promised LAND

I tried that last week, and all it did was hang up my computer. So either the link is wrong or there is something wrong with the site.

I have used the same format on other sites that had the same type spell check, and it worked there, but not here.



Well-Known Member
Where does it say we can greive a safety issue? That is news to me...

All I read in the contract regarding safety is that a safety needs to be formed and it is up to the company to correct any safety issues..

If I recall correctly when UPS accepted over 70 pounders, ups management was supposed to have a sheet in the morning identifying all of these packages and how many you would have so if you needed help to lift these you would know ahead of time.

I saw these sheet posted only a couple times and that was it. Any saftely committee people reading this? How come they aren't posted any more? Because UPS management simply gives a (&^%!

I agree safety team is a smokescreen that UPS is hiding behind!

Bottom line if even if you followed all the methods and you developed repeditive motion injury UPS would say you weren't following some method. Doesn't matter it will be your fault!

Have the safety commitee get on management regarding accessive workloads! Have IE attend these meetingis instead of hiding somewhere in the building all night, what a joke!......


From the promised LAND

If the committee is unable to resolve a safety and health concern and all steps of the Comprehensive Health and Safety Process (CHAP) have been exhausted, the issue will be subject to the grievance procedure

This has been posted three times already in this thread, once in the whole section dealing with safety committee. Where have you been?

If the company does not move on actual safety issues, then file.



Well-Known Member
One of the options for the Google tool bar is a spell checker. Works good in IE. I haven't tried it with other browsers. Anything to make me appear literate. :)


From the promised LAND

Literate is knowing the difference between write and right, there and thier, heard and herd, two, to, or too, etc etc etc. Spell check, well it makes it easier to read when you spell it right.:happy2:

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.


Well-Known Member
Safety Meeting attendance must be approved in advance in my center. The center manager has yet to approve anyone other than the co-chair. That’s right, the co-chair and a management person are the only attendees. I posted a picture of an ODS message a while back that basically said approval was required to attend safety meetings.

Not that it will make a difference but I do hope a Keter (spelling?) auditor grabs me to ask a few questions. I really would like to give an answer to “What does the safety committee do to promote a safe work place?”

“Observations”. The company uses a 1 year driver (the co-chair) to go out and observe drivers using or not using safe work methods. He reports his findings to management who in turn meets with the employee. Has any discipline come from these observations? I don’t know for sure. A previous post mentioned “safety committee members” giving warning letters. That remark could have come from their folks doing observations as well.

We were told last week that UPS employees average 43 injuries a day across the USA. That figure includes everyone, hourly and management. Do the math, that isn’t a bad number at all. Yes, one is too many.


From the promised LAND
Dude, then stand up for yourselves. The contract says that the hourly will select the cochair from the volunteers that would like to serve. And if done properly, that is what it is, a service to the other drivers. All you get is longer hours, little help, a lot of responsibility. What you get in return though makes it worth while, at least most times, the knowledge that you made a difference for the better.

But that is if it is run like it was here, it sounds like in most places it is just a shell game to the local people. Something they can show on paper they have in place, and a lot of people trying to get you to learn something by short term memory instead of behaviour change.

Shame, it could be something that could really benefit the safety picture at UPS instead of what it is now.


Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
“Observations”. The company uses a 1 year driver (the co-chair) to go out and observe drivers using or not using safe work methods. He reports his findings to management who in turn meets with the employee. Has any discipline come from these observations? I don’t know for sure. A previous post mentioned “safety committee members” giving warning letters. That remark could have come from their folks doing observations as well.

In response to observations.To me they are for mgt.As a safty member, I won't do anything that takes names for discipline...That's against the contract. If we audit something, it's not supposed to abuse individuals.It's only to help everyone cover thier safty ass...I'll tell the safty sups when I think thety are crossing the line because if I wanted a TIE, I would've put that letter in along time ago......No thankyou!


From the promised LAND
Good post Gas. That is the way it is here. When we do audits, they tell us who and where. We gather the data and report the data back to them, without names. All they get is the number and type of safety oberservations we notice, but not the names of those that did it. That does two things, it allows for the updating on training (because they can see what is not being done correctly) and protects the driver from being singled out for disipline.

Case in point, I deal with fish a lot. Sometimes I will have 10,000 or more fish here at the shop. I am interested in the health of the fish, both individually and herd health. When I do spot testing on the fish, I am not so much interested in what parasites that one fish might have so much as it is an indication of what the whole herd will end up having,

When I can document what issues I am dealing with, the whole herd gets the treatment, not just that one fish.

Now, if there is one or two fish that get injured or damaged, or even sick, I will single those out for more intense treatment.

And that in a nutshell is the UPS safety picture. THey are interested in herd health more than individual. But if they have consisitant issues with one or two drivers, they will and can single them out for more training and safety rides. And audits.

But never ever should what the hourly cochair documents be used in disiplinary action. If it is, the union will /should put a dead stop to it. That type of action is only warrented when a member of management personally can document the unsafe activity.



Well-Known Member
Sorry Spelling sucks
puncuation dont ever plan in seeing them in my posts
grammatical I have never seen or herd this word ever used it looks like to
me you may be a nit-picker
Employes = employees come on add a 'E' if I ment employer I would of spelled employer or something close to it most likely (UPS)

No not screwing with ya just Have a problem its called dyslexia most people can catch it and understand what I have posted
But people with High grammatical skills Like to put people who are dyslexic or dyslectic Down and try to make them feel bad by saying stuff like what you said

I don't mean any offense but next time you come acrossed something like this you may want to be a bit more sympathetic and send them a privet message
Sorry I'm a bit touchy about being called out on this subject but I will try and make it a bit more clear for everyone to read my posts
Again Sorry Everyone

I apologize. Like I said, I didn't mean any offense. I was just trying to tell you that I couldn't understand what you meant to write in your post. I probably should have addressed this with you in a private message, again that was my bad, sorry.

At the same time, you just stated that "Employes = employees come on add a 'E' if I ment employer I would of spelled employer or something close to it most likely (UPS)"

How would I (or anyone) know to add an "E". If I added a "R" it would become "Employer". Why would I choose an "E" over a "R"? I'm not a nit-picker and really don't care how you spell as long as there is no confusion about what you are trying to say, I was just pointing out that it was difficult. If you can spell "employer", why can't you spell employee?

Now, if you can tell me to add an "E" to "employes", why can't you just do it?

In all honesty, I thought you meant "employer" and it was just a typo.


I apologize. Like I said, I didn't mean any offense. I was just trying to tell you that I couldn't understand what you meant to write in your post. I probably should have addressed this with you in a private message, again that was my bad, sorry.

At the same time, you just stated that "Employes = employees come on add a 'E' if I ment employer I would of spelled employer or something close to it most likely (UPS)"

How would I (or anyone) know to add an "E". If I added a "R" it would become "Employer". Why would I choose an "E" over a "R"? I'm not a nit-picker and really don't care how you spell as long as there is no confusion about what you are trying to say, I was just pointing out that it was difficult. If you can spell "employer", why can't you spell employee?

Now, if you can tell me to add an "E" to "employes", why can't you just do it?

In all honesty, I thought you meant "employer" and it was just a typo.

Its No problem browniehound but lets put this to rest and I will try and give you a very simple answer
employer = UPS
employee = Me I'm a driver
employes =me and you together
up until the other day I had no idea that employee had 2 "E" but now I will never forget it thank you

like I said before I am dyslexic I have always been dyslexic
dyslexia doesn't just happen out of the blue and if it dose your most likely having a stroke (call 911)

I have all my life struggled with dyslexia and because of my dyslexia my reading and writing suffered alot
I have always avoided this kinda stuff forums and all
only recently in the pass 3 years did I decide to pick up a book and read it (The Lord of the Rings Harry Potter)

I hope that was Plain enough for you
because this post is way off topic and I would like to drop it
I down loaded the spell check that scratch recommended thank you sir


From the promised LAND
Hey Esty

It was not until I started posting on sites like this that I even learned about how to use computers, and to really want to work on my spelling and proper word usuage.

Congrats on facing your shortcommings and over coming! That spirit is what made this country great!



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I sometimes get TUI.
Typing under intoxication.
When that happens I usually quit typing.
I dont have the problem alot, but sometimes.
At that point spell check would not help.
Oh yeah, back on topic......
I got handed a 6 sheet thing to study for a ketter audit tomorrow.


From the promised LAND
Hey, thats extra money in the bank. They want you to study something, stay on the clock and study it. IF they refuse to pay you for the study time, then dont study. That simple.



I have seen things in the yard that would curl a safety persons hair, and they were there watching. It seems that its OK if no one get hurt and you move faster. I have not had the opportunity to attend a safety meeting. I would gladly take time from my full time job with the Military and attend a meeting........and speak my peace.


From the promised LAND

Come back safely.

Speaking of the action overseas, there have been too many "accidents" to our troops. I believe with the exception of roadside bombs, accidents are the leading cause of deaths there.

While I do realize that the driving and working conditions are very different than here, that is an appalling statistic.



Ive always found that to be a fascinating argument. On the one hand, they claim that "our hands are tied, we cannot modify the vehicle" by putting a grab rail on to keep the poor driver from falling on his ass....yet for some reason we CAN bolt a 5-ton trailer hitch to the frame, we CAN splice into the electrical system to install trailer brakes, we CAN retrofit a rear-view monitor, and we CAN install a DIVA. I guess its a matter of priorities....the safety of the driver, as usual, not being one of them.

I think you're getting to hung up on one issue. Theres more you can do. The training stuff you turn your nose up at can help teach your coworkers how to work safely.
The safety committe should be more then just you sitting in the office telling them what they need to fix.
You need to go out and help them fix it.
You can help your area quite a bit by helping to change behaviors and attitudes.