Part timers are the really big losers in the contract!


Well-Known Member
Really? Not based upon what I compared.

Not here to fight might need your advice one day.

Deductible $0
Out of pocket max $1000
Office visit $10
Surgery 100%
ER $25 copay
Ambulance 100%
Maternity 100% after 10 copay initial visit.

We pay 10% of lab/xray thats the only thing that ever cost me.

Take it easy on us part-time. You get to keep your great health care.
We are stuck with trust us it will be "close" to the same.
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Well-Known Member
Stink u have to realize most part timers don't use or care about the health insurance. Yes this is a huge deal to a few but overall wage is all that matters. That's why I really think if they want they should be allowed to opt out of healthcare for a flare wage. I've backed of a little how crappy I thought our wage "gain" were after u pointed out the total compensation numbers. What's the biggest issue for me now is a 4 year progression. With current part timers waiting so long to get to full time it's just not acceptable.
I disagree. Many people who come to work for UPS part time, are here for the benefits. These are people who work another job, who either don't offer benefits, or maybe too expensive to afford, or sub-par benefits compared to ours. Then you have those who don't care about benefits, usually the young college aged ones. They usually don't stick around long enough to even get benefits anyway, and if they do, they usually wind up as a PT supervisor lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm an older part timer(33). Been waiting on a fulltime spot for 6 years. I can say the 95% of the part time guys I've worked around don't use or care about there health insurance. They're in there early 20s. When you're young your body doesn't act up. No need for doctors visits. They hate the union dues also. They're not in it for the long haul. Just a quick check.

I value my insurance a great deal, and understand how important our union and dues are.


Well-Known Member
I work at a pretty good sized hub and from the last few years it seems that they are only hiring 18-20 year olds. I see a new group of between 5-7 of them every week (this goes back to the same reasoning others have mentioned in this thread: UPS strategically hires them because they won't stick around for the insurance, paid vacation, or pension). These 18-20 years olds are attracted to the job for the tuition assistance (up to $1,500 per semester) and the weekends off. The turnover rate is so high that it's hard to imagine. A good number of them quit before they reach seniority; a few quit once they start having to pay union initiation fees on top of union dues, which leaves them with paychecks up under $20-$25; and some quit the same day they receive their first tuition check. Years ago, I was one of the people who actually did want to work at UPS for the benefits. I started when I was 21 and never used them once until I was 26. Waiting to use the bennies was stupid on my part but probably not uncommon for the rare young bucks who do make it on the job for a year.
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Well-Known Member
Not here to fight might need your advice one day.

Deductible $0
Out of pocket max $1000
Office visit $10
Surgery 100%
ER $25 copay
Ambulance 100%
Maternity 100% after 10 copay initial visit.

We pay 10% of lab/xray thats the only thing that ever cost me.

Take it easy on us part-time. You get to keep your great health care.
We are stuck with trust us it will be "close" to the same.

That is not the plan I saw. It is not bad. Only difference is we have zero copay for office. Any perscription info? Eye? Dental?
Btw, wether or not you agree or disagree in conversation, I'm a steward first, I will always offer advice to the best of my knowledge to ANY employee that is in need.


Well-Known Member
That is not the plan I saw. It is not bad. Only difference is we have zero copay for office. Any perscription info? Eye? Dental?
Btw, wether or not you agree or disagree in conversation, I'm a steward first, I will always offer advice to the best of my knowledge to ANY employee that is in need.

To see the SPD you can Google
UPS National Health Plan for Part-Time Employees
This is the company plan that covers most of the Part Timers (90% or so)

Mail order long term drugs.
20% copay ($200 max) generic and brand name. Must pay difference for brand name if generic available
Retail short term drugs
25% copay ($200 max) generic and brand name. Must pay difference for brand name if generic available


Well-Known Member
Do you pay for medical? Do you even factor the cost into your wage. 3.5 hours a day for free bennies? In my local we only offer a family plan. UPS pays 17.64 per hour for health and welfare. So.....
Taco Bell UPS
8.50/hr. 10/11 hr.
Zero medical. 17.64 hr
8.50/hr. 27.64/hr

Go show this to your neighbors.

Slanging tacos for minimum wage for 4 hours a day for years doesn't leave you with arthritis, or gnawing, chronic joint pain. The probability of suffering permanent injuries is also much more prevalent at UPS than Taco Bell.

You're just full of terrible comparisons and analogies, aren't you? You can't eat health benefits, genius. You can't use them to buy groceries, or pay bills, rent, or fill up the gas tank. We have such good benefits because of how hard the job is. They're not a "bonus", and should never be looked at as such. Not at this job. We don't deserve those benefits because of the job we do. We've friend'ing EARNED them.

So when you stick your snout in the air, and yammer on with some hallowed talking point like, "Go show this contract to your neighbors", you undermine all of that by painting this picture that we're a bunch of pampered whiners.

Yeah, I'll go show my neighbors this contract. And when they start to point fingers about how good I have it in comparison to them, I'll also drag them into the feeder with me for a week, so they can watch me load at 650+ an hour EVERY day for 4 friend'ing HOURS, and chase it down with an hour and a half of bulk with just one other person, because management wants to run the area cheaply.

One week, and they can see all the harassment, and retaliation. One week so they can see how I have to work harder because someone with seniority is too lazy to pull their own damn weight.

And if my neighbors should still feel inclined to point their boney fingers at me while proudly waving their snout in the air (they won't)? I can then point out that I still have a full-time job I get to wake up to in the morning.

For everyone that might feel satisfied with this deal, or is still on the fence: we've EARNED a better proposal than the one on the table. Don't let anyone tell you differently.


Nine Lives
I work at a pretty good sized hub and from the last few years it seems that they are only hiring 18-20 year olds. I see a new group of between 5-7 of them every week (this goes back to the same reasoning others have mentioned in this thread: UPS strategically hires them because they won't stick around for the insurance, paid vacation, or pension). These 18-20 years olds are attracted to the job for the tuition assistance (up to $1,500 per semester) and the weekends off. The turnover rate is so high that it's hard to imagine. A good number of them quit before they reach seniority; a few quit once they start having to pay union initiation fees on top of union dues, which leaves them with paychecks up under $20-$25; and some quit the same day they receive their first tuition check. Years ago, I was one of the people who actually did want to work at UPS for the benefits. I started when I was 21 and never used them once until I was 26. Waiting to use the bennies was stupid on my part but probably not uncommon for the rare young bucks who do make it on the job for a year.

UPS has been hiring 18 -20 year olds for P/T positions since the 70's and probably before.
A part-time job was never meant to be a progression to a Full-time job as far as UPS has planned and tried to execute.
The Teamsters implemented and bargained for that and because of that, there are a lot of disillusioned P/T at UPS these days.
I remember these outcomes being discussed back in the early 80's and it has come to pass ... sometimes consultants do offer good advice and foresight.
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Well-Known Member
UPS has been hiring 18 -20 year olds for P/T positions since the 70's and probably before.
A part-time job was never meant to be a progression to a Full-time job as far as UPS has planned and tried to execute.
The Teamsters implemented and bargained for that and because of that, there are a lot of disillusioned P/T at UPS these days.
I remember these outcomes being discussed back in the early 80's and it has come to pass ... sometimes consultants do offer good advice and foresight.

Hoaxster, the progression of employees both PT and FT at UPS in my career went something like this:

PAST Part-time - Most part-timers were hired from college campuses back in the late 70's early 80's. Students who were simply looking for some extra money, etc.. As you mentioned.. 18-20 year olds. Even driver helpers back in the late 70's (I started in 1978) were often hired from college campuses. This is a period when part-timers started at around $8.00/hour and our progression rate was equal to that of a full-time driver. (now considered "red circled employees"). Because of the high rate of pay, a number of us did not leave UPS. I have several friends that actually have four year teaching degrees that stayed with UPS simply because the rate of pay was equal to or higher than what they would have received teaching. Most of these people eventually went into either full time management or full time driving. Progressing into full-time positions back in the 70's, 80's and even early 90's was relatively easy and quick.

PAST Full-time - Job openings for both full-time management and full-time driving jobs were plentiful. I have many friends that I started with back in 1978 that went into driving and management positions through the 80's and early 90's. You may be interested to know (considering your background) that I myself was being recruited for an IS position...(not interested in relocating to Mahwah NJ). I happen to be responsible for the first desktop computers in our center (1985)...and later a neighboring center. I wrote several of which was the predecessor to the S.T.A.R. (Sort Training and Retention) addition other planning programs. FYI...all done on the ancient Apple II+ computers...

Today - In the past 10 or so years since we've gone public, job progression (both hourly and management) has virtually come to a standstill and in some cases retracted. Our center for example has gone from slightly over 100 driving positions to around 75-80 positions in the last 5 years. Increased sizes in trucks and routes along with longer days for drivers (in addition to SurePost) has virtually blocked job progression. Drivers would either retire or go into management. Now we have "specialists" (being hired off the street) instead of experienced supervisors coming from the driving ranks. In our center(s), we have 12+ year part-time employees still waiting to go into full-time driving positions... (I have not seen any promotions into full-time management for over 5 years). Retirement has been delayed by many drivers because of the 2001 market crash (lost 401k money) issues, etc.


Well-Known Member
In my local the pension took such a hit they moved the retirement age from 55 back to 62. Which is why I'm a 6 year Pter. I probably would've been fulltime this year but guys can't retire without taking a huge penalty on they retirement check.


Well-Known Member
Do you pay for medical? Do you even factor the cost into your wage. 3.5 hours a day for free bennies? In my local we only offer a family plan. UPS pays 17.64 per hour for health and welfare. So.....
Taco Bell UPS
8.50/hr. 10/11 hr.
Zero medical. 17.64 hr
8.50/hr. 27.64/hr

Go show this to your neighbors.

Taco bell = Lifting a bag of tacos in a mostly environmental controlled setting.

Do you Factor in we do double the amount of work in the 3.5 that most people do in 8 hours?
Do you factor in that our bodies are getting destroyed twice as fast.
Do you factor in that MOST Companies pay Health Benefits for people? I don't Care what amount UPS / UNION pays per hour that is on the Bargaining people we pay a LOT of money to keep lower. Yes, I get Benefits for 3.5 hours, but I do double the work so I see no different than 7 hours a day work, and most pay benefits at 32 hours.
I would rather have this per hour being paid to me...


Well-Known Member
Was on vacation for a week. Started back loading monday on the twilight shift. I woke up sore and angry today. LOL All those carpet rolls! I earned my 35 dollars if I even got that much this place is so sad