Photo of the day


golden ticket member

Asteroid doing his handstand thing! You would be one heck of a bull rider if you stayed on while he was doing this!



Strength through joy

Woman allowed to wear colander in driver's license photo after appeal
BOSTON ( -- The Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles is allowing a Pastafarian woman to wear a colander in her driver’s license picture.
Lindsay Miller says she is a Pastafarian, also known as a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which is a secular religion that believes the existence of a "spaghetti monster" to be just as possible as the existence of God. So she filed an administrative appeal and was scheduled to attend an appeal in October about the matter, but it was postponed and the RMV has decided to let her wear the spaghetti strainer in her photo.

Miller said, "As a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I feel delighted that my Pastafarianism has been respected by the Massachusetts RMV. While I don't think the government can involve itself in matters of religion, I do hope this decision encourages my fellow Pastafarian Atheists to come out and express themselves as I have."