Presidential debates!! 2012


golden ticket member
Headlines on my Yahoo page read......."Obama Rattles Romney".
To me, Romney was un-rattle-able and Obama became frustrated with it !!


Been around the block a few times
It seemed like every time that Romney took Obama to task, Obama managed to avert the attention and change the subject. If he is not able to stand up for his actions or lack thereof then Obama is through.


Well-Known Member
More like "best 2 out of 3 falls with TV time remaining."

Ever noticed how American politics looks like........move along, nothing to see here.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That's what's so disturbing with some around here. They talk about "sympathizing with terrorists" and "apologizing for America". Factual history of action by this administration says otherwise.

OMG! You used the "T" word. Oh! That's because it was in quotes coming from right wingers!! There are those who feel the president can do no wrong and will elevate him to an untouchable level. Nixon was a president who thought he was untouchable but he had a press corp he was at war with. They did not let him or his White House staff get away with that. They helped create a set of checks and balance.

BO has free "reign" over the press. The press is the main reason his people can & will say anything to get him elected. It is also the reason that spinning the Libya terrorist act into outrage of a video was so telling. BOs White House think they can get away with anything if they spin it hard enough. Blaming the video is a perfect example of that and foreshadows the next 4 years.

The press no longer acts as a fact checker. This is a very dangerous imbalance of power. His followers are under a hypnotic spell. He can do no wrong. They will drink the kool-aid even if it destroys themselves and takes America along with it.

"The president began what I have called an apology tour—of going to various nations in the Middle East and criticizing America. I think they looked at that and saw weakness," Romney said.
"When the president said he was going to create daylight between ourselves and Israel, they noticed that as well," he added.

Romney also countered with emphasis on a potential nuclear weapons threat. "We're four years closer to a nuclear Iran," he said.
"The reason I call it an apology tour," he added, "is because you went to the Middle East and you flew to Egypt and to Saudi Arabia and to Turkey and Iraq. And by the way, you skipped Israel, our closest friend in the region."

Here is the clip of the Apology Tour. Very aptly named..... The first 24 seconds are the most telling.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Why Romney Won the Third Debate

Romney knew what the Chicago campaign strategy was. Their goal was to paint Romney as a war monger and someone itching to get America into another war, someone EXACTLY like Bush. They failed in their attempt.

Peace Through Strength and Accountability

Romney pointed out time and again that he wanted peace through strength. He did a great job of highlighting the "Apology Tour".

Romney Painted Himself As Presidential

Obama showed his Biden like quality of interrupting which does not play well with certain voters. BO talked down to Romney - "We now have ships called aircraft carriers and submarines". This is not presidential. BO continued to PERSONALLY attack Romney - Also not presidential. Romney made sure that he pointed this out to the American people. They will equate this to BO and how divided Congress is. Romney pointed out how he worked across the isle with 87% Democrats while he was governor. These are undisputed on the record facts that cannot be twisted by the Chicago campaign.

Libya A Non Issue
Libya was a key areas that BO was expecting a fight. He would have brought up how Romney was trying to politicize this. He could not attack Romney on this issue and now it will be hard to use it in his final campaign push because Romney did not make it an issue. At times, BO was visibly angry in his attacks on Romney.

In his closing statement (Romney), he was calm and confident and laid out his case.

Politicians vs Business Leaders

The difference between a politician and a business leader is stark. Politicians are so used to campaigning and fighting in the gutter that this becomes there means to any goal they have. Their biggest goal is to be re-elected. That goal starts the first day of their term.

A business leader knows that if he/she does not perform, they will be replaced. They know they have to work with the opposition to move the company or their operation or division forward. A true leader, does not point the finger to why he/she was not successful but he points to what actions they took to move toward the goal. A true leader makes goals clear and concise and simple to understand and then gets out of the way of the folks who need to implement the action plan. He is there to train, support and give guidance. A true leader holds his team accountable and makes replacements when necessary.

When things are not working, a real leader make course corrections and changes the action plans as often as needed to reach the goal.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
OMG! You used the "T" word. Oh! That's because it was in quotes coming from right wingers!! There are those who feel the president can do no wrong and will elevate him to an untouchable level. Nixon was a president who thought he was untouchable but he had a press corp he was at war with. They did not let him or his White House staff get away with that. They helped create a set of checks and balance.

BO has free "reign" over the press. The press is the main reason his people can & will say anything to get him elected. It is also the reason that spinning the Libya terrorist act into outrage of a video was so telling. BOs White House think they can get away with anything if they spin it hard enough. Blaming the video is a perfect example of that and foreshadows the next 4 years.

The press no longer acts as a fact checker. This is a very dangerous imbalance of power. His followers are under a hypnotic spell. He can do no wrong. They will drink the kool-aid even if it destroys themselves and takes America along with it.

"The president began what I have called an apology tour—of going to various nations in the Middle East and criticizing America. I think they looked at that and saw weakness," Romney said.
"When the president said he was going to create daylight between ourselves and Israel, they noticed that as well," he added.

Romney also countered with emphasis on a potential nuclear weapons threat. "We're four years closer to a nuclear Iran," he said.
"The reason I call it an apology tour," he added, "is because you went to the Middle East and you flew to Egypt and to Saudi Arabia and to Turkey and Iraq. And by the way, you skipped Israel, our closest friend in the region."

Here is the clip of the Apology Tour. Very aptly named..... The first 24 seconds are the most telling.

Excellent post Lifer!!!! Everyone (Left and Right) should be concerned when the Media is not doing their job. The Media has always leaned left but the last 4 years it has been out of control.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its amazing how the RIGHT WING comes out to say that last nights debate went well for Romney because ROMNEY looked presidential?

Really? Where? When he was getting owned on every subject? When he was studdering? When he AGREED with almost everything president Obama has done in the middle east?

Where did ROMNEY separate himself from OBAMAs foreign policy?

YOU know Romney lost when the best fox news and its talking heads can say is ROMNEY looked presidential. There isnt one thing that "they" can say that makes ROMNEY stand out.

I really enjoyed ROMNEY saying that SYRIA was IRANS path to the sea.... REALLY? has ROMNEY ever seen a map of the middle east??

How presidential is it when you dont even know what the middle east looks like?


Where is SYRIA the path to the sea for IRAN? On this alone, it shows how ROMNEY is no better than SARAH PALIN with facts.

