Presidential debates!! 2012

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I'll get beat up for this I know but oh well. I will not vote Obama this year no way no how. Don't care for Romney all that much either. One of my big problems with him is he is a Mormon. Before u bash me have u read the book of Mormon? Honestly the fact that anyone actually believes what is taught in this book is troubling. It's somewhat cultish if you ask me. With that said ill vote for Romney he knows business and can turn the economy around I believe. I don't care if you believe or don't believe or if u think aliens will all take us to the mother ship one day. None of that's means squat as far as running the country.

Everything in moderation - This is one of my cornerstone beliefs. - You might ask what does that have to do with this post or this thread. I believe that I should not judge you for what you believe. Moderation comes into play in dealing with extremes. I don't see your post as some sort of extreme view.

I try to base my views on observation. I know very little about Mormonism. BUT I have had the opportunity to work very closely (at UPS) with many Mormons and have observed that ALL had high integrity and a work ethic above reproach. None of these employees over a period of years ever gave me any reason to doubt my feelings.

Little Known Fact:
Ontario California, where my wife and I worked, for part of our careers, had a lot of 3rd party logistics in the area. She explained to me that Mormons ran and worked in most of the distribution centers. The Mormon Church runs huge warehouses of food and supplies for the local communities and understands the logistics involved in distribution. Hence, these were the businesses they chose to work at! My wife was in HR and Staffing and worked with warehouse managers. She told me the same thing, her observation was that Mormons had high ethical standards and a strong work ethic.

With all due respect and just my opinion...
I could care less what kind of religion any person espouses too. If you push your religion or your negative energy on me that is a different story! Compulsive or fanatical behavior can overtake all reasonable thought processes and actions. In essence, you become removed from what society deems is normal. You post fits my definition of normal. - Not that may mean a lot. I am definitely not an authority on the subject.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
All religions are cults bro, when you look at any of them from the outside they are all pretty weird with their various creation stories, imaginary friends, and magical fairylands. Mormonism isn't really any stranger, it's just newer. A majority of the population believes in the supernatural, so for the foreseeable future you might as well resign yourself to having elected leaders who believe there is an invisible man in the sky. I've made my peace with it.

In the strict sense of the definition of "cult" you are correct. However most people look at that word and think of sinister, evil or even demonic behavior. Your actual description above denotes a judgement based on the adjectives you use to describe the various "activities"; for example, weird, imaginary friends, and magical fairylands. Your definition of religion probably falls outside of what normal society would describe religion as. An ironic twist would be that those religious folks would make a judgement about you as well. Just like politics, religion can stir high emotion because of your value system.

Completely agree. I've thought about going into politics at some point but the fact that all I believe is we turn to dust when it's over means many people would immediately not vote for me.

People fear what they do not know. They do not know if you would try to force your views on them through the power of the elected office.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Good point, but assuming that to be the case look at all the trouble you have to go through just to maintain the facade; going to church every Sunday, leading public prayers, talking ad nauseum about your "faith" to a succession of interviewers and talk show hosts. I couldn't do it.

I would love to do it.... Then come out right after being elected and let everyone know the truth.


Well-Known Member
Some folks rightly point out how horrible Obama is and other folks rightly point out how horrible Romney is. My hope is that one day they will realize how correct the other viewpoint is and all agree!


Well-Known Member
When is comes to criticizing Jim Lehrer for his work on the debate broadcast, I think the American voters are the last who have grounds to complain when you look at the results of their handywork.

I mean, look at what the hell you give him to work with.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When is comes to criticizing Jim Lehrer for his work on the debate broadcast, I think the American voters are the last who have grounds to complain when you look at the results of their handywork.

I mean, look at what the hell you give him to work with.



Jim Lehrer's performance in pictures!







UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This is a real rough example of tax rate changes versus elimination of deductions. It assumes that there are no restrictions for your deductions (which there is) and every $ in deduction gets to come off your gross income. I am just trying to simplify this to a degree. I will also make the disclaimer that you need to get your tax professional involved for your own situation.

Here goes...

You make $100,000 - two tax rates - 40% = you owe $40K - 25% rate - you owe $25K

With No deductions - You owe $25K

At 40% tax rate you need $37,000 in deductions to get to $25,200 in taxes you owe

How many folks making $100K have $37K in deductions?

New example - same rates

You get a promotion or get to work overtime (because the economy is doing better now that Romney is President!!)

Add $50,000 to your income - now you make $150,000

At 25% tax rate you owe $37,500 an increase of $12,500 in taxes

At 40% tax rate you will need to have $55,500 in deductions to have taxes of $37,800

This just illustrates that dropping the tax rate is more effective at reducing your tax than having deductions.

To the wonks out there... this is just an illustration not an actual tax scenario. Nobody has really explained why dropping the rates is more effective especially for the middle and lower class. We have less deductions than the rich and it will put more money in your pocket to spend out in the economy creating jobs.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I like the Romney tax plan it moves us more in the area of a flat tax. Think of all the money the government could save on the IRS if u just simplify everything. The opposite side is CPA may not be all that desirable of job with less deductions and loop holes.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
For me, like most democrats, I was dissapointed with the presidents performance. Not because he was weak on substance, but weak in presentation.
He got spanked cause he thought he would be asked easy questions like he was used to getting from his lapdogs: Whats your favorite food, whats on you iPod, who is your favorite rap band, etc, etc, etc. Your Messiah got spanked cause he is used to getting his hand held all the time and not doing his job. HIS RECORD SUCKS!!!!!!!!

One of the things that I dont like about President Obama is his insistence on being a nice guy. He wants to be everyones friend AND HE JUST CANT.
A nice guy??? Put down your liberal crack pipe. He is only nice to his lapdogs and Loony Liberals.

He needed to come out with some fire in his voice and he fell flat. (Your pal Gore says it was the Denver air...LMAO!!!)

While he was great with this facts, (He said facts...BHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHHA!!!!!) he was weak in responding.
I thought he was a great speaker...what happened? No Telepromptor or was it not the easy questions he is used to?

My real problem was with Jim Lehrers performance, he might as well have not have been there. He lost control of the debate right from the start.
Your Messiah got an extra 4 mins...and he still sucked...and you blame Jim who is a Liberal...he gave him an extra 4 friggin mins. Your Messiah sucked and thats all there is to it...unless your believe your pal Gore.

Despite clear rules on speaking, he couldnt control either man and each ran over the time limits.
And again your Messiah got FOUR EXTRA MINS to show what a maroon he really is!!!!! BAHAHAHHAAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!

As for Romney, in the short run, he clearly wins the short run after the debate, but in the long run, what he said will cost him. His positions on taxes was completely false, and his explanation was nothing more than a play on words.
So says you...the same person who said Obama was going to clean Mitts clock in the debate...Like you and the liberal media are experts....BAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!

The president was absolutely correct in saying that a 20% cut in rate for the top 1% would punch a 5 trillon dollar hole in the revenue stream and IF NOT made up elsewhere, would add to the deficit. Romney wanted to talk about a hypothetical explanation that he would not add to the deficit, but what he WOULD NOT ADMIT was the actual breakdown of his tax plan that would end up hurting middle class americans.
There ya you feel much better after you drank the Kool-aid that you and Chris Mathews share...Yummy!!!!

He WILL NOT admit the deductions he will eliminate that will ultimately hurt middle class americans like the mortgage deduction, child tax credits, daycare deductions, uncovered health care costs, state sales taxes, rental property deductions, college tuition credits and workplace deductions like shoes, clothing, union dues, telephone, miles and such.
Slurp, slurp, slurp!!! Is it cherry or grape this time?

Instead, he just says he wont add to the deficit. Why wont he just admit these deductions will be eliminated?
Your Messiah said the GM bailout would not cost Americans a dime either...did you miss that one or is it over your head?

And, if he did, would you still vote for him? Seriously? If you knew that all of these deductions will be eliminated, and it hurt you financially, would you still vote for ROMNEY?
Seriously...since when have YOU been serious...Your really asking a serious question but yet your Messiah has LIED repeatedly yet your complaining about Mitt...seriously???? When you stop worshiping the ground Obama walks on then maybe people would take YOU seriously.

Id love to know.
When you point fingers then you better expect many more to be pointed right back at you. YOU LOVE TO KNOW....Bahahhahahahahaaahahaaaaa!!!!




Well-Known Member
You raise a good point as well and neither could I but then don't most politicians lead fake lives at some level already so what's one more element? Don't politicians say one thing to one audience, something else to another and then when confronted with the contradiction, they use some apologetic gymnastics to twist out of the situation?

Besides, how many christians sit in the pews on Sunday and the rest of the week conduct their lives in stark contrast to what Jesus actually taught? So how hard is it really to be a fake?
It's not what they say/mean for the present, it's what it means in the (fractal) bigger/global picture. In occult I don't think they practice such thing as just "love" exist, there is always an opposite force to it. Mock sacrifice for death means rebirth.
It's being done in a global scale now.


This is a real rough example of tax rate changes versus elimination of deductions. It assumes that there are no restrictions for your deductions (which there is) and every $ in deduction gets to come off your gross income. I am just trying to simplify this to a degree. I will also make the disclaimer that you need to get your tax professional involved for your own situation.

Here goes...

You make $100,000 - two tax rates - 40% = you owe $40K - 25% rate - you owe $25K

With No deductions - You owe $25K

At 40% tax rate you need $37,000 in deductions to get to $25,200 in taxes you owe

How many folks making $100K have $37K in deductions?

New example - same rates

You get a promotion or get to work overtime (because the economy is doing better now that Romney is President!!)

Add $50,000 to your income - now you make $150,000

At 25% tax rate you owe $37,500 an increase of $12,500 in taxes

At 40% tax rate you will need to have $55,500 in deductions to have taxes of $37,800

This just illustrates that dropping the tax rate is more effective at reducing your tax than having deductions.

To the wonks out there... this is just an illustration not an actual tax scenario. Nobody has really explained why dropping the rates is more effective especially for the middle and lower class. We have less deductions than the rich and it will put more money in your pocket to spend out in the economy creating jobs.

I think you just blew their mind.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
This is a real rough example of tax rate changes versus elimination of deductions. It assumes that there are no restrictions for your deductions (which there is) and every $ in deduction gets to come off your gross income. I am just trying to simplify this to a degree. I will also make the disclaimer that you need to get your tax professional involved for your own situation.

Here goes...

You make $100,000 - two tax rates - 40% = you owe $40K - 25% rate - you owe $25K

With No deductions - You owe $25K

At 40% tax rate you need $37,000 in deductions to get to $25,200 in taxes you owe

How many folks making $100K have $37K in deductions?

New example - same rates

You get a promotion or get to work overtime (because the economy is doing better now that Romney is President!!)

Add $50,000 to your income - now you make $150,000

At 25% tax rate you owe $37,500 an increase of $12,500 in taxes

At 40% tax rate you will need to have $55,500 in deductions to have taxes of $37,800

This just illustrates that dropping the tax rate is more effective at reducing your tax than having deductions.

To the wonks out there... this is just an illustration not an actual tax scenario. Nobody has really explained why dropping the rates is more effective especially for the middle and lower class. We have less deductions than the rich and it will put more money in your pocket to spend out in the economy creating jobs.

Simple indeed, and not really based on any Romney plan.

See if you can get them to write a 5 page tax plan, until then I think they are lying. Paul Ryan should be able to run it down for us average folk. I'll give him all the time in the world, well at least about a month.


Well-Known Member
Greatest thing about this 1st debate:

A huge audience--an estimated 67.2 million people--watched the first presidential debate
Wednesday night, according to ratings firm Nielsen.

The audience levels represents a 28 percent increase over viewership for the first debate
four years ago between Obama and McCain.

People who have been fed only the media's sound bites and opinions of Governor Romney,
and people who did not watch the RNC in Tampa, finally got to see first hand who this man is.

The other great thing they saw was President Obama finally challenged one-on-one,
not by a weak McCain, but a man who has a fresh vision for our recovery and future.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
As far as tax plans go... I think that we should go to a national sales tax and eliminate income taxes all together. Everything is computerized.

If you are rich - you are taxed based on what you spend.

If you deal in an illegal or cash business, anything you spend gets taxed -

If you make less than the poverty level and the working poor - You have a card and anything that is considered necessary to exist does not get taxed and you have an exemption based on how much you purchase. If you exceed that amount based on an IRS flag then you have to be interviewed and must explain or prove why you should need to continue getting assistance.

Romney had a great explanation for the liberal loons that want him to SPELL OUT ALL HIS POLICIES. He basically said that if it tells Congress what his guidelines are, they come up with the specifics. You tell someone (like obama does) it is my way or the highway and you will get very little done. Romney had a mostly Democratic Legislature but got things done because he set out guidelines and let his Democratic Legislature come up with the way to do it.

GUESS WHAT? THis IS WHAT A REAL LEADER DOES. This is what Mitt Romney did in MA. and the proven results are documented in the successful legislation and upward success that the most liberal state in the union had under his LEADERSHIP.

BO gets no respect because his talk does not match his actions. He tells the world that he is willing to listen to ALL ideas and then he does not meet with Republicans. He goes to the media and tells them that the Republicans are stonewalling him. Ba ha ha. Very little BO says matches what he actually does. How can you respect someone like this? The answer is, you can't.

Leaders bring people together not try to divide and conquer them.