Sad Sacks


Well-Known Member
Transgender rights as the top priority of the President? Has the Office of the President of the United States completely lost its sense? That sounds like an Extreme Left agenda, that doesn't serve the needs of the nation. Counterbalance it by including the Rights of the Unborn, and it might have a broader appeal...something both sides want, attached to something both sides find distasteful.
Rowe vs Wade is finished law. It you want to end abortion then address the reasons for which a woman seeks an abortion. The Catholic church will not stop abortion given the large number of legal abortions that are performed on Catholic woman. And rest assured while I dislike the life style of those people as long as they work hard pay taxes speak English and obey the law that's good enough because that's all they expect from the rest of us in return.


Well-Known Member
Dodd Frank was introduced in the summer of 2009 in an effort to rein in the big banks after the government had to either bail them out or nationalize them. The bill which included the creation of the Consumer Protection Bureau was signed into law the following year and despite all the pouting and crying the banks have no one to blame but themselves.
Again, Dodd and Frank were pressuring banks to make bad loans long before their Dodd Frank Bill became law. They are as responsible as anyone for the banking collapse.


Well-Known Member
Rowe vs Wade is finished law. It you want to end abortion then address the reasons for which a woman seeks an abortion. The Catholic church will not stop abortion given the large number of legal abortions that are performed on Catholic woman. And rest assured while I dislike the life style of those people as long as they work hard pay taxes speak English and obey the law that's good enough because that's all they expect from the rest of us in return.
It's murder.


Well-Known Member
It's murder.[/QUOT When it comes to ending abortion an important first step in that direction would be for the Catholic Church to cleanup it's own ranks first. One estimate that came out a few years ago stated the 42% of all legal abortions performed in this country are performed on Catholic women. Let's first see what the church can do to reduce those numbers before it try's to forcibly impose it's religious laws on the rest of the nation.


Well-Known Member
I'm not Catholic, it's murder. A genocide like no other.
Roe vs. Wade was decided 43 years ago. It's not going away. If the Catholic Church cannot make it'a own members compliant neither will Congress because they know that trying to override Roe vs. Wade would cost the GOP it's Congressional majority of decades to come. Time to figure out a way to feed clothe house and educate the 3 billion more people who will occupy this small and resource limited planet by the year 2050.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, what does the Catholic Church have to do with a woman's right to choose to have an abortion? As a Catholic, I don't see where it is the church's business what a woman does or doesn't do to her body.

For the record, I don't believe in abortion when other options exist and I do think a fetus is a living being at the point of conception but I'm also not naive as to believe there are not extenuating circumstances in which abortion should be considered as an option.