Seat Belt useage.........


Well-Known Member
Terminated - Failure to follow safety methods.

Better reread the contract there buddy. Failure to follow safety methods isn't a cardinal infraction. Neither is failure to wear your seatbelt.

Here they always threaten or try to fire someone if they are caught without their seat belt. It isn't a cardinal infraction and therefore the contractual disciplinary procedure must be used.

Pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in my dad's gas station/towing service, I witnessed the importance of seatbelts at a very young age. Later working as a police officer I witnessed death and serious injury due to folks NOT wearing a seatbelt. Seatbelts saved me from serious injury when I found myself involved in a high speed chase and struck a utility pole.

If you ride with me you will wear a seatbelt.


Pineapple King
It is wrong to not wear a seatbelt. It is also wrong for UPS to make a business decision that the life of its driver is not worth the extra $30 it would have cost to equip its pre-1996 pkg cars with shoulder belts.When I sit in a P-500, I can lean forward and touch my face against the windshield. The P-500 was designed to allow the drivers head to go thru the windshield in the event of a head-on collision, so it really wont matter if if I'm wearing my lap belt or not--they will be scraping my brains off of the hood. I suppose its OK, the important thing here is for UPS to be able to document that I could recite my Ten Point Commentary before they bury me.
Yes your head may go through the windshield:knockedout:, but you should not be ejected from the vehicle in a accident.


Pineapple King
On a somewhat related matter............has anyone ever noticed the sticker on the inside of the doors that says "do not operate this vehicle with the doors open"? Can you imagine having to drive around in the middle of summer with the doors closed? That Thanksgiving turkey would have nothing on you!

Seatbelts are probably the most safety-minded things in these vehicles. Their use should be a no-brainer. I will agree with soberups that the 3-point system should be mandatory in all UPS vehicles. That should also be a no-brainer. Need I say more?
From what I've been told is company policy states that you drive to and from your area with your door closed. Summer or Winter.


Well-Known Member
Years ago when I was going through driving school, they showed us some pictures of a package car that had rolled. The truck was in two pieces. The walls and roof of the truck had come off and was sitting by itself while the floor, cab and frame sat off to the side. It looked so strange with just the drivers seat sticking up.

Every time I have to drive a Freightliner with the shoulder belt, I think about that picture. I think about what would happen if I rolled the truck and the walls came off with the shoulder belt attached to the wall. Which would give first, the bolt that holds the belt to the wall or the seatbelt strap or the part that clicks the belts together?

I have seen some trucks that have a bar attached to the back of the driver's seat that the shoulder belt attaches to and to me that would seem to be the safest way to have a shoulder seat belt attached to the truck.


Outa browns on 04/30/09
While driving home this afternoon, noticed a 700 pull out of a driveway, stopped at the stopsign, then pulled out onto the road. The driver was not wearing the seatbelt.

Got me to thinking. What happens to a driver when the district safety sup is watching when you ride around without your seat belt.

The last contract I looked at would make it very tough for you to get your job back if they did fire the driver. And if it did go before the arbitrator, you would lose.

Why is it that drivers do not wear their seat belts.

I certainly do not understand why a driver would choose not to wear a seat belt. Only if it wasn't working, but I still wouldn't drive without it, I would call and get another vehicle or have it fixed.

BTW we had a driver terminated a couple of weeks ago because he was observed not wearing his seat belt by distric tpeople who were here checking up on things. He did get his job back after less than a week I believe it was.



Outa browns on 04/30/09
On a somewhat related matter............has anyone ever noticed the sticker on the inside of the doors that says "do not operate this vehicle with the doors open"? Can you imagine having to drive around in the middle of summer with the doors closed? That Thanksgiving turkey would have nothing on you!

Seatbelts are probably the most safety-minded things in these vehicles. Their use should be a no-brainer. I will agree with soberups that the 3-point system should be mandatory in all UPS vehicles. That should also be a no-brainer. Need I say more?

I've seen that!!! I think they remove them right away, I can't find one now, nobody else in my center ever saw it. I'm glad to know I wasn't hallucinating, and I keep the driver's side door shut as much as I can stand for that reason.


Well-Known Member
From what I've been told is company policy states that you drive to and from your area with your door closed. Summer or Winter.

Its funny you mention this, becuase I drive with the doors closed whenever possible on the highway. Its not that I'm afraid to leave them open. I wish I could leave them both open 12 months of the year.

The problem I face is getting dust in my eyes. This becomes very frustrating when you have to cover one eye while driving 65 MPH, and I aslo get nervous from this lack of visbilty.

This maybe just a problem for a small minority. I have very sensitive eyes, nose, and throat. During pollen season I could break out into a 30 second sneezing fit that would distract me terribly from the task at hand.

So, when driving on the highway I always keep the passenger side door shut. I also keep my door shut when possible but it becomes difficult in June, July, and August. I sometimes avoid the highway all together when possible so I can pull over safely if I have a sneezing fit.

This allergy really hinders me from practicing some of the 5 seeing habits. If I left my doors open I probably couldn't "get the big picture", "keep my eyes moving", and "make sure they see you". With my eyes and nose swelled up, I would be focused on this instead of the road.

So, with all that said, I sweat my but off in the name of being safe, and when I read from Danny that he witnessed a UPS driver not wearing a seatbelt, I just can't believe it! I think it should be at least a suspension for a first offense.

Sorry for the rant,
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Well-Known Member
HMMMMM, I have never heard this before.

Certainly never heard of it being enforced. They'd be :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2:ing nuts in 110 degree weather!!

Only time I close the driver side door in hot weather will be if it's really windy. When driving through crosswinds it feels like getting hit in the face with a pillow over and over again. Doesn't hurt, but it's really annoying:biting:

old brown shoe

30 year driver
If you know the driver you should pull them aside and let them know what you saw. Tell them how important it is to have it on for their safety and to keep their job.


Strength through joy
From what I've been told is company policy states that you drive to and from your area with your door closed. Summer or Winter.
You have never driven a P32 , those things pump more exhaust into the cabs than out of the tailpipe. I only close the door for highway driving and for very hard rain.
Now the bulkhead door does have to be secured, per order of Homeland Security.


Pineapple King
You have never driven a P32 , those things pump more exhaust into the cabs than out of the tailpipe. I only close the door for highway driving and for very hard rain.
Now the bulkhead door does have to be secured, per order of Homeland Security.
I never said I do it or that it is enforced,I'm just saying that every supervisor in 20 years I've had on the car with me for OJS rides has told this too me.


free at last.......
Just thinking......(boy, that's going to get me in trouble)...............

They control your day with the PAS/EDD system, they have the GPS system in the DIAD, sensors on everything in the car. I can't believe that they don't have an automatic seatbelt system installed. I had an 88 Ford that had that (actually, it was kind of annoying).

If everything being done is to keep us from thinking on our own, how can they expect us to "think" about wearing a seatbelt?


Well-Known Member
Better reread the contract there buddy. Failure to follow safety methods isn't a cardinal infraction. Neither is failure to wear your seatbelt.

Here they always threaten or try to fire someone if they are caught without their seat belt. It isn't a cardinal infraction and therefore the contractual disciplinary procedure must be used.

Pretty simple.

I'd have to disagree here. "Failure to follow safety methods isn't a cardinal infraction?".

In Article 17-Discharge or Suspensions in the Central Region Supplement of the National Master United Parcel Service Agreement, part (i) states:

"other serious offenses"

Every since this was inserted into this article, the company has interpreted this to apply to almost ANYTHING! Sure, this language should be eliminated or narrowed down some but the point is, "other serious offenses" could certainly and have been interpreted to mean "Failure to follow safety methods".
"Not following direction", "Insubordination", "Unsafe worker", I can think of many ways the company can terminate you for not wearing your seat belt, that is, many terms they can use to fire you.

Also, is not mandatory seat beat use state law now in most if not all states? The Federal Government pinched states some time ago "urging" them to adopt this law or have federal funding cut off for roads or other projects. Could we be fired for not following state law? You answer that.

Somthing so simple to do and comply with, besides possibly saving your life, is a no-brainer for me to keep my job and not go through a termination and grievance process.


I think Old Brown Shoe hit the nail on the head, We must look out for each other. Take the person aside and reinterate the safety issue, and the idea that someone may see you that has other motives.