Speaker Johnson, Another Man Of Integrity

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Do you think there should be a criminal charge investigation relating to the Democrat who made a gay sex tape in the Senate building?
Oh DIDO go ask your mom if you can have your meds a little early today. You’re falling farther and farther into the MAGA hole
How much money you giving orange Jesus
Do you think there should be a criminal charge investigation relating to the Democrat who made a gay sex tape in the Senate building, @burrheadd ?
Absolutely if you’ve got proof put him on trial

The proof was distributed by the perpetrator himself.


Inordinately Right
Absolutely if you’ve got proof put him on trial
It's on video.

Do you find it problematic that you live so far down in a hole of leftism that you haven't heard about this?



Inordinately Right
I’ve been dealing something way more important tonight
5 year old twin grand daughters first dance recital
Sometimes you gotta give it a break
You came to the current events forum and said I needed to be on meds because this didn't happen.

Now that you realize it did and you put your ignorance on display you're running away embarrassed.

Okay buddy,I didn't expect you to be a big enough man to apologize. Have a nice night.


You came to the current events forum and said I needed to be on meds because this didn't happen.

Now that you realize it did and you put your ignorance on display you're running away embarrassed.

Okay buddy, run along now.
Must have struck a nerve
You know I only come over here to get thumbs downed


Inordinately Right
This is a great example of how the Democrat run media controls people.

This guy knew absolutely nothing about the recent disgusting degeneracy within the Democrat party. Not only that, when he heard about it, he called the people who told him about it that they were crazy.

Why? Because he didn't hear about it from his preferred media. They are the arbiters of truth for these voters. They decide what he believes.