Supervisors running through break and "forgetting" to tell me about my break


bella amicizia
I use to turn off the belt and call break.(preload) I went upstairs a couple of times over it, but just keep repeating Dept of Labor and OSHA( just because) and they leave you alone. Don't forget to always call the 800# if you feel harassed.


Well-Known Member
Where I am all the belts shut off an everything goes kind of silent. One other guy that I used to work with had both worked through break before and we each got two 10 minute breaks at different times. They have to give you either the option for the break or 10 paid minutes from what I understand. Bring the contract in and show them that.


Where I am all the belts shut off an everything goes kind of silent. One other guy that I used to work with had both worked through break before and we each got two 10 minute breaks at different times. They have to give you either the option for the break or 10 paid minutes from what I understand. Bring the contract in and show them that.

Hah, no. The 10 minutes are paid whether you take it or not. the union in reality should grieve the company for any time an hourly works through a break.


bella amicizia
Where I am all the belts shut off an everything goes kind of silent. One other guy that I used to work with had both worked through break before and we each got two 10 minute breaks at different times. They have to give you either the option for the break or 10 paid minutes from what I understand. Bring the contract in and show them that.

A break is just that. A break. Considering how hard preload is, you need it. If you don't take it, you are donating to UPS. Since when is UPS a charity that needs 10 min. from you? All else fails, sitting by the timeclock for your break at the end of the shift works in a pinch. Its not right, but gets the message through.


Well-Known Member
A break is just that. A break. Considering how hard preload is, you need it. If you don't take it, you are donating to UPS. Since when is UPS a charity that needs 10 min. from you? All else fails, sitting by the timeclock for your break at the end of the shift works in a pinch. Its not right, but gets the message through.

yeah those whopping 3 hours shifts really wear you down...


bella amicizia
Its hard to tell when you are sitting at your computer playing internet poker, ********.
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