Tea Party


Well-Known Member
The 10 commandments are carved into the facade of the Supreme Court. One could easily write an entire book challenging the view that the US is a "secular project." A David Barton who founded "Wallbuilders," has made this his career. He has some good materials to offer, but unfortunately, I believe, he errs on the other side and makes our past more Christian than it really was.


Staff member
I very rarely say gd in those situations, I tend towards mf. Either way it doesn't prove anything beyond the fact that cursing is learned behavior and the words you use are irrelevant. You're not literally calling on god to damn the hammer that just hit your thumb, it's just an expression of emotion.

Unfortunately, Jones, that would be EXACTLY what you are doing.
Maybe that's what you're doing, I can you assure that I'm not. If I say "goddammit" I'm just mad about something and using a colloquial phrase to express that.

Yes, I would hit you with a hammer. "If I had a hammer", lol.
I'm staying far away from you.....


Staff member
I curse simply because I like to. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's an explosion of rage, sometimes it's just completely nonsensical. And I call myself a Christian? Yeah. I don't call myself a "good Christian" or a "bad Christian". I'll leave that to another to decide.


I started this.
Staff member
Please note that air_dr requested the complete text of Article 1 Section 8 be added to the original post.
Hey, I have a general question... It's a legal question... maybe someone can help me...
There are some who say congress can only pass the types of laws that are directly related to the powers it is given in Article 1 Section 8:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imports and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; [Altered by Amendment XVI "Income tax".]
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Now my question, or questions...Where above is the constitutional provision for FEMA (Federal Emergency management), how about the Centers for Disease Control, what about the National Weather Service, and the National Park Service, and also the legal basis to allow for the aquisition of new territories such as Alaska. Are all these things perhaps unconstitutional? This is first and foremost a legal question that needs to be addressed legally...But I would like some tea partier to tell me if his ideology, in his mind, means that the federal government cannot have an agency to warn people of approaching danger (tornado), help in the aftermath, or take action in the event of a disease epedemic. Also, in an ironic way, Yellowstone Park, an icon of Americana becomes uncontitutional, as does Pres. Fillmore's purchase of Alaska. Palin's home state. What does that say about Palin's citizenship. Now there's one for the birthers to contemplate!

bham brown

Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's been said already but I have to say it again... If you are a Tea Party member and a Union member then you are an absolute maroon. If, and that's a big if, a TP member were elected then they would do everything in their power to abolish unions.. How would you like the workin for the Brown Machine then? Oh that's right, you wouldn't be, you would be fired and replaced with cheap labor.. You think the Tea Party will worry at all that they just took your livelihood from you? Definitely not since they are comprised of elitest Republicans who have strayed way too far from reality..any TP member who isn't a multimillionaire is a little bit confused.. Any Union member who is a TP member has lost sight of reality..

Gingerbread Man

New Member
You know what's gonna happen? The neo-cons will pretend to support the TEA party just to hijack a populist movement and get elected. Then it'll be the Bush administration part 3.

They're not going to go after unions. Not private sector unions anyway. It's political suicide and they know it. They will focus on other issues.

Sure, the unions won't get any special favors, nor should they, since they donate all their money to communists like Zero.

If there was an actual "Tea party" president who didn't just fake it to get elected, it would actually be beneficial to the unions because a TEA party candidate would immediately stop all of these economy-killing policies of excessive spending and taxing employers out of business. A true-to-his-word Tea Party member would declare war on the "Made in China" label long before he'd declare war on unions. After all, a union job is still a JOB.

The only candidate who is truly in line with the Tea party is Ron Paul. And his foreign policy would be even more chicken-**** white-flag waving than Obama PRETENDED to be during his campaign. Ron Paul wants an immediate end to the wars and has opposed them from the onset. And it's not like we'd lose some jobs in the bomb-manufacturing industry because everything is made in China anyway.


golden ticket member
FE, Ging and Bham......are you 3 direct representatives of Hoffa sent to "take out those sons of bitches"?? That's some scary stuff!! :happy2:


You know what's gonna happen? The neo-cons will pretend to support the TEA party just to hijack a populist movement and get elected. Then it'll be the Bush administration part 3.

They're not going to go after unions. Not private sector unions anyway. It's political suicide and they know it. They will focus on other issues.

Sure, the unions won't get any special favors, nor should they, since they donate all their money to communists like Zero.

If there was an actual "Tea party" president who didn't just fake it to get elected, it would actually be beneficial to the unions because a TEA party candidate would immediately stop all of these economy-killing policies of excessive spending and taxing employers out of business. A true-to-his-word Tea Party member would declare war on the "Made in China" label long before he'd declare war on unions. After all, a union job is still a JOB.

The only candidate who is truly in line with the Tea party is Ron Paul. And his foreign policy would be even more chicken-**** white-flag waving than Obama PRETENDED to be during his campaign. Ron Paul wants an immediate end to the wars and has opposed them from the onset. And it's not like we'd lose some jobs in the bomb-manufacturing industry because everything is made in China anyway.

There are hundreds of companies getting filthy rich U.S. and worldwide, with the gov't spending in "wars", so that doesn't float with me.


Well-Known Member
You know what's gonna happen? The neo-cons will pretend to support the TEA party just to hijack a populist movement and get elected. Then it'll be the Bush administration part 3.

They're not going to go after unions. Not private sector unions anyway. It's political suicide and they know it. They will focus on other issues.

Sure, the unions won't get any special favors, nor should they, since they donate all their money to communists like Zero.

If there was an actual "Tea party" president who didn't just fake it to get elected, it would actually be beneficial to the unions because a TEA party candidate would immediately stop all of these economy-killing policies of excessive spending and taxing employers out of business. A true-to-his-word Tea Party member would declare war on the "Made in China" label long before he'd declare war on unions. After all, a union job is still a JOB.

The only candidate who is truly in line with the Tea party is Ron Paul. And his foreign policy would be even more chicken-**** white-flag waving than Obama PRETENDED to be during his campaign. Ron Paul wants an immediate end to the wars and has opposed them from the onset. And it's not like we'd lose some jobs in the bomb-manufacturing industry because everything is made in China anyway.

"Theyre not going to go after unions"?? Oh really??? Have you looked what they have been trying to do in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Florida?? These yahoos have no problem going after working people. Incredible. It is ok for huge multi national corps like ExxonMobil etc to get subsidies and tax breaks, etc but its also ok if their brother in law has his pension cut and his wages cut and have to pay thousands more for his health care!!

"Not private sector unions"??? Are you kidding me??? They would love UPS to look like Fedex. Their wacko tea party compatriots in Congress blocked legislation from passing that would have treated Fedex like UPS and labelled them a trucking company , etc. Fedex paid good money to buy those votes. They would go after unions ina heart beat because that currently is the life blood and activist base of the Dem party.

"Donate all their money to communists"??? Communists??? Hello, where were you in 1989?? Ever read about the fall of communism. Unions give most of their $ to the other party of business, the Dem party. They talk a good game at election time to labor, but most of the time they too are on the phone dialing for corp dollars.

"Economy-killing policies if excessive spending and taxing employers out of business"?? LOL Taxes are at all time lows especially for the rich and wealthy and big business. Actual tax rate on corporations are lower than most industrial nations. The rich and powerful got an extension of their Bush tax giveaways and did nothing with them . They are sitting on over $2 TRILLION in cash. It is not Obama who is the blame for the high unemployment. It is these greedy corporations that are squeezing us , getting more productivty out of us, while not hiring anybody in years. Keeping us out til 9-930, ignoring 9.5 regs.

Got to love Ron paul on his foriegn policy though. He states things most repubs never hear about: over 900 military bases in over 130 nations. Stating the reasons bin laden and co attacked us , etc. He makes the righful distinction between military and defense spending. I love it!!


Well-Known Member
You know what's gonna happen? The neo-cons will pretend to support the TEA party just to hijack a populist movement and get elected. Then it'll be the Bush administration part 3.

They're not going to go after unions. Not private sector unions anyway. It's political suicide and they know it. They will focus on other issues.

Sure, the unions won't get any special favors, nor should they, since they donate all their money to communists like Zero.

If there was an actual "Tea party" president who didn't just fake it to get elected, it would actually be beneficial to the unions because a TEA party candidate would immediately stop all of these economy-killing policies of excessive spending and taxing employers out of business. A true-to-his-word Tea Party member would declare war on the "Made in China" label long before he'd declare war on unions. After all, a union job is still a JOB.

The only candidate who is truly in line with the Tea party is Ron Paul. And his foreign policy would be even more chicken-**** white-flag waving than Obama PRETENDED to be during his campaign. Ron Paul wants an immediate end to the wars and has opposed them from the onset. And it's not like we'd lose some jobs in the bomb-manufacturing industry because everything is made in China anyway.

In sum, the "Tea Partiers" are just the ol republiklan base rebranded to look like a populist movement. In reality it is funded by rich tycoons like the Koch brothers to sponsor "rallies" and now the corporate media are in love with them. But remember these M tea party nuts also pushed the "birther" nonsense, and call him a secret communist, islamofascist terrorist who hates America!! LOL!! In truth they are useful idiots following the marching orders of their corporate sponsors ("This tea party moment brought to you be Exxon mobil").They are either blind or too dumb to realize they are being used!! Time for these ol republiklan wing nuts to wake up to some realiTEA!!


My Senior Picture
You know what's gonna happen? The neo-cons will pretend to support the TEA party just to hijack a populist movement and get elected. Then it'll be the Bush administration part 3.

They're not going to go after unions. Not private sector unions anyway. It's political suicide and they know it. They will focus on other issues.

Sure, the unions won't get any special favors, nor should they, since they donate all their money to communists like Zero.

If there was an actual "Tea party" president who didn't just fake it to get elected, it would actually be beneficial to the unions because a TEA party candidate would immediately stop all of these economy-killing policies of excessive spending and taxing employers out of business. A true-to-his-word Tea Party member would declare war on the "Made in China" label long before he'd declare war on unions. After all, a union job is still a JOB.

The only candidate who is truly in line with the Tea party is Ron Paul. And his foreign policy would be even more chicken-**** white-flag waving than Obama PRETENDED to be during his campaign. Ron Paul wants an immediate end to the wars and has opposed them from the onset. And it's not like we'd lose some jobs in the bomb-manufacturing industry because everything is made in China anyway.

"Theyre not going to go after unions"?? Oh really??? Have you looked what they have been trying to do in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Florida?? These yahoos have no problem going after working people. Incredible. It is ok for huge multi national corps like ExxonMobil etc to get subsidies and tax breaks, etc but its also ok if their brother in law has his pension cut and his wages cut and have to pay thousands more for his health care!!

"Not private sector unions"??? Are you kidding me??? They would love UPS to look like Fedex. Their wacko tea party compatriots in Congress blocked legislation from passing that would have treated Fedex like UPS and labelled them a trucking company , etc. Fedex paid good money to buy those votes. They would go after unions ina heart beat because that currently is the life blood and activist base of the Dem party.

"Donate all their money to communists"??? Communists??? Hello, where were you in 1989?? Ever read about the fall of communism. Unions give most of their $ to the other party of business, the Dem party. They talk a good game at election time to labor, but most of the time they too are on the phone dialing for corp dollars.

"Economy-killing policies if excessive spending and taxing employers out of business"?? LOL Taxes are at all time lows especially for the rich and wealthy and big business. Actual tax rate on corporations are lower than most industrial nations. The rich and powerful got an extension of their Bush tax giveaways and did nothing with them . They are sitting on over $2 TRILLION in cash. It is not Obama who is the blame for the high unemployment. It is these greedy corporations that are squeezing us , getting more productivty out of us, while not hiring anybody in years. Keeping us out til 9-930, ignoring 9.5 regs.

Got to love Ron paul on his foriegn policy though. He states things most repubs never hear about: over 900 military bases in over 130 nations. Stating the reasons bin laden and co attacked us , etc. He makes the righful distinction between military and defense spending. I love it!!

Who the hell is Ron Paul anyway???
You two brain surgeons would seem much more credible if you learned his real name.
Rand Paul!!!